York Bridge Club plans approved

Go ahead given for move to cricket ground near Acomb Green

The bridge clubs planning application to build a replacement HQ at the Acomb Sports and Social Club site has been approved.  The application was revealed in January when the club said that it needed to move from its present base in Holgate.

There are several conditions attached to the approval including a requirement for an electric vehicle charging point.

The hours of operation of the approved use will be confined to between 9am to 11pm Monday to Saturday and 11am to 8pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Full details of the restrictions can be viewed in the decision letter (click)

Many will welcome the provision of a new leisure facility in west York which has suffered a decline in the choices available during recent years.

The Acomb Cricket Club has also had something of a renaissance recently with the team being promoted to the top flight at the end of last season.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


12 The Knoll York YO24 3EB

Single storey rear extension with render finish following demolition of rear projection – retrospective

Ref. No: 20/00572/FUL 


120 Barkston Avenue York YO26 5BB

Two storey side extension, dormer to rear and 2no. rooflights to front

Ref. No: 20/00497/FUL 


Acomb Antiques 7A Acomb Court Front Street York YO24 3BJ

Change of use from retail unit (use class A1) to nail bar (sui generis)

Ref. No: 20/00444/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Chapelfields recycling being collected tomorrow (Saturday)

Council waste service update Friday 20 March

“All scheduled recycling waste collections have been made.

We were unable to collect household waste from Knapton House, Rawcliffe due to a blocked access.

We’ve recollected all outstanding recycling except from collections in Chapelfields.

We’ll collect any remaining Chapelfields recycling on Saturday 21 March. Please present your containers for collection by 7.00am”.

Funding to be fast tracked to support York residents through the impact of coronavirus

Local ward funding is to be accelerated and used flexibly to help community organisations respond to local needs during the outbreak of coronavirus. 

This source of funding is ideal for supporting local charities, community groups and other agencies delivering the support to residents in need.

Ward Councillors are being encouraged to work with their communities to identify needs and solutions and use their ward budgets accordingly. The Council will be as flexible and as responsive as we can in approving expenditure, so long as it complies with the council’s financial regulations.

The Council will be able to process applications very quickly to ensure that funding can be with the relevant community organisation immediately for use to support local residents.

Any groups interested in applying for ward funding should go to www.york.gov.uk/WardGrantApplications to submit their application. To find out more, contact the Council’s Communities team, email: shapingneighbourhoods@york.gov.uk or telephone: 01904 551832.

Cllr Darryl Smalley, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities at City of York Council, said:

City of York Council is doing everything possible respond to the current situation, and the latest part of this is ensuring that every penny possible goes to those on the frontline in the coming weeks.

“Ward Councillors have been urged to consider how the ward budgets, particularly the Safer Communities Fund, can be deployed in a way that supports their communities through Coronavirus.

Ward committee funding will be as flexible as possible and any funds granted for date-specific activities will be extended until it is safe for them to be held.”

Neighbourhood information needed to help combat Corona

The Council’s step to encourage volunteering is welcome.

But better coordination of the resources available is needed at neighbourhood level.

Those “self isolating” want to know which local shops are offering home delivery.

Residents need confirmation of which pharmacies are offering home delivery and with what capacity (any gaps could be filled by volunteers).

The Foxwood Residents Association is offering free social media and noticeboard publicity to local shops that

a) will deliver to doorsteps

b) accept remote payment – inclusive of delivery – by PayPal, card or bank transfer

c) Will take orders by email, phone or “on line” web site.

Any stores accepting contactless payments, and collection of food from a prearranged “in store” location (by volunteers), will also be acknowledged.

The Council needs to check and publicise regularly the availability of “on line” delivery slot availability at local branches of major supermarkets.

The Council could also coordinate the provision lists of stock shortages, of essential items, at local supermarkets. This would prevent unnecessary journeys

Westfield school partially closed from today – early years affected

Westfield Community Primary School in York has made the decision to partially close school from Wednesday 18th March.

The closure will affect the Early Years Foundation Stage and will mean that the Nursery and Reception Pupils will not be able to attend school. 

The school will remain open for Years 1-6

Westfield school web site click

Time to minimise calls on Council staff time

Although we will continue to report routine issues with local public services over the next few weeks, we don’t expect some to have any priority for the use of resources if the CV virus debilitates the Councils workforce.

Clearly the most important services are those that maintain the safety of the local community.

We’d like to see the Council appoint local coordinators so that the vulnerable have someone to turn to. We recognise that valuable resources like the local “hubs” will have to close but they need to be replaced with technology based alternatives. We look forward to hearing more about the Council’s plans

The Friday Hub at the Foxwood Community Centre has already been suspended.

Local residents groups and Councillors are actively supporting residents.

Hopefully those who are responsible for the graffiti that blights the neighbourhood, those who drop litter and those who allow their dogs to foul footpaths will now change their ways.

NB. The Great British Spring Clean – which relied on volunteer litter pickers – has been postponed until the Autumn.

Credit Union confirms that its Acomb branch has closed permanently

UPDATE: The Social First Credit Union is still accepting applications for new memberships. Call 03030 300010

The Acomb branch of the Community First Credit Union was closed late last year. The property on York Road is now on the market.

Property available to lease on York Road

The Union says that it still provide a basic service in the City each week. The published opening hours (which may change during the current health crisis) are:

  • Bell Farm Social Hall every Tuesday from 9am until 1pm and then 1:45pm until 4pm.
  • York West Council Offices every Thursday from 9am until 1pm and then 1:45pm until 4pm.
  • Westfield Children’s Centre every Friday 9am until 12 noon.

Members can call the Union on 03030300010 when they believe they would like to visit and will confirm if the member of staff will be at these properties.

Formerly known as the South Yorkshire Credit Union, the organisation expanded into York when the York and North Yorkshire Credit Union folded in 2012. At that time there were considerable losses for the local authorities involved.

A few years later, the arrival of the SY Credit Union, at premises in what is the poorest part of the City, was generally welcomed.

The York Council has made no statement about the reduced access arrangements although support services like these are likely to be particularly valued during the present health crisis.