Nearly 80% take up of free school meals in York

Nick Clegg launching the new scheme last year

Nick Clegg launching the new scheme last year

In York the take-up of universal infant free school meals in primary/infant schools, on school census day in October, was 77.9%.

The initiative announced by the coalition government 2 years ago has proved to be popular with many parents.

Now plans have been outlined which would see the scheme extended to other primary school children.

Castlegate closure – York Council backs down

Labour admits “Could have done better, should have gone further with consultation”.

The future of the Castlegate youth advisory centre has been the subject of further debate today.

A few days ago details of the number of young people using the centre over the last few years was published by the Council, together with the reason for their visit.

Customer numbers Castlegate

  • Around 20 people a day use the centre.
  • Over half the visits each year were connected with job searches.
  • The majority of the users are aged between 16 and 19.

After an unnecessary game of pass the parcel the Labour Cabinet have tonight caved in and agreed to reprieve the youth advice service in York.

A working group is being set up to consider options for the continuation of youth advice and help services. It will first consult widely

The Council is expecting to receive proposals in early January. They will be discussed at a YorOk Board on 12th January.

The responsible Cabinet member admitted

We need to make West Offices a better experience for visitors

Numbers on York child protection register reducing

The City of York Council will make a child subject to a Child Protection Plan (sometimes referred to as the child protection register) if an Initial Child Protection Conference of multi-agency professionals finds that the child has suffered and is likely to suffer significant harm. Child protection

Such harm could be the result of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect (definitions from Working Together 2013).

The numbers subject to Child Protection Plans in the City have been;

  • 162 @ March 2012
  • 123 @ March 2013
  • 125 @ March 2014
  • 114 @ September 2014

York pilots flexible ‘childcare hubs’ as part of national initiative

Parents in York will find it even easier to find childcare to fit their needs thanks to a new national pilot scheme to create childcare ‘hubs’.

Ten Community Childcare and Early Learning Hubs have been set up across the country by childcare charity 4Children, on behalf of the Department for Education, four of which are in York.

The Hubs consist of a variety of early years settings and schools all working together in a local area to achieve three goals – improving quality, offering blended childcare to parents and supporting the provision of new childcare places as required.

Adoption success in York


Thanks to the efforts of social workers in York and adoptive parents across the country there are currently no children and young people from York waiting for adoption.

Because the council’s area is geographically small, York children needing adoption are placed outside York by City of York Council’s Adoption Team and approved adoptive parents in York are matched with children from across the country. Mary McKelvey, Adoption Service Manager, stressed that this arrangement means that there are still lots of children from outside the city – particularly siblings and children over the age of three – who are looking for loving homes.

She explained: “It’s great news that we don’t have any children from York who are waiting to find permanent loving homes at present. This is down to the hard work of the social work teams in York and adoptive parents across the country with whom we have placed children. However, there are hundreds of children across the country who are still waiting to be adopted and I would urge anyone considering adoption to get in touch to find out more.”

For more information on adopting in York visit, call 01904 553525 email or visit ‘Adoption and Fostering York’ on Facebook

Over 350 two-year-olds take up free childcare places in York

Over 350 two year olds in York have taken up the offer of free childcare places this term – over two thirds of those who are eligible.

click for more information

click for more information

Approximately 600 two-year-olds in York – double last year’s figure – are eligible for up to 15 hours of free childcare a week at a playgroup, day nursery or with a childminder this term as part of a national initiative. A further 500 will be eligible from January.

Parents, who earn no more than £16,190 a year and receive Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credit or Income Support, could be eligible for a free childcare place for their child or children. Two-year-olds, who are looked after by the council or have a Child Protection Plan, automatically qualify for a place.

Children with special educational needs, those who have been adopted or with a residency/special guardianship order also qualify for a place.

The free places are available to children who are two years of age and whose parents fulfil the criteria. The places can be taken up the term after the child’s second birthday.

Parents can apply on line at or to find out more call the Family Information Service on 01904 554444 or text ‘’free place’ to 07624 802244.

New Cornlands play area a hit with children but….

…………litter still a major problem

Cornlands park children playing

The new play equipment, installed by the local residents association, in the Cornlands park is proving to be a success with local children.

Unfortunately the Council have not only removed the dog proof fence but have failed to provide either a “poop scoop” or litter bn.

The result is that the insecure area is a bit of a mess.

Poop scoop bins missing for months

Poop scoop bins missing for months

We’ve asked for a clean up of the whole park, but new bins need to be provided together with some sort of security to prevent access to the play area by dogs.

A similar initiative is needed at the Grange Lane play area

Detritus on playground

Detritus on playground

Litter piled up around perimeter of park

Litter piled up around perimeter of park



Castlegate youth services saved

The York Council has agreed to review its decision to close the young peoples advice services provided from 29 Castlegate.

Castlegate centreThe decision to move services to “West Offices” was heavily criticised by opposition Councillors at a meeting yesterday.

The decision is the second major rethink on policy – following the decision to reject Labours Local Plan – which has resulted from Labour losing control of the Council.