The UK’s largest festival of classical music written before 1750 takes the theme of Innovation as its inspiration for 2019.
Taking the festival’s usual magical mix of music and historic venues together with illustrated lectures, talks and opportunities to meet new friends, this year’s festival artists include
Alamire directed by David Skinner (St Michael le Belfrey Church);
The Sixteen directed by Harry Christophers (York Minster);
Prince Harry’s wedding soprano Elin Manahan Thomas (St Lawrence Church, York);
the acclaimed Belgian vocal ensemble Vox Luminis (Chapter House, York Minster)
the Italian/Jewish Ensemble Lucidarium presenting a fascinating programme of music associated with the greatest innovator of all – Leonardo da Vinci
The Westfield Councillors are right to insist on more information being provided on building works in the area, when they meet tomorrow (Wednesday)
However, they will be meeting only a few metres away from the spoil heaps and site compound which has been constructed on the Council owned land to the rear of the Library.
Some explanation for the decision to allow the contractors to use this Council owned site will be expected. It is an issue that is not likely to go away.
Some residents still hope that Council will offer some sort of compensation for the problems that have been caused by the use of the compound
Elsewhere, the Lowfields development saga continues.
There has still not been any explanation about how the York Council came to mislead residents about the inclusion of a “police station” and health centre/GP surgery in the original consultation plans.
Both these promises turned out to be bogus. It is unclear what will happen to what, otherwise, will be unused plots on the east of the site.
On Ascot Way, access arrangements, for the heavy plant needed to complete the demolition of Windsor House, remain unclear. It seems that access for the plant will be via Kingsway West and Ascot Way It is clear that the roads are too narrow in the area to avoid major damage to adjacent verges and paths. A “one way” system has been suggested but not confirmed.
There are real concerns that the bus route will be obstructed by the likely congestion
The original hope had been that more parking lay-bys would have been provided by now.
…..and the problem of the promised replacement for the all weather games area seems to be no closer to resolution. The existing MUGA has already been converted into a building compound.
There is no word about the proposed alternative site on the Thanet Road Sports Area although officials were asked to follow this up 3 months ago.
Residents will no doubt be hoping that some answers emerge from the meeting
City of York Council is inviting residents to learn to Nordic Walk this July.
The council’s latest Nordic Walking course starts on 5 July and sessions will take place every Friday for four weeks from 10am until 11am, meeting at the Rowntree Park Reading Café.
Nordic Walking is a calm, social but vigorous walking style that burns about 50 per cent more calories than walking alone and tones the upper and lower body. Walking with the specialized Nordic Walking poles, residents also reduce impact on the knee joints.
Nordic walking is one of the fastest growing activities in the UK and at the end of the course participants will be given a Nordic Walking UK Freedom Card, which will enable them to attend Nordic Walking groups anywhere in the UK, including several in the York area.