York Labour hypocrisy over anonymous tweets

It is almost beyond belief that Labour Councillors are trying to get the respected head of a local mental health charity sacked because they disagree with his political views.

They have accused him of using a pseudonym to make critical comments about Labour polices and personalities.

It is a glimpse of a totalitarian state mentality to which many of the current York Council Leadership subscribe

Agree with my views or we will target you” seems to be their mantra.

No wonder that so many former Labour Councillors have chosen to jump ship to escape from this suffocating authoritarianism.

It would not be so bad if Labour Councillors themselves did not use false names to promote their views – and belittle their political opponents – on the local Press web site.

Residents would be amazed to find out just who is responsible for such vindictive, and often untrue, vitriol.

The Press can address this issue by insisting that – just as it does on its letters page – people use their real names when posting on line.

It might mean that some public servants are discouraged from criticising Labour politicians but there are other independent channels – including this web site – where whistle blowing is an option for the faint hearted.
Stalin 2
In the meantime Labour should withdraw their attack dogs from their voluntary sector targets and reflect that it is their commitment to secret decision making that has led to the frustration felt by many York residents.

It is no wonder though that many residents choose not to reveal their true identities and views to the City’s Stalinist rulers.

Fresh calls to save Yearsley Pool

Liberal Democrats will call for a cross-party commitment to guarantee keeping Yearsley Pool open at a meeting of York’s Full Council tomorrow.

The £250,000 a year funding for Yearsley Pool will be cut in 2016 as part of a leisure package agreed by Labour run York Council last month. Yearsley Pool Action Group has said the pool could close as a result of the cut.

Yearsley Pool

Yearsley Pool

Lib Dems are asking councillors to support a proposal which calls on York Council to examine ways to reduce the subsidy given to Yearsley Pool, but guarantee to keep it open.

York Council communications meltdown

The York Councils web site, and most of their telephone systems, have been unavailable for most of today.


That is too long for an authority that claims it its trying to reduce costs by encouraging the use of electronic communications.

The responsible Cabinet member is already expected to come under fire at the Council meeting taking place on Thursday for poor customer care performance figures.

A question has been tabled which reads:.

Will the Cabinet member please publish the latest quality of service statistics which he holds for Customer Services covering both “in person” presentations at West Offices together with time to answer telephone calls and respond to electronic communications.

Specifically why is it taking the Council up to 2 weeks to log for action some issues which have been Emailed to the YCC?

Today’s IT collapse – and lack of update information from the Council – will only raise even further concerns..



Rain reveals more blocked drains

Yesterdays steady rain revealed more blocked drains

We’ve reported several but really think that it is time for the Council to reinstate 6 monthly routine cleans.

Failing that, they need to  actively clear those drains that have – like the one below in Bellwood Drive – been blocked for months.

If there is large scale ponding on footpaths, then the arrival of icy weather will multiply safety problems

Blocked drain in Bellwood Drive

Blocked drain in Bellwood Drive

More revelations on withdrawal of meals service for elderly

The York Council has admitted-  in a response to a Freedom of Information request – that it did not formally consult on ending the mid day meal service at its sheltered accommodation units.


Gale Farm Court Affected by meals decision

Gale Farm Court Affected by meals decision

Instead any discussions centred around the quality of the meal on offer.

The cut was implemented on 1st October.

The Council has also blamed officials for the decision to end the meals service which it is intended will save £50,000 a year.

They say that the Labour Cabinet approved the budget cut but implementation was delegated to council officials.

The FOI response can be read by clicking here

Liberal Democrats are pressing for the meals service to be restored and have pointed to the £30,000 a year being spent on the empty Oliver House home as one source of alternative funding.

If the Liberal Democrats win the Westfield by election it is also likely that the number of £20,000 a year Cabinet posts will be reduced from the present level of eight.


Yorkshire Water asked to clean up pumping station

Yorkshire Water have been asked to clean up their pumping station on Bellhouse Way

Rubbish Yorkshore Water pumping station

The issue was raised by residents with t he York Council but they declined to take any action.

Gone it seems are the days when the Council sought to take a leadership role in supporting local York Pride initiatives.

We’ve emailed Yorkshire Water and will find out how quickly this public company responds to concerns.