York Council seeking “community health champion”


ElderlyAs part of work to support residents in their communities and empower people to get involved in healthy activities, the council is inviting residents to apply to be a community health champion.

The Council says that a ” community health champion is a volunteer, who with training and support from the council can help improve the health and wellbeing of their families, communities or workplaces by:

  • Motivating and empowering people to get involved in healthy activities
  • Creating groups to meet local needs
  • Directing people to relevant support and services.

As part of a pilot scheme, community health champions will work closely with City of York Council’s Public Health team and raise awareness of health messages amongst communities, support older people and help to create supportive networks and environments for residents, making a real difference to their lives”.

For more information on this opportunity visit www.york.gov.uk/volunteeringopportunities,call 01904 553377 or email yorwellbeing@york.gov.uk.

Separately local residents groups have been told about another project.

Local Area Coordination

0511-0908-1722-5910_Black_and_White_Cartoon_of_a_man_Helping_His_Elderly_Father_clipart_imageThe Council says that “Local Area Coordination is an internationally recognised evidence-based approach to supporting people as valued citizens in their communities. It enables people to pursue their vision for a good life and to stay safe, strong, connected, healthy and in control.  As well building the skills, knowledge and confidence of people and the community.

Local Area Coordination supports people who may feel vulnerable due to age, frailty, disability or mental health needs.

City of York Council will be taking forward the programme in York and shortly be recruiting  three Local Area Coordinators to work in the following areas: Tang Hall, Westfield and Huntington & New Earswick. The Local Area Coordinators will take time to get to know you, your family/ carer and community.

If you would like to find out more and are interested in getting involved and making Local Area Coordination a success in York please come to one of our informal community awareness raising events shown below”.

  • New Earswick Folk Hall – Monday Feb 6th 4 – 6pm
  • Acomb Explore Library – Thursday Feb 9th 5 – 7pm
  • Tang Hall Community Centre – Friday Feb 10th 4 – 6pm

“It will be fine to drop in but to enable us to plan the sessions please contact Jack Derham on email jack.derham@york.gov.uk to register your planned attendance.

If you have any queries please contact Joe Micheli, Head of Commissioning (Early Intervention, Prevention and Community Development) on 01904 554477 or joe.micheli@york.gov.uk “

At there moment there is little substance to the plans.

There are no fact sheets indicating the scale of the problem, no indication of how success will be judged and no targets.

What precisely the workers will actually do on a day to day basis has also yet to be defined.

However, anything that can be done to combat the isolation felt by vulnerable people in our community is welcome and we hope that the Council will quickly refine and explain their plans




York Council set to quit allotment management

Green Lane allotments among 18 sites to be handed over

Good life

Good life

Management of the current allotment service is undertaken by one full-time officer with limited part time assistance from the Council’s Business Support service. Most sites have a voluntary site secretary who, on behalf of the Council, shows prospective tenants around the site, lets plots and deals with simple day to day enquires. A limited number of sites have voluntary tenants associations who run site shops and offer gardening advice and support to tenants.

York has 1250 allotments

The Council is now proposing to hand all 18 sites over to a volunteer managed body. The precise nature of the body has not been confirmed but it is clear that not all allotment holders are sold on the idea. Some said that they would be prepared to pay extra to ensure that a professional management service was sustained.

The main concerns relate the ability of plot holders to self regulate.

It is not unknown for users to become quite exercised over what outsiders might see as relatively trivial issues. The BBC even broadcast a investigative programme in 2013 called “allotment wars” Elsewhere Councils have run for the hills having divested themselves of local allotments.

The allotment service currently runs at a loss of £17k per annum. For 2016/17 direct expenditure is £80k with income expected to be £63k. As a contingency, a fee increase of 27% was approved by the Executive 7th December 2016. The new fees would come into effect in January 2018 which, assuming no price resistance, would balance income and direct expenditure.

Until a couple of years ago all allotments  sites had waiting lists. Interest in some sites has waned in more recent months, although residents wanting primeplots will still have to wait

List of allotments in York

List of allotments in York

Where York's allotment are located

Where York’s allotment are located

Changes to 24 bus services to Windsor Garth

24 – Ascot Way to York – click here for a timetable

Some minor changes will be made to the Monday to Saturday timetable from Monday 9th January:

  • 08:09 from York Rail Station to Ascot Way will now start at Piccadilly at 08:04
  • 18:04 from York Rail Station to Ascot Way will now start at Piccadilly at 18:08 and run up to 10 minutes later throughout
  • 18:37 from Ascot Way will leave at 18:42 and run up to 5 minutes later throughout

– See more at: https://www.arrivabus.co.uk/yorkshire/updates/yorkjan/#sthash.L58f3fcJ.dpuf

Other changes to York vbus services

Service No. Operator Brief summary of changes
4/12/16 44 Transdev Service will run from Acomb to city centre only.
4/1/17 627 Arriva Morning journey to run 5 mins earlier.
8/1/17 8 First Minor timetable change.
8/1/17 31
Stephenson’s Minor timetable change.
8/1/17 66 First Inbound service will set down passengers at Clifford St instead of Piccadilly.
8/1/17 66A First New route: Merchantgate – Hull Road – University of York
8/1/17 66X First New route: Merchantgate – Hull Road – Grimston Bar
9/1/17 24 Arriva Minor timetable change.
9/1/17 25 Arriva Minor timetable change.
9/1/17 26 Arriva Earlier (0658) start time from Fulford.
19/2/17 13 Connexions The 0635 trip from Rail Station to Copmanthorpe will be removed.

……and now for the rubbish clear up

christmas-tree-recycling-trash-fl-560x400All properties in York will get either a grey bin or recycling collection this week.

When you have a recycling collection, the Council will accept extra festive recycling including greeting cards, paper, wrapping paper (non foil), cardboard, plastic bottles, tins and glass. All you need to do is place them in separate untied clear bags or open boxes with your recycling, or simply take them to a recycling site.

Real Christmas trees and wreaths can also be taken to our recycling sites at Hazel Court HWRC or Towthorpe HWRC.

You can check when your refuse will be collected by clicking here

More roads to be salted in York?


de-icingThe Council has not said why it is set to discuss the issue halfway through winter or why the plan had not been included on its “forward plan” of decisions.

According to the Press, it says it will pay for any changes using “contingency” funds (which have been available since last April).

The decision to salt the 24 bus route will be welcomed. It was a major bone of contention in 2013

The Council have been lucky that in the intervening period the City has enjoyed relatively mild winters.

We can’t expect that to continue.

Trial Sunday bus service linking Foxwood/Woodthorpe and Askham Bar extended for a month

First have announced that the trial bus which links Foxwood, Woodthorpe & Bishopthorpe with Tesco and Askham Bar will continue to run until the end of January 2017.

The services will run on:

  • Tuesday 27 December 2016
  • Bank Holiday Monday, 2 January 2017
  • Sundays 8, 15, 22 and 29 January 2017

Download Service 500 timetable

The free service, numbered 500, runs with an electric bus, subject to availability, to reduce noise and emissions. It was due to finish on 18th December


New crime and customer satisfaction stats published

The York Council has updated the information that it holds on each ward in the City.

The stats compare residents opinions across the whole City.

The latest updates – which can be accessed on the open data web site by clicking here – have been updated to include 2016 quarter 2 figures.

Detailed figures for the Westfield ward  confirm the surge in crime witnessed in the late summer. Anti social behaviour was up generally with criminal damage reports increasing by over 30%. On the other hand burglary incidents reduced in Westfield despite being stable in the rest of the City

Westfield Ward crime stats

Westfield Ward crime stats

Meanwhile a majority of residents thought that vandalism wasn’t a problem in their neighbourhood.

Beating the City trend, 46% of Westfield respondents thought that they could influence decisions taken about their area.


Jobs and influence

Residents across the city were generally satisfied with the way the Council runs things (55.2% in Westfield) They were less happy about the progress being made in encouraging the use of low emission vehicles.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

That was the week that was 26th Nov 2016

The week began with a tea dance at Acomb library

The week began with a tea dance at Acomb library

Cllr Sue Hunter (centre) visited Venturefest at teh racecourse. The annual exhibition provides a showcase for local businesses

Cllr Sue Hunter (centre) visited Venturefest at the racecourse. The annual exhibition provides a showcase for local businesses

The Polioce sustained increased patrolinhg levels in Chapelfields. Fewer compalinstr about anti social behaviour across west York have been received this week

The Police sustained increased patrolling levels in Chapelfields. Fewer complaints about anti social behaviour across west York have been received this week

Councillors were out and about reporting issues for attention. These included leaf fall in Rylatt Place

Councillors were out and about reporting issues for attention. These included leaf fall in Rylatt Place

and day burnign street lights

Day burning street light reported by Andrew Waller

Graffiti in Acomb Green

Graffiti in Acomb Green

dumping and vandalism in the Beacosnfield Street back lane

and dumping and vandalism in the Beaconsfield Street back lane

Fly tipping on Gale Lane

Fly tipping

Car parking problems on School Street were reported. A survey is being undertaken to see whether residents want a ResPark scheme to be introduced in the area.

Car parking problems on School Street were reported. A survey is being undertaken to see whether residents want a ResPark scheme to be introduced in the area.

A new bollard was provided at the junction of Tudor Road and Kingsway West.  Intended to improve road safety its precise effect is a puzzle to many

A new bollard was provided at the junction of Tudor Road and Kingsway West. Intended to improve road safety its precise effect is a puzzle to many


The week ended with today’s Acomb Market and Christmas lights switch on (4:00pm). Over £6000 was raised by voluntary donations to fund the lights

That was the week that was in west York 13th Nov 2016

The week got off to a poor start with an arson attack at West Bank park  Pressure increased on the Crime Commissioner who was asked to put more policing resources into the City. Meanwhile volunteers have called a PUBLIC MEETING about West Bank Park  Heritage Project Wednesday 16th November, Holgate Methodist Church, 7pm

The week got off to a disappointing start with an arson attack at West Bank Park.  Pressure mounted on the Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan who was asked to put more policing resources into the City. Meanwhile volunteers have called a PUBLIC MEETING about the West Bank Park Heritage Project for Wednesday 16th November at Holgate Methodist Church starting at 7pm

The Acomb Alive traders group met on Tuesday and heard that the Christmas lights appeal had reached 50% of its target. Residents have until 22nd November to reach £6600. You can pledge at  http://www.spacehive.com/lightupacombthischristmas. Meanwhile the Christmas tree which will be fixed to shop fronts have arrives

The Acomb Alive traders group met on Tuesday and heard that the Christmas lights financial appeal had reached 50% of its target. Residents have until 22nd November to reach £6600. You can pledge at http://www.spacehive.com/lightupacombthischristmas. Meanwhile the Christmas trees, which will be fixed to shop fronts, have arrived in the village

The leaves are falling quickly now  with Acomb Green gradually turning gold

The leaves are falling quickly now with Acomb Green gradually turning gold

Council staff are working full time sweeping leaves for gutter like these in Vesper Drive

Council staff are working full time sweeping leaves for gutters like these in Vesper Drive

We've reported a broken speed sign on Wetherby Road.  A reprt ealier in teh week revelaed that there ahd been a substnatial increase in cyclist casualties in York last year.

We’ve reported a broken speed sign on Wetherby Road. A report earlier in the week revealed that there had been a substantial increase in cyclist casualties in York last year.

A report  revealed that there and been a substantial increase in cyclist casualties in York last year. Poor road surfaces like those in School Street were blamed

 Poor road surfaces like those in School Street were blamed for increasing number sof accidents.

Meanwhile Andrew Waller reported a pothole in St Stephens Road

Andrew Waller reported a pothole in St Stephens Road

A new litter bin was installed in the Lowfields area

A new litter bin was installed in the Lowfields area

...and the largely redundant salt bin at the entrance to the Lowfields school site was topped up. During the last big freeze in 2010 the bin was largely inaccessible and requests were made for it to be relocated onto Dijon Avenue

…and the largely redundant salt bin at the entrance to the Lowfields school site was topped up! During the last big freeze in 2010 the bin was largely inaccessible and requests were made for it to be relocated onto Dijon Avenue

A new FREE Sundab bus service linking Foxwood with Askham Bar was launched.

A new FREE Sunday bus service linking Foxwood with Askham Bar was launched.

The war memorial was given a spruce up - and the surrounding railings repaired - prior to Remembrance Day

The war memorial was given a spruce up – and the surrounding railings repaired – prior to Remembrance Day