Another Council garage forecourt area resurfaced.

Following on from last weeks news that the forecourt of the Council garage area in little Green Lane had been resurfaced, we were pleased to see that the block in Marston Avenue has also been refurbished. Both forecourts were reported as being in need of attention at a meeting which took place last September.

As well as resurfacing, the Council were asked to repair boundary fences and cut back overgrown vegetation.

Both areas now look much Improved.

NB The notices on the garage doors are from someone who has lost a cat (left)

Action taken on issues in and near Westfield

Shame to see so much disrepair and vandalism in the St Stephens graveyard in Acomb. Several who fell in the First and Second World Wars are buried here. We hope, as part of the commemoration of the end of WW1, some refurbishment work might be possible. More to come

As a minimum, we’ll ask for the War Memorial on The Green to be given a good clean and tidy up in the spring

Good progress is being made on levelling the footpath on the Library side of Front Street

Recent rain has meant that some paths and roads have standing water on them. Part of the footpath on Askham Lane is almost blocked at one point. We’ve reported the locations that we have spotted. To report issues go to

Good to see that all the noticeboards in the Westfield Ward are now back in use and are being updated regularly. If you wish to advertise a local event email They have taken over noticeboard management in most of the area

Action taken on these

Good news about railings being painted…. but someone else has lost their bed?

Andrew Waller last month before asking for the railings on the Tennent Road access to Bachelor Hill to be painted

Railings have now been painted and look good. Whole entrance area and steps have had a make over

Someones lost their mattress on Tithe Close,. We’ve reported it for removal.

and the return of the litter monster at the Askham Lane bus shelter!!

Recent rain has swept detritus into the footpath drains on Wetherby Road

… and also on Wetherby Road about 20% of drivers are still activating the vehicle speed warning sign on the inward carriageway. Perhaps we need the type which displays the actual speed that an approaching vehicle is doing?

Action taken to clear fly tipping and litter

Good to see the Council taking prompt action to remove the fly tipping from Askham Lane
Also the long standing problem with graffiti on the Tithe Close snicket.
Other snickets have also been cleared of litter.
Slower progress in removing fly tipping from the Grange Lane park and in sweeping some gutters.

West York – The week in photos

Cllr Sue Hunter is encouraging residents to adopt local verges and amenity area and plant flowers. Grants may be available from the local Ward Committee for bulbs and containers

Lowfields verge flowers

Lowfields verge flowers

Windsor Garth

Windsor Garth

The Ward committee will be balloting residents shortly on their priorities for using the delegated budget. Among ideas put forward by residents are plans to lop trees and overgrown hedges.

Next Ward committee newsletter will include ballot paper

Next Ward committee newsletter will include ballot paper

Overgrown trees on Kingsthore reported by Andrew Waller

Overgrown trees on Kingsthorpe reported by Andrew Waller

More overgrown trees this time on Grange Lane

More overgrown trees this time on Grange Lane

Trustees have now signed a formal lease for the Foxwood Community Centre. It means that the centre will be largely free from Council control but will have to raise most of its income from lettings. It is now run entirely by volunteers.

Community Centre lease signing

Cllr Stephen Fenton Dringhouses ward (extreme left*) and Cllr Sheena Jackson Westfield Ward (extreme right*) and Trustees sign the Community Centre lease on Wednesday. (*not politically!)

Meanwhile Sheena has been out and about in the Foxwood area reporting issues for attention

Obstructed path

Obstructed path

In the Cornlands Road area, while out delivering the latest Focus newsletter, we spotted several issues requiring attention. These included  offensive graffiti on the Tithe Close snicket. Issues have been reported using

We'll be keeping an eye on drainage and gutters channel as tree begin to shed their leaves. There is an almost continual problem in St Stephens Road

We’ll be keeping an eye on drainage and gutter channels as trees begin to shed their leaves. There is an almost continual problem in St Stephens Square

It's some times difficult to know whether an item has been dumped or left out for the scrap merchant

It’s some times difficult to know whether an item has been dumped or left out for the scrap merchant

Andrew Waller has commenced a survey of the Askham Lane/Grange Lane area

Survey launched this weekend

Survey launched this weekend

Grange Lane field entrance 2

One of the issues being probed is whether residents would like to see kissing gates installed on the accesses to the local parks and open areas. At present there are problems with motorcyclists riding near where children play

That was the week that was in west York

Thanks to the work of volunteers aided by the community payback team the garden at the Foxwood Community Centre is now looking amazing.

garden8 Garden 4 CC garden 2

The next Foxwood Residents Association meeting on Thursday will give those attending a chance to see the work that has been done

Meanwhile the prize winners in the Foxwood Residents Association annual flower basket competition have been announced.


Elsewhere local Westfield Ward Councillors have been out and about reporting issues

Dumping behind Beaconsfield Street off School Street

Dumping on Beaconsfield St back lane.

Epicormic leaf growth on some tree trunks like this on Gale Lane is causing visibility problems

Epicormic leaf growth on some tree trunks like this on Gale Lane is causing visibility problems

Blocked gully on Gale Lane

Blocked gulley on Gale Lane. Several have been reported for cleaning by Cllr Andrew Waller

Success for Cllr Sheena Jackson who has had the damaged bollard at the entrance to Fir Heath Close repaired

Success for Cllr Sheena Jackson who has had the damaged bollard at the entrance to Fir Heath Close repaired

More dumping on the Bachelor Hill snicket

More dumping on the Bachelor Hill snicket

Action taken on unauthorised estate agent lamppost signs & other issues

We’ve reported unauthorised house agent signs on lampposts in the Green Lane area. We don’t think that local etate agents who pay Business Rates to the York Council – will be too happy with this trick.

Unauthorised lamppost adevrtising

Unauthorised lamppost advertising

Elsewhere we’ve reported blocked gullies and uneven footpaths in Tudor Road

Blocked gully in Tudor Road

Blocked gully in Tudor Road

Uneven footpaths in Tudor Road

Uneven footpaths in Tudor Road

Cllr Andrew Waller has reported several problems with dumping and damaged gullies this week

Broken gully cover Middleton Road

Broken gully cover Middleton Road

Dumping in snicket

Dumping in snicket

Meanwhile Cllr Sheena Jackson has followed up complaints about excessive weed growth in some areas

Weeds on Spindal Close snicket

Weeds on Spindle Close snicket