Anti social behaviour on increase as Councillors and crime chief wrangle?

Local residents have raised concerns about an apparent increase in street level crime in the city.

Media reports wrangle over policing budget

The Foxwood Residents Association has pointed to incidents including attempted arson which happened last week while the police have issued a warning About vehicle crime in the Walker Drive area

Over the weekend the police had to invoke a “disposal order” on City centre streets following increased anti-social behaviour. An dispersal order, to leave an area, can be triggered by “any behaviour that is unacceptable including foul and abusive language causing alarm, distress and harassment to members of the public”

Meanwhile local Councillors are at logger heads about next year’s policing budget. They need to sort their differences out quickly. If more street level police are required – and they seem to be – then a recruitment campaign needs to start straight away.

Crime levels in Westfield more generally were stable during 2018. It is only during recent weeks that concerns have been raised about trends

Police message following suspicious activity in St Stephens Road

At approximately 0500 hours on Saturday 29th December 2018, 3 males were found in a garden on St Stephens Road.

It is suspected that the males were intending to break into the house.

Fortunately the males were disturbed by the occupant and they made off.

Please can we ask that you review your home and garden security, and also report any suspicious activity by dialling 999 in an emergency or 101 non emergency.

Officers quickly responded to the area but the males could not be found.

Appeal following robbery in Front Street

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information surrounding a robbery in Acomb at approximately 4.30pm on Sunday 23 December.

The incident happened in Farm Foods on Front Street when a man entered the store, stood in line at the till before producing a knife and grabbing an amount of cash from the till.

As he tried to leave the store he was tackled to the ground by a customer before running out of the store. He climbed on his bike and cycled at speed past Domino’s Pizza.

The customer received a hand injury in the tackle.

The offender is described as a White man, aged 30 to 35 years-old amd stocky build. He was wearing a knee length jacket covering over his face.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101. Press option 1 and pass information to the Force Control Room.

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference number 12180014807 when passing on information about the incident.

Police message – Theft from vehicle on Vesper Drive

There have been items stolen from an unattended vehicle on Vesper Drive between 17:30 on the 22nd of December 2018 and 10:00 on the 23rd of December 2018.

If you have any information in relation to this incident please phone 101 and quote NYP-23122018-0142.

When leaving your vehicle we urge residents to remove any valuables from your vehicle and ensure that all doors are locked and windows are closed.

York man sentenced for Council Tax fraud

D4NT09 Council Tax bill 2013/2014 for property dwelling band F with 25% discount for sole adult resident

An investigation carried out by City of York Council has uncovered and successfully prosecuted a serious case of Council Tax fraud of almost £6,000.

Christopher Cuinu (aged 52) of Blossom Street, York, claimed Council Tax Support on the basis of being unemployed, obtaining £5882.41 from the public purse over a six year period.

Veritau, the council’s fraud investigation service, carried out an investigation into his claim for a reduction to his council tax liability.

The investigation was conducted following claims that Mr Cuinu owned and managed a café in York for a considerable period of time and fraudulently sought unemployment benefits.

SelectaDNA tagging spray deployed

North Yorkshire Police aim to identify law-breaking moped and off-road riders

North Yorkshire Police is set to use SelectaDNA tagging spray to target those who ride mopeds and off-road motorcycles in an illegal or anti-social manner.

Already successfully deployed by 14 other police forces in the UK, officers will use the DNA spray to safely tag offenders who often have their faces covered while making off from the police.

It marks the bikes, clothing and skin of riders and passengers with a uniquely-coded but invisible DNA that will provide forensic evidence to link them to a specific crime.

PCSO Justin Piercy deploys DNA spray during the police demonstration

The spray shows up blue under special UV lights and it can still be detected after washing.

The roll-out in North Yorkshire is being funded from the Proceeds of Crime Act at a cost of £2,500.

PC Tom Ibbetson, who has led the DNA spray initiative at North Yorkshire Police with support from the force’s Roads Policing Group, said: “As we have seen in other parts of the country, the use of SelectaDNA tagging spray is a very effective and safe police tactic in evidentially linking people on mopeds and off-road motorcycles to criminality and anti-social behaviour.

“The beauty of the DNA tagging spray is that suspects and bikes can be identified many weeks after being tagged, meaning they will have to be constantly looking over their shoulder because the police will catch up with them sooner or later.

PC Tom Ibbetson who is leading the roll-out of the DNA spray tactic at North  Yorkshire Police

“Importantly, it sends out a clear message to both offenders and concerned residents that North Yorkshire Police will not tolerate this type of behaviour. We will go to great lengths to bring offenders to justice and end the misery they are causing in many of our communities.”

Anyone with information about crime or anti-social behaviour linked to mopeds and off-road motorcycles is urged to call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 1, and speak to the Force Control Room.

You can also contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you would prefer to remain anonymous.

For more information about SelectaDNA tagging spray, please go to

Police warning as burglars hit Askham Lane

On the evening of 08/12/18 a house on Askham Lane,York has been entered and keys to a vehicle stolen, it is possible the 3 youths on cycles may have been involved, should anyone have any Info please call 101 or Crimestoppers.Quote incident No 12180228501.

There have been a number of attempted thefts of vehicles and 2 in 1 styled burglaries in York. A 2 in 1 burglary is where offenders commit a burglary with the aim of stealing car keys. Please keep property doors and windows locked, even if you are at home and ensure any unattended vehicles are kept locked (even if you are only leaving it momentarily). Additionally, please keep vehicle and house keys out of sight and away from windows and doors.

If you see something suspicious please contact us on 101. Alternatively, if you witness what you suspect to be a crime in action, please call 999 immediately.