Coronavirus York updates; 29th December 2020

Deaths and test results

TWO additional deaths announced by the York Hospital Trust today. One occurred on 26th and the other on 27th December.

ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE (123) additional positive test results announced today. Brings the cumulative total to 6890

The 127 positive result figure on Sunday was the highest recorded since 19th October.

The rate /100k population figure is now 240.3. It is expected to rise to at least 293.0 over the next few days.

The highest figure recorded this year was 444.9 on 16th October. If the present trend continues then that figure will be exceeded early next week.

Of the cases announced on the 24th December, 69 were aged under 60 while 11 were aged over 60.

While the rate of increase in infections leveled off in the run up to Christmas at regional and national level, the reverse was the case in York where case numbers continued to grow strongly (there was a similar surge in the adjacent area of Hambleton).

Residents will be expecting to hear an explanation for the divergence from the authorities.

For the first time, during the third wave of infections, the infection rate has exceeded 500 in two neighbourhoods (Bishopthorpe & Woodthorpe)

This is still well below the peak seen in Heslington in October which saw over 3000 cases /100k population.

However, several neighbourhoods are now seeing record high infection levels.

There has been a steep increase in Dunnington – the first time during the third wave that a neighbourhood on the east of the City has recorded such a high number (478.5)

Coronavirus York updates; 28th November 2020.

Deaths and test results

THREE (3) additional deaths announced by York Hospital Trust today. One occurred on Wednesday, one on Thursday and one yesterday. They bring the cumulative second wave York and Scarborough hospitals death toll to 77.

TWENTY TWO (22) additional positive test results announced today. Brings cumulative total to 5612

Latest validated rate per 100k population figure is 116.8

Ten of York’s 24 neighbourhoods now have a case rate below 100.

Only Heslington is now above the 200 case threshold.

Infection numbers in Clifton Without/Skelton have fallen.

Interactive map

Interesting interactive map from allows single click access to current and historic COVID rates across England and Wales.

Hospital capacity

According to media reports, on November 23rd there were 129 coronavirus patients in the York Hospital Trust’s units – 71 in York, 55 in Scarborough and three in community hospitals – 14 of them in critical care. York Hospital has created space for up to 197 Covid patients, a board of directors meeting heard.

In wave one of the pandemic the hospital admitted 786 coronavirus patients and in wave two so far they have seen 573.

The hospital saw its highest level of staff off sick recently – 6.7 per cent of the workforce – due to people testing positive for coronavirus or being asked to self-isolate by contact tracers. Up to 90 people a day were off because of the test and trace service.

Council commentary

The York Council has updated its commentary on the pandemic. It can be read by clicking here and is reproduced below.

People with Covid Symptoms

• NHS Pathways/111 triages – as at 24.11.20 there had been 161 total covid triages in the CYC area in the last 7 days. The peak number of triages was 653 in the 7 day period to 20.9.20.

• As at 26.11.20, the Covid Symptom App estimates 547.9 per 100,000 in York with symptomatic covid (responses from a sample of 4,637 people). The peak rate was 1,116.3 on 31.10.20.

Diagnosed cases (Pillar 1&2 combined)

• As at 26.11.20 York has had 5,576 cases since the start of the pandemic, a rate of 2,647.4 per 100,000 of population. The rate in York is above the national average (2,407.8) but below the regional average (3,773.5).

• The PHE ‘Exceedance’ rating compares the no. of new cases over a 14 day period with the previous 6 weeks and provides a RAG rating to indicate if the previously observed trend in the no. of new cases is worsening. The latest rating for York (23.11.20) is Green.

• The provisional rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 18.11.20 to 24.11.20 in York is 105.9 (using data published on on 26.11.20).

• The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 15.11.20 to 21.11.20 was 132.5. The national and regional averages at this date were 209.1 and 297.1 respectively (using data published on on 26.11.20).

• As at 24.11.20, the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 only) was 6.64%. The national and regional averages are 8.2% and 10.5% respectively.

• As at 26.11.20 York University reported 47 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 331 on the 19.10.20

• As at 22.11.20 York St. John reported 9 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 82 on the 8.10.20

Contact Tracing

• Since 28.5.20 a total of 4,413 laboratory confirmed CYC Covid cases have been uploaded into the NHS Test and Trace system and 3,889 of the cases have been completed (88.1%). 12,664 ‘contacts’ have been identified and 7,517 of these have been completed (59.4%). Source: PHE Report.

• Local Tracing of Cases: Between 22.10.20 and 20.11.20, 302 ‘actionable’ positive COVID-19 CYC cases have been referred to the local contact tracing service. 301 of the referrals (99.7%) have been actioned and 1 referral (0.3%) is still ‘in progress’. Of the referrals actioned, 225 (74.8%) were successful and 76 (25.2%) were uncontactable.

Cases in Residential Settings / Schools

• As at 25.11.20 there were 4 care homes in the CYC area with confirmed Covid-19 infection (at least 1 case of either a staff member or resident).

• The latest ‘outbreak’ (2+ cases) in a residential care setting in York was reported on 25.11.20 (1 home).

• In the 7 days up to 22.11.20 there were 20 children of primary and secondary school age who tested positive (across 8 different schools).

COVID Bed Occupancy in York Hospital

• As at 25.11.20 there were 52 confirmed Covid-19 patients in General and Acute beds. The previous figure on 24.11.20 was 58.

• As at 25.11.20 there were 7 confirmed Covid-19 patients and 0 suspected Covid-19 patients in the Intensive Treatment Unit. The previous figures on 24.11.20 were 7 and 0 respectively.

• As at 25.11.20 there had been 0 patients admitted with suspected Covid-19 and 3 with confirmed Covid-19 in the previous 24 hours

Recovery from Covid-19

• Between 13.4.20 and 22.11.20, 236 CYC residents had recovered and been successfully discharged from York hospital after needing NHS care for symptoms linked to covid-19 infection. 18 people were discharged in the most recent week.

R Number

• The ‘R’ value (the number of people that one infected person will pass on a virus to, on average) for the North East and Yorkshire area on 20.11.20 was estimated to be in the range 1.0 to 1.1. The upper end of the range has fallen since the previous estimate (1.0 to 1.2) on 13.11.20.


The two sources about deaths from Covid-19 at LA level are ONS data and local registrar data. They are derived from the same source (civil registration data). ONS data is more comprehensive as it includes deaths of York residents which have occurred and been registered outside York. Local registrar data is useful as it provides a breakdown by age and gender. The most recently available data is summarised below:

• ONS weekly data: For deaths occurring up to 13th November 2020 and registered up to 21st November 2020, 185 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (91 in hospital, 80 in care homes, 10 at home and 4 in a hospice). The number of deaths per 100,000 of population in York is 87.84 which is lower than the national average of 102.48. There have been 13 Covid-19 deaths of CYC residents reported by ONS in the last 6 weeks (Weeks 41 to 46).

• ‘Excess’ deaths – all causes (ONS). In week 46 (7 Nov to 13 Nov), 19 deaths (all causes) occurred for York residents, which is 15 fewer than the average weekly number for 2014-18. Over the last 25 weeks the total number of deaths in York (all causes) has been 61 fewer than the average for the equivalent weeks in 2014-18.

• Local Registrar data: In the weekly data received on 23.11.20 (for deaths occurring up to 18.11.20), a cumulative total of 180 deaths of CYC residents where COVID-19 was mentioned (confirmed or suspected) on the death certificate, have been registered. The average age of the people who died was 82.3, with an age range of 53-104. The age profile of those dying in York is older than the national average. 91 of the 180 were male (50.6%), less than the national average (55.3%). 75 people (41.7%) died in nursing /care homes; (the national average is 27.26%). In addition 14 people (7.78%) who normally resided in nursing/care homes in the CYC area, died in hospital.

Flooding report – February 2020 wettest on record

£4.9 million cost for pumping station to protect Fordlands Road area.

It cost the City of York council £180,000 to respond to and recover from the floods which took place in the City in February.  This was the wettest February on record, with the most flood warnings issued in any one day across England. Rainfall fell on already saturated ground increasing the impacts.

The Council will consider a report on the problem at a meeting next week.

There is some debate about the apparently conflicting advice issued by local agencies and the information included on government river gauge web sites.

Generally flood defences held well although there were issues in the Fulford/Fordlands Road/Germany Beck area. A separate report on flood prevention plans for that area can be read by clicking here.

The preferred option would include the construction of a £4.9 million pumping station. If funding for the project can be found the work could start on construction next summer.

The meeting will also consider the latest Environment Agency report on its flood prevention works programme

Environment Agency Work Programme 2020

Latest York Council waste service update

More weekend working to clear backlog of recycling

Friday 12 June

All scheduled household waste collections have been made.

We were unable to collect recycling from Haxby, Huntington, Clifton and Skelton due to operating under COVID-19 restrictions:

This recycling will be collected on Saturday 13 June. Please present your containers for collection by 7.00am.

All other outstanding recycling waste from Thursday 11 June has now been collected.

We were unable to collect garden waste from Bede Avenue, Clifton and St Stephenson Way, Leeman Road due to blocked access.

We’ll attempt to collect this garden waste on Monady 15 June. Please present your containers for collection by 7.00am.

Corona virus updates – 1st April 2020

Queue watch

Only 1 person in the queue to get into Sainsbury’s local on Beckfield Lane at 12:15pm (1/4/20).

At 2:15pm

  • 4 people waiting to get into the Co op on Beagle Ridge Drive
  • 4 people waiting to get into Lidl on Thanet Road
  • zero people queued at Tesco local on Acomb Wood Drive
No queue in Acomb Wood today. Shoppers limited to 1 Acorn and 1 nut per visit

Waste collection

We understand that there are around 35 York Council street service workers off sick. This includes those dealing with refuse collection. Hence the move to consolidate activities by stopping green waste collections. Waste collection teams will be segregated to help achieve 2 metre distancing rule.

No news yet on the suggestion that composting bins might be home delivered. Lots available on Amazon

Gardening for fitness and bedding plants

Seems a shame that thousands of pounds worth of bedding plants are being allowed to rot at local gardening centre. Needs someone to arrange a remote payment, social distancing, delivery service in the City? Participants will need PPE and and a disinfecting regime but there is apparently a surfeit of volunteers while the taxi trade is currently also underused.

Background click here

Corona virus number trends

New case numbers level in Yorkshire

Corona Virus updates – 27th March 2020

York Council housing contacts

New First bus service timetables from Sunday

From Sunday 29th March, the following changes will take effect:

First York is moving all services to a Sunday timetable (bolstered by additional buses during peak times) to ensure key workers, including health service and emergency workers, can get to and from their places of work and those without a car can still collect medical prescriptions or do their essential shopping.

Summary below, please visit our timetable page (forthcoming section) for specific journeys.

York City services

1, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 66 – Will operate a revised timetable operating every 30 minutes during the, with early journeys operating Monday – Friday. Services will operate at hourly intervals during the evening, reduction to hourly intervals earlier on a Saturday and Sunday evening than present. Saturday and Sunday morning services have also been thinned out till approx. 9am.

10 – Will operate a Sunday timetable with additional early journey weekdays. Late journeys will continue to operate Monday to Saturday, to be reviewed dependent on usage.

11 – Will operate a special timetable with early journeys weekdays, service will operate every 70 minutes. Late journeys will continue to operate Monday to Saturday, to be reviewed dependent on usage, and whatever decision is made regards tendered services.

12 – Will operate a special timetable with early journeys weekdays, service will operate every 60 minutes, journeys after 1900 will continue to operate subject to patronage review.

200 – Will operate Monday to Saturday, the final journey will operate 10 minutes later.

HSB – Will operate normal schedule.

York Park & Ride

Service 2 – Will operate every 30 minutes as service 2A, observing all stops. Service will commence at 0700 Monday – Friday, and 0930 Saturday and Sunday. Evening service will operate hourly, these evening journeys terminate at Station Avenue. Return journeys will commence at Station Avenue.

Service 7 – Will operate every 30 minutes, Service will commence at 0700 Monday – Friday, and 0930 Saturday and Sunday. Evening service will operate hourly, these evening journeys will terminate at Rougier Street. Return journeys to Designer Outlet will commence from Clifford Street.

Service 9 Will operate every 30 minutes. Service will commence at 0700 Monday – Friday, and 0930 Saturday and Sunday. Last journey from City Centre 1900.

Services not operating (Grimston/Askham/Poppleton Park & Ride – closed)

66A, UB1, 3, 3A, 8, 59, 11S

At First Bus, your safety is our top priority. In the wake of the evolving impacts of coronavirus, we are working with the Government and wider industry to ensure we are following the latest advice to keep you safe on our buses. 

For our general information please see our main Coronavirus information page »

If there any key workers not able to get to work due to the changes, please let us know and we can look to try and make amendments. Contact us at:

“Which” advice on supermarket shopping and more

the “Which” consumer magazine has produced a guide on food shopping on its website

Fire and Rescue advice

Community Hubs

The Council, has confirmed that it is establishing neighbourhood “community hubs”. Council staffed they will NOT be open to the public. They are planned to support residents identified as vulnerable or those who have been in touch asking for support, by providing them with essential, non-perishable foods.

What’s App

The UK Government has launched a GOV.​UK Coronavirus Information service on WhatsApp. The new free to use service aims to provide official, trustworthy and timely information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), and will further reduce the burden on NHS services.

To use the free GOV.​UK Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp, simply add 07860 064422 in your phone contacts and then message the word ‘hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started.

A set of menu options is then presented which the user can choose from and then be sent relevant guidance from GOV.​UK pages as well as links to GOV.​UK for further information.

For more information, please click here:

Public Toilets

Public toilets in the city centre will be closed until further notice.

Parks and open spaces

All council-run parks in the city will remain open for exercise but we’re asking visitors to ensure they adhere to social distance best practice. From this weekend, Rowntree Park will reopen following the flooding earlier this year.

Play areas will be closed from today and this includes basketball courts, skateparks, caged five a side areas and tennis courts. Notices are being placed in all play areas instructing the public of this decision.

To ensure we follow the government’s guidance on social distancing the York Bar Walls are closed.

Corona Virus update – 25th March 2020

Scam warning from Police

The Economic Crime Unit at North Yorkshire Police receive regular updates from Action Fraud, The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, National Trading Standards and other organisations highlighting new scams we are seeing which are preying on resident’s fear in the wake of the corona virus pandemic. I would draw your attention to a press release from National Trading Standards which summarises the current scams we are seeing ( ). I have also attached a postcard from National Trading Standards which is a handy easy reference guide for you to print off or to circulate amongst your family and friends.

I would encourage readers of this email to visit the ‘Friends Against Scams’   website where you can sign up to become a Friend Against Scams. It is an online training session which will take around 20 minutes to complete. It will raise your awareness of fraud and give you valuable tips and tools to prevent you becoming a victim.

In addition I am doing a Facebook Live session tomorrow on the North Yorkshire Police Facebook page to advice residents as to the latest scams we are seeing here in North Yorkshire and how to stay safe. This will start at 4pm Thursday 26th March and I understand this is the first one of its kind by North Yorkshire Police. I hope you can watch.

Stay safe.

Andy Fox

Financial Abuse Safeguarding Officer

Economic Crime Unit, North Yorkshire Police

Taxis can continue to operate – Government advice

Taxis and private hire vehicles can continue to work. But the advice is absolutely clear – people should stay at home if possible. That is the way to save lives and protect our NHS.

The public should avoid travel unless absolutely essential.

The only reasons to leave our houses are set out in the government guidance<>.

Clearly if absolutely necessary to travel by taxi or private hire vehicle, best efforts should be used to follow the guidance as far as is practically possible, including washing your hands as soon as you get home.

Critical Worker Status

Taxi and private hire drivers should not generally be considered Critical Workers. Those undertaking Home to School transport or the transport of ‘extremely vulnerable<>’ people may be considered Critical Workers on a case-by-case basis. Critical Workers should also whenever possible make suitable arrangements for their children to stay at home; requests for children to attend school<> should be discussed with the school.”

Off licenses can open

Off-licences have been added to the Government’s list of businesses essential to keep the country running during thecoronavirus crisis. With pubs and bars ordered to close to stem the spread of Covid-19, off-licences were added to the list of shops allowed to stay open on Wednesday.

Licensed shops selling alcohol, including those in breweries, also made the updated list of stores exempted from mass closures in the retail sector.

Corner shops, pharmacies, supermarkets, hardware stores, banks, petrol stations and bike shops can also stay open during the pandemic.

MOTs postponed

Vehicle owners in Britain will be granted a six-month exemption from MOT testing, the Department for Transport (DfT) has announced.

All cars, vans and motorcycles will be exempted from needing a test from March 30.

This will allow people to carry on with essential travel during the coronavirus pandemic, the DfT said.

New takeaway service from Golf Club

T he chef at Pike Hills Golf Club is offering a takeaway/ delivery service as the golf course has closed He is offering main courses for fixed £6.50 and desserts at £3.00 Good English food freshly sourced each day. Ring him or text on 07949550884 E Mail

Report symptoms app launched

You can supply information and help to track changes in the pandemic using this App.

Volunteer NHS responder

NHS Volunteer Responder scheme. Quick, easy, just upload passport/driving licence and they do DB check in 72 hours. You can sign up here:

The health secretary has announced the government is seeking 250,000 volunteers to help the NHS during the coronavirus outbreak.

The NHS has said the volunteers will support the 1.5m vulnerable people who have been asked to “shield” themselves from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Here’s everything you need to know if you want to become an NHS volunteer responder.

How do I sign up?

Those who want to help can register by visiting the following NHS website:

Potential volunteers are asked to fill in a form with their details.

Checks are then carried out before successful applicants are given login details for the “GoodSAM” Responder app.

Volunteers can then switch the app to “on duty” to find tasks to pick from nearby.

What kind of tasks will the responders carry out?

Four types of volunteers are listed on the NHS page which allows people to register.

They are:

  • Community response volunteers: This role involves collecting shopping, medication or other essential supplies for someone who is self-isolating. The volunteer would also deliver these supplies to their home.
  • Patient transport volunteer: This position supports the NHS by providing transport to patients who are medically fit for discharge, and ensuring they are settled safely back in to their home.
  • NHS transport volunteer: This role involves transporting equipment, supplies and/or medication between NHS services and sites. It may also involve assisting pharmacies with medication delivery.
  • Check-in and chat volunteer: These volunteers will provide short-term telephone support to individuals who are at risk of loneliness as a consequence of self-isolation.

Who should sign up to be a volunteer?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said “if you are well and able to do so safely, I would urge you to sign up today”.

Volunteers must be 18 or over, and fit and well with no symptoms.

Those in higher-risk groups (including those over 70, those who are pregnant or with underlying medical conditions) will be able to offer support by telephone.

The majority of tasks can be undertaken while social distancing and volunteers will receive guidance through a “getting started pack”. Those who become ill can pause their volunteering.

Corona virus update – 24th March 2020

York Wheels/Dial a Ride stopping

York wheels/dial and ride will close on Friday

“We haven’t taken the decision lightly but with elderly drivers (over 30 volunteers) we have to respect their decision to isolate. Carrying elderly on the bus for shopping at dial and ride is important but going everyday is not good for elderly this is not how to isolate.

If required we have 3 mini buses and volunteers who can help any groups who need buses. 

York hospital visiting stopped

Hospital visiting cancelled York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust sites. This includes York, Scarborough, Malton, Bridlington, St Monica’s Easingwold, and Selby hospitals, as well as St Helen’s and White Cross Court rehabilitation units.

BT caps call charges from landlines

BT is telling its land line customers that they will not have to pay more than £5 a month for calls to other UK landlines or mobiles.

York Minster services on line

Stations of the Cross 2020

This year’s Stations of the Cross will be coming to you online.

Join us through Lent for prayer & meditations written by Canon Chris Collingwood, based on Jerry Scott’s Stations of the Cross drawings. The services are led by Canons Chris Collingwood and Maggie McLean, with music performed by Ben Morris.

A new Station will be uploaded daily (excluding Sundays) and will be available as text, audio, or as a video with the visual aid of the relevant Station (recommended)


The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Biblical Reading: Mark 15:15
Music: Herzliebster Jesu, Op 122 No 2 – Johannes Brahms

Updated daily as video & audio links via >>

York RSPCA appeal for funds

As a result of the Coronavirus, from Tuesday the 24th March the animal home will close to the public and all rehoming activity will stop.

Front line animal staff will still be working in the home to look after our current residents and accepting animals brought in by the RSPCA inspectors. During this time we will be reducing the number of staff working at the branch so will be unable to respond to general queries regarding fostering, adoptions or volunteering.

During this time we will not be able to accept animals from the general public during this time, this includes injured wild animals. We will only be accepting donations of food, but ask that members of the public do not break lockdown to deliver these donations themselves.

In the last week we have seen 90% of our income disappear. We rely almost entirely on self generated income and unlike other businesses we cannot close down to save costs. The branch costs around £60,000 a month to operate and we are today launching an emergency appeal to try and secure some of the funding we need to run. We desperately need your support at this time.

Click here to donate >>

Job vacancies near York

Nigel Upson

If you know of anyone who is looking for work, please let them know that we are recruiting staff to help keep up with demand for our chicken as the Coronavirus crisis deepens.

We anticipate that we will temporarily lose up to 50% of our team as a result of Covid-19 self-isolation and are recruiting in all areas of the business to ensure continuity of supply.

Our Managing Director, Nigel Upson said: “Independent retailers in our area have done an amazing job of providing fresh produce to our communities when the supermarkets couldn’t. We have taken the decision to keep production at full tilt to continue to feed Yorkshire through this network of butchers and farm shops, but we need your help. At the peak of this crisis we anticipate that more than 50% of our staff will not be available for work so we need to boost numbers now to maintain throughput. 

“We seek some specialist skills like accounts staff, fork lift drivers, lorry drivers and also need a strong contingent of people willing to do whatever it takes including warehouse staff, packing boxes and cleaning the factory overnight.”

Please send an e mail to giving details of what work you normally do and what you are prepared to do. Everyone will have the opportunity to visit the site for a tour before committing but will have to agree to a screening for symptoms of illness before being allowed into the building.

Morrisons essentials delivered in a box

Confirmation of link to Morrisons essentials delivery boxes launched yesterday . Proving to be very popular.

Visit York list of takeaways

Visit York have published a list of 30 takeaways that are still operating. mostly city centre.

Freecycle suspended

Freecycle, the surplus goods exchange service, has suspended its operations

Newspaper deliveries stopping

Although newsagents are specifically exempted from the government instruction to close, we understand that several have decided – for the safety of their staff – to suspend home deliveries

Good time to take out an “on line” subscription maybe? (unless you only rad the sports results, then maybe not!)

York Market only open for fresh food sales now

Make it York say the market is now closed but special provision will be made for those traders supplying fresh food, with social distancing measures put in place.

Opening hours are set to be 10am until 5pm and any further updates will be shared on the Shambles Market Facebook and Twitter accounts.

All measures are under continuous review, and Make It York will follow the advice given from local and national government over the coming days.

Stay at home

Government instructions available via this link (click)

Many shops now closed

All non-essential shops are closing including clothes stores, department store chains, electronics and computer stores.

However, the list excludes food shops, pharmacies, corner shops, hardware stores, petrol stations, pet shops, post offices, banks, newsagents and shops inside hospitals.

Many parks will stay open, but gyms including outdoor gyms, play-parks and all places of worship, except for funerals, will close.

Jobs with the York Council

Times are tough at the moment for everyone and we want to help. If you need a job we could help you. We need HGV drivers and loaders. More at the links below or call Work With York.…/

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor, possible text that says 'YORK WE NEED YOU! Drivers and loaders wanted for waste services If you need a temporary job contact Work With Work 01904 554234'

Free parking for NHS staff

Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has announced that from today (Tuesday) , all staff car parking charges will be suspended with immediate effect at York, Bridlington and Scarborough hospitals until further notice, ‘in a move to support staff getting to and from work for the duration of the outbreak.’

It tweeted; “From 1 April payroll deductions for parking will be stopped, and pay and display machines will be switched off this evening. Staff with parking permits can park on any site for free.

“We hope these small gestures will enable to you stay healthy and feel supported during what are challenging and increasingly difficult times. Thank you.”

York flood prevention update due to be discussed next week

Another update on the work being undertaken to prevent flooding in the York area is being considered on 3rd December.

The report has been produced by the Environment Agency.

Details are also provided on the alleviation plans for the Clementhorpe part of the City.

Regular updates have been provided since the flooding in late December 2015 which followed an intense period of rainfall across November and December due to the impacts of Storms Desmond and Eva.

Record river levels were observed in many river catchments across the north of England. More  than 4000 homes and 2000 businesses flooded across Yorkshire with 453 properties and 174 businesses flooded in York.

Funding has been allocated to the Environment Agency (EA) following the floods to renew existing and provide new flood defences across the city, £17m has been allocated to the Foss Barrier improvements and £45m to the wider flood defences across the city

Click to read full Clementhore update reprt

Click to read full report