The number of patients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust has crept up to 10. There is still one patient in intensive care.
The have been no further COVID deaths. However the death toll in other parts of the country is now creeping up again. There were 13 deaths reported today.
Unlike the positive test result profile (which is overwhelmingly recording infections in under 40’s), it is the older age groups who are still vulnerable to serious illness. Of the 13 recorded deaths, 3 were in the 40 – 59 age group, 4 in the 60 – 79 group while 6 were aged over 80.
Test results
146 positive test results announced today. Brings total up to 13.803
There has been an increase of 71 cases in York (507 up to 578)
The infection rate /100k population is now 274.44. It is trending to reach 350.89.
The highest infection rate recorded in the autumn surge was 442.53 (16/10/20)
The highest in the winter peak was 670.91 (8/1/21)
Tang Hall has recorded its highest ever case load total exceeding both the autumn and winter peaks.
There has been a small drop in case numbers at Heslington but it remains one of the neighbourhoods with the highest infection rates in the country.
Although the Council haven’t released any updated figures, we understand that large numbers of children in some schools have been sent home to isolate following positive test results in their “bubble”.
York University hasn’t updated its web site since Friday when it recorded that 258 staff and students were self isolating following positive tests.
A record breaking 2899 vaccinations were recorded yesterday. The figure may have been boosted by the, no appointment needed, “grab a jab” initiative which was operating at some surgeries.
6987 PCR tests were undertaken during the week ending 25th June 2021.
Of these, 8.1% were found to be positive. That is significantly higher that the positivity rate of 7.1% found during the previous period. NB. At the beginning of the month the positivity rate as as low as 1.2%
2152 “lateral flow” tests were also conducted on 29th June 2021
Good to see that the nettles which were overgoing the public footpath on Foxwood Lane have been cut back by the Council. The weeds had been reported for attention following an incident when a passing toddler was badly stung.
Cllr Sinmon Daubeney tells us that the next round of weed killing in local gutters will commence on 1st July. It may take around 3 weeks to complete the whole City.
This is useful information for residents to have and could usefully be added to the Councils social media channels along with progress reports on grass cutting, pothole filling, waste collection and other local public services.
Foxwood Park wildflower meadow
The meadow wild flowers that were planted by local residents association volunteers last year are now blooming in the Foxwood Park. They make a useful contribution to the areas pollinator strategy.
Ashbourne Way, Thoresby Road and Ashford Place
We’ve asked the Council to sweep the gutters in Asbourne Way, remove litter for an area in Thoresby Road and fill in a long standing pothole in Ashford Place
We were pleased to see that some public service in the Westfield area have improved over the last 7 days.
The Council have responded promptly to reports of problems with litter and fly tipping.
Most amenity areas have now had a, long overdue, visit from the mower although the length of the cuttings has itself caused a problem. They will look much tidier if they get a scheduled second cut within the next 3 weeks.
Elsewhere, several of the blocked drainage channels on the Chapelfields estate have been cleaned. These were mainly located on the inside of the traffic build outs.
They need to be swept regularly to avoid a build up of detritus and weeds.
Before and after. Drainage gullies cleared.
Some progress in cleaning channels on Barkston Avenue but but warning post will need to be replaced.
The Front Street shopping area was looking tidier yesterday.
We’re still waiting to learn of the results of the survey into the future of the area. An improvement budget of £1/2 million has been promised.
However, it is good to see that the back lane between Front Street and Beaconsfield Street is currently largely free of weeds and litter.
Beaconsfield Street back lane and Front Street
One remaining issue remains the reliability of the waste collection service. The Council says that it has recruited two new drivers and that this should ease the problem in future.
Two fewer patients at the hospitals today. No more deaths
Test results
84 positive test results today. Brings the cumulative total up to 13.223
The number of cases in the City has increased from 269 to 305.
The rate /100k population increases to 144.82. Trending to reach 215.1 early next week.
The infection rate in York is now well above the regional and national averages
Only one neighbourhood now with fewer than 3 cases (New Earswick)
NB. These figures date from tests carried out last Sunday. The significantly higher positive test numbers found on Monday and Tuesday are not yet reflected in the trends shown on the graphs
The term ends at the University of York today
952 vaccinations were completed yesterday
6355 PCR tests were completed during the week ending 20th June 2021
Of these, 4.4% were found to be positive. That represents an increase from the 4.0% found during the previous period). NB. At the peak of the winter wave, positivity hit a high of 18.2% (3/1/21)
2949 “lateral flow” test were also conducted on 24th June 2021
Council commentary
The Council has updated its commentary on open data. It is reproduced below.
The data is accurate as at 8.00 a.m. on Friday 25.06.21. Some narrative for the data covering the latest period is provided here below:
People with Covid Symptoms
• NHS Pathways/111 triages – as at 21.6.21 there had been 101 total covid triages in the CYC area in the last 7 days. The peak number of triages was 653 in the 7 day period to 20.9.20.
• As at 24.6.21, the Covid Symptom App estimates 589 per 100,000 in York with symptomatic covid (responses from a sample of 3,787 people). The peak rate was 1,283 on 7.1.21.
Diagnosed cases
• As at 24.6.21 York has had 13,139 cases since the start of the pandemic, a rate of 6,238 per 100,000 of population. The cumulative rate in York is below the national (7,247) and regional (7,640) averages.
• The PHE ‘Exceedance’ rating compares the no. of new cases over a 14 day period with the previous 6 weeks and provides a RAG rating to indicate if the previously observed trend in the number of new cases is worsening. The latest rating for York (21.6.21) is Red.
• The provisional rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 16.6.21 to 22.6.21 in York is 192.3 (405 cases). (Using data published on on 24.6.21).
• The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 13.6.21 to 19.6.21 in York was 127.7 (269 cases). The national and regional averages at this date were 101.5 and 112.7 respectively (using data published on on 24.6.21).
• York is currently ranked 108th out of 149 Upper Tier Local Authorities (UTLAs) in England with a rank of 1 indicating the lowest 7 day rate.
• For the 7 day period 18.6.21, the number of cases in each ward varied from 1 to 45 and rates varied from 21.9 to 296.7 per 100,000.
• The rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 13.6.21 to 19.6.21 for people aged 60+ in York was 8.1 (4 cases). The national and regional averages were 17.2 and 17.7 respectively.
• As at 22.6.21, the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 PCR tests only) was 7.82%. The national and regional averages are 4.9% and 6.6% respectively.
• As at 22.6.21 the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 Lateral Flow Tests only) was 0.93%. The national and regional averages are 0.5% and 0.6% respectively.
• As at 22.6.21 the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 1 tests only) was 0.4%. The national average is 0.6%.
• As at 18.6.21 York University reported 55 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 331 on the 19.10.20.
• As at 21.6.21 York St. John reported 7 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 82 on the 8.10.20.
Contact Tracing
• Local Contact Tracing. Between 10.3.21 and 18.6.21, 471 referrals had been actioned by the local contact tracing service. Of the referrals actioned, 442 (93.8%) were successful and 29 (6.2%) were unable to be reached via phone or home visit, but guidance leaflets were posted where possible. (NB on the 10.3.21 the local CYC team became responsible for contacting all cases rather than just those that the national team could not contact).
Cases in Residential Care Settings
• As at 23.6.21 there were 2 care homes in the CYC area with confirmed Covid-19 infection (at least 1 case of either a staff member or resident).
• The latest ‘outbreak’ (2+ cases of either a staff member or resident) in a residential care setting in York was reported by PHE on 24.6.21 (1 home).
Cases amongst School Aged Children
• In the 7 days up to 21.6.21 there were 26 children of primary or secondary school age who tested positive (across 7 different schools).
COVID Bed Occupancy in York Hospital
• As at 22.6.21 there were 6 confirmed Covid-19 patients in General/Acute beds. The previous figure was 4 on 15.6.21. The peak number was 157 on 19.1.21.
• As at 22.6.21 there were 0 confirmed Covid-19 patients and 0 suspected Covid-19 patients in the Intensive Treatment Unit. The previous figures were 0 and 0 on 15.6.21. The peak number for people in ITU was 19 on 10.5.20.
R Number
• The ‘R’ value (the number of people that one infected person will pass on a virus to, on average) for the North East and Yorkshire area on 18.6.21 was estimated to be in the range 1.0 to 1.3. The previous estimate was (1.0 to 1.2) on 11.6.21.
Variants of Concern
• Published data from Public Health England shows that in York, up to 16.6.21, there had been 171 cases (genomically confirmed or provisional genotyping) of the Delta Variant of Concern (VOC-21APR-02) which was first identified in India. More recent provisional data is available on cases where the test was processed in a laboratory which can identify Variants of Concern. This shows that in the most recent month, 93% of new cases in York were likely to be the Delta Variant.
Total Vaccinations
• As at 23.6.21 a total of 133,510 CYC residents have had the first dose of the vaccine. This represents 76.7% of the estimated adult (18+) population of York.
• As at 22.6.21 a total of 92,574 CYC residents have had both doses of the vaccine. This represents 53.2% of the estimated adult (18+) population of York.
The two sources about deaths from Covid-19 at LA level are ONS data and local registrar data. They are derived from the same source (civil registration data). ONS data is more comprehensive as it includes deaths of York residents which have occurred and been registered outside York. Local registrar data provides a breakdown by age and gender. The most recently available data is summarised below:
• ONS Weekly data: In the most recent period (Week 23: 5.6.21 to 11.6.21) 0 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents.
• ONS Cumulative data: Since the start of the pandemic, for deaths occurring up to 11th June 2021 and registered up to 19th June 2021, 397 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (228 in hospital, 136 in care homes, 25 at home/elsewhere and 8 in a hospice). The number of deaths per 100,000 of population in York is 188.49 which is lower than the national average of 232.76
• Age / Gender breakdown (using registrar data): The average age of the CYC residents who died was 82.1, with an age range of 44-104. The age profile of the CYC residents who have died is older than the national average (79.6% were aged 75+ compared with 72.9% nationally). 47.7% of the CYC residents who died were male. The national average is 54.4%.