York Explore Library
Thu 13 Dec :
6.45pm – 7.45pm :
Poets from the York Stanza strut their stuff.
Started eight years ago by Carole Bromley, the York Stanza (part of a network of local groups under the umbrella of the Poetry Society) now has sixty members who between them have carried off most of the country’s poetry prizes.
A range of poets will read and perform their work. Readers will include Carole Bromley, Richard Carpenter, Phil Connolly, Mary Ann Dearlove, Nick Boreham, Jenny Hill, Andy Humphrey, Nairn Kennedy, Patrick Lodge, Mary Matusz , Rob Miles, Stuart Pickford and Hannah Stone
Come along and join us for a pre-Christmas celebration.
For more information please call the library on (01904) 552828 or york@exploreyork.org.uk.