Out and about taking action during the week ending 27th August 2016
Cllr Sheena Jackson has asked for a mattress dumped in Hatfield Walk to be removed and has reported dog fouling problems on Walker Drive
Cllr Sheena Jackson has asked for a mattress dumped in Hatfield Walk to be removed and has reported dog fouling problems on Walker Drive
Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue
36 Danesfort Avenue York YO24 3AW
Proposal Erection of detached building forming 2 flats
Reference 16/01496/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site. http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/
The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received
The Toucan Crossing at the end of Kingsway West is due to be replaced during the next year or so.
In response to a Freedom of Information request officials have revealed that the equipment has reached the end of its operational life.
We hope that any work will include resurfacing the end of Kingsway West which is in a poor condition
Other crossings to be modernised in the City include the Toucan linking Tadcaster Road to the Tesco link road.
Thanks to the work of volunteers aided by the community payback team the garden at the Foxwood Community Centre is now looking amazing.
The next Foxwood Residents Association meeting on Thursday will give those attending a chance to see the work that has been done
Meanwhile the prize winners in the Foxwood Residents Association annual flower basket competition have been announced.
Elsewhere local Westfield Ward Councillors have been out and about reporting issues
We’ve reported unauthorised house agent signs on lampposts in the Green Lane area. We don’t think that local etate agents who pay Business Rates to the York Council – will be too happy with this trick.
Elsewhere we’ve reported blocked gullies and uneven footpaths in Tudor Road
Cllr Andrew Waller has reported several problems with dumping and damaged gullies this week
Meanwhile Cllr Sheena Jackson has followed up complaints about excessive weed growth in some areas
A survey of residents in the Westfield ward has revealed that only 14% were able to name either their local police or community support officer.
The recognition level is well down on similar survey results from 5 years ago.
There have been a number of changes in the intervening period with fewer local police surgeries being advertised, a reduce d police presence at some resident’s association meetings and declining interest in neighbourhood watch schemes in some areas.
The Police in York have been urged to make more use of the free publicity available on web sites. At the moment there are no events advertised on the Police site and nothing on the Westfield Ward page on the York Council’s own web site.
To their credit the police have been out and about knocking on doors as part of their anti-burglary campaign and security marking of property has been continuing.
In the Westfield Ward crime trends have been following a national pattern which has seen significant increases over the past year.
The latest figures published on the Police web site ( https://www.police.uk/north-yorkshire/york-west/crime/ ) are for May. During the month there was a spike in reports of problems in the area near the Cornlands Road park.
Most of the reported crimes concerned anti-social behaviour, vandalism and (mostly domestic) violence
In 63% of cases reported during the last year no further action was taken by the Police.