Improvements in Front Street

Railings painted and weeds removed at the Acomb toilets. Vast improvement.

The cycle hoops on Front Street are to be repainted this week. They will not be available for use in the evening while the work takes place.

The improvement is the first of many instigated by the Westfield Ward Committee and follows the publication of the results of a residents survey in which support for  refurbishment schemes got a high level of residents support.

The repainting programme will move on over the next few weeks to other parts of the area including the Tedder Road park.

Separately, BT has agreed to repair the damaged telephone kiosks on Front Street. The company says that, subject to consultation, the kiosks which are a target for vandals, may be removed altogether next year.

Woman arrested following Front Street burglary

A woman has been arrested following a burglary at the Chill Café in Acomb York.

It happened just after midnight in the early hours of Saturday 1 July 2017 when an amount of cash was stolen.

Police officers arrested the woman, who is in her 20s and from York, on Saturday evening. She was arrested on suspicion of burglary, possessing class b drugs and assaulting a police officer after a beer can was thrown in an officer’s face. She remains in police custody.

Anyone who was in the area at the time and has any information is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for York Investigation Hub.

Please quote reference 12170114900 when passing on information.

Front Street regeneration – residents views sought

Residents are being asked to give their views on what needs to be done to revive the Front Street area.

There are fewer empty shop units on Front Street compared to 3 years ago (above)

The York Council recently announced that it will invest in the Front Street area and the expectation is that experts will recommend a way forward. Although the shopping area has had a boost over recent years, with the Acomb Alive traders organisation holding a series of events, many feel that a change to the physical layout of the precinct will be necessary to tempt larger numbers of shoppers back to the village.

A monthly street market has been very popular and it is hoped to build on its success.

The next market is being held on Saturday 24th June.

Responding to a door to door survey, recently launched in the Hamilton Drive and St Stephens Road areas by the Westfield ward Councillors team, residents have already indicated how often they use services on the Front Street area.

The majority have said that they frequently use the supermarket, local shops and the bank/post office facilities.

Residents are also being asked to rate several potential improvements. These include:

  • Providing a level surface across the whole of the pedestrian area including the forecourts
  • Improving litter and rubbish management
  • Providing a “big screen” focal point
  • Generally repaint and refurbish street furniture and signs
  • Providing easier parking
  • Narrowing the carriageway in “old” Front St to make it more pedestrian friendly.

The hope is that the survey will prompt some original thinking by both residents and commercial users in the area.

A public meeting has been scheduled to take place, on 12th July at 6:30pm in the Gateway Centre, to discuss how the Front St area can be regenerated. 

In the meantime, interested parties can complete a brief on line survey by clicking here



Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Flat proposed above Front Street shop

Another flat conversion proposed for Front Street area

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


Acorn 7 Front Street York YO24 3BW

Proposal Change of use of first floor to 1no. residential unit

Reference       17/00848/FUL


24 Lown Hill York YO24 3DY

Two storey side extension

Ref. No: 17/00818/FUL 


2 The Green Acomb York YO26 5LR

Non-material amendment to permitted application 16/02323/FUL to render approved extension’s side wall to match existing and installation of rooflight

Ref. No: 17/00784/NONMAT 


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Apartments plan for Gale Lane following demolition of bungalow

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


61A Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Proposal          Erection of 5no. apartments and 2no. semi-detached bungalows to rear following the demolition of existing building

Reference       17/00555/FUL

Acomb Methodist Church Front Street York YO24 3BX

Proposal          Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of permitted application15/02252/FUL to include addition of porch to main entrance door and to approve details required by condition 4 (archaeological watching brief)

Reference       17/00714/FUL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

  1. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Spruce up planned for Front Street Acomb as flowers bloom

Spring flowers are making Acomb bright this week.

Sue Hunter visits the new community garden which is taking shape on Front Street

The Ward Committee agreed earlier in the week to fund the provision of additional flower tubs outside Acomb Explore Library

This follows hard work by local residents a couple of weeks ago who cleaned up up the Front Street area as part of the Great British Spring Clean initiative

Next up will be a coat of paint for the cycle stands in the shopping area.

The ward committee has also agreed to get on with leveling the footpath between Gale Farm Court and the car park.

Footpath will be leveled

The agenda has been published for the next Ward Committee meeting which will will take place on

Wednesday, 29th March, 2017 7.00 pm
  • Venue: Gateway Centre Church

Contact: Kay Bailey  Neighbourhood Manager


No. Item
1. What is missing for older and vulnerable residents in the ward – Joe Micheli

What is missing for older and vulnerable residents in the ward/how can we bridge the gap and the new Local Area Coordination –workshop and group discussion facilitated by Joe Micheli, City of York Council, Adult Social Care Head of Commissioning.

2. Update on the Lowfield Green Development

Update on the Lowfield Green Development- with Roy Wallington

3. Setting of Ward Priorities

Setting of Ward Priorities

4. Ward budget

Ward budget – an update on recently funded projects and timetable for year 2017-18

5. Have your say

Q&A with ward councillors

Great British spring clean starts today – Appeal for information

Several groups in York are participating in the Great British Spring Clean this weekend.

These include residents in the Foxwood, Cornlands, Front Street and Dringhouses areas.

Foxwood residents already have already collected their sacks and litter pickers and will be meeting at the Community Centre on Bellhouse Way at 11:00am tomorrow (Saturday). The more volunteers that turn up the better the neighbourhood should look a couple of hours later.

Those who can’t make a pre-organised time are asked to consider tidying up the area immediately outside their own homes

The national organisers of the initiative – Keep Britain Tidy – have issued the following appeal

When residents take part in your Great British Spring Clean event this weekend, you can also get involved in a nationwide survey and tell us about the types of litter you find.

Simply download the Keep Britain Tidy app from the Apple or Google app store:

– Open the app and find your event on the interactive map

– Click on your event

– Select survey

– Enter the litter types you find

To carry out the survey, simply choose a 10m x 10m patch of ground (approximate is fine!) and then use your smart phone to record the types of litter you’re finding.

Once you’ve done the survey – have fun clearing it all up!

The results will be logged instantly on your GB Spring Clean account – and will be added with data from other surveys to form a national survey.

Thank you so much for all your support and good luck with your #GBSpringClean event!

Click for iPhone link
Click for android link