Owners of suspected stolen coins sought in Acomb and Holgate

The Police say, “We are conducting enquiries and are requesting the public’s assistance to help identify the owner of two Silver crown coins that were recovered from a recent search conducted by North Yorkshire Police.
Appeal image

In particular, we are appealing for information in regards to any possible victim of the theft of these items.

There has recently been reported incidents in the Acomb / Holgate area of York of a female attending the addresses of elderly persons and it is believed that this property may be linked to an as yet unidentified victim

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact us on 101, select option 2, and ask for PC 1681 Andy Chapman. You can also email andrew.chapman1681@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Appeal image

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150199579.


National recognition for police responsible drinking campaign


An innovative campaign which tackles the negative impacts of excessive alcohol consumption has been shortlisted for a national award.
Alternate campaign launch in Selby

North Yorkshire Police’s Alternate campaign asks people to think carefully about the effects of their drinking, with a series of hard-hitting videos showing the risks and unintended consequences of drinking too much.

The five films were premièred in Selby in September 2015, shown on a large video van at the town’s Market Cross. Posters and credit-card sized ‘app cards’ featuring links to web content were distributed at licensed premises across the town.

All the films are also available to watch on North Yorkshire Police’s YouTube channel, http://tinyurl.com/alternatevid, and on a new website www.alternatedrinking.org. They were most recently used to promote national Alcohol Awareness Week 2015, which ran from Monday 16 November.

Appeal for information – 13-year-old boy assaulted in Hob Moor, York.

A 13-year-old local boy has been assaulted on the cycle track between Hob Moor and Tadcaster Road in York.
At 3.30pm on Wednesday 25 November 2015, a young man aged approximately 19 to 20-years-old forcefully grabbed the young victim and pulled him off his bicycle and shook him violently. 

Fortunately the victim did not require hospital treatment but has been left distressed by the incident.

Officers are appealing for information about the assault and are urging anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward.

In particular, they are appealing for information about a white man aged 19 to 20-years-old, about 6ft tall of medium build with short curly ginger hair.  The man was wearing a black hoody and blue or black trousers and was seen to by riding a blue BMX bicycle.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact police on 101, select option 2, and ask for Constable James Mills. You can also email james.mills@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Please quote North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150209471.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Cornlands Park entrance to be gated as process to close Bachelor Hill snickets is considered

One of the entrances to the Cornlands Road park is recommended for closure in a report to be presented to a meeting next week (see plan).

Cornlands park gate Nov 2015There have been few objections to the plan which will use new Public Space Protection Order legislation. The legislation allows access to be restricted to areas which have a poor crime record.

Last year the Cornlands Park was the centre of increased anti-social behaviour in the area and Police hope that restricting the number of access points to the park will make enforcement easier.

Many residents though would like to see the whole of the park secured after dark.

Bachelor Hill

The same meeting will consider a petition presented by local Councillor Sue Hunter to the last Council meeting.

It requesting the alleyways between 30-38 Gale Lane,1-9 Bachelor Hill and to the rear of 11-15 Bachelor Hill be gated for reasons of security.

Back snicket closures Bachelor Hill

A report by officials to the meeting claims that there have been no reports of anti-social behaviour in the area during the last 12 months and that therefore the Public Space Protection Order legislation cannot be invoked in this case.

Not with standing recent statistics, over the years’ rowdy behaviour has been a recurrent issue in the area.

The snickets concerned are not short cuts. They are only used – legitimately – to access the rear of the terraced properties.

The Council should agree to consult with residents about the options for installing lockable gates

The snickets, which are both on Council Housing Department owned land, could still be closed but funding would be needed from either the estate improvement budget or the Ward committee.

Search continues in York for Rory Johnson…appeal for Clifford Street assault witnesses

Extensive police enquiries are ongoing and river searches have resumed in the effort to find Rory Johnson in York.

Rory Johnson

The 29-year-old from Skipton was last seen by the friend he travelled to York with at 12.15am on Friday 20 November 2015, when Rory left the York Central Travel Lodge on Piccadilly where they were staying the night.

It has been established that Rory went to a nearby pub with a fellow hotel guest having earlier met him and his father in The Postern Gate Wetherspoon pub at around 11.30pm on Thursday.

Read more

Witness appeal following assault in York

Police are appealing for witnesses and information following a serious assault in Clifford Street, York.

The incident happened outside Subway between 2.30am and 2.45am on Sunday 8 November.

A 21 year old man from Selby was assaulted and he sustained serious facial injuries.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information, is asked to contact police. Dial 101, press 2 and ask to speak to DC Andrea Robinson in the York Serious Crime Team.

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference number 12150198422 when passing on information.


Counter Terrorism Awareness Week launches today

Police in the UK are today, Monday 23 November, launching the second national Counter Terrorism Awareness Week (#CounterTerrorismUK) reminding the public that they have a key role in helping to prevent and protect the UK from the threat of terrorism.
Counter terrorism advice

Recent events in Paris have brought into sharp focus the type and scale of threat posed by international terrorism, and the relationship between the police and the public needs to be stronger then ever before to counter this threat.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, from the UK Counter Terrorism Policing Network said: “I cannot overstate the importance of the role that the public plays in helping to protect the UK against the threat of terrorism. Since the threat level was raised to ‘severe’ last year, police activity has increased accordingly in terms of number of arrests and investigations we’re carrying out. But just as importantly, we’re getting more calls and more information from the public which is vital to us.

North Yorkshire Police under scrutiny today

North Yorkshire Police 43 officers under strength

Papers published for a public meeting – which is being web cast today – reveal that North Yorkshire Police are employing 43 fewer officers than their budget would fund.

There are now a total of 1350 officers working in the County (which includes York).

However 192 PCSOs are also employed – 9 more than budgeted.

The “scrutiny” meetings will also consider some worrying trends in crime levels. As previously reported there have been increases in the number of some types of crime committed  in parts of York. Comparative figures for the whole county have now been published.

Police meeting 23rd Nov 2015

The report – which can be read by clicking here – also details the police response

The panel has introduced an innovative opportunity for residents to ask questions during the meeting (which starts at 9:30am) using Twitter. You can post your question on Twitter using #NYPscrutiny. There will be a cut off point for asking questions, this will be announced during the meeting. Given the size of the County this seems to us to be a good idea.

Warning that crime level is increasing in York

Officials are warning that crime in York may rise by 11% this year.

Adverse trends have been evident on the Police real time tracking web site for some months (click to access). The September figures have recently been added.

In West York by far the largest number of incidents reported concern anti-social behaviour. Violence and sexual offences come second and criminal damage/arson third.

A report to a York Council meeting says,

“Significant increases are forecast in violent crime, shoplifting and burglary non-dwelling categories.

 Latest benchmarking information show rates of crime at a national level have also risen significantly in Q2, and levels of overall crime in comparable authorities are increasing at greater rates than in York.

 Reports of domestic violence are prCrime west York Oct 14 to Sept 15edicted to be 6% greater than those reported during the same time frame in 2014/15”.


Don’t putt up with property theft – police launch new security marking drive for golfers

Golfers in York are being urged to protect their clubs and other valuable equipment as part of a new property-marking drive.

Golf clubs and accessories can be worth thousands of pounds, making them an attractive target for criminals. Now police in York are offering to mark them with a permanent, unique number – deterring thieves and making stolen property easier to trace.