New 30 hour free childcare offer for York families

This Early Implementers programme – announced in York in February this year – has City of York Council as one of the first areas in England to offer 30 hours free childcare support to parents, so they can balance work with their family lives.

ChildcareYork is one of eight areas across the country to be chosen following huge demand from local areas to take part in delivering the offer a year early. The offer means that an additional 15 hours free childcare is available for many working parents of three- and four-year-olds in the area, as long as they earn the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum or living wage.

The eight areas that were chosen to lead the way – including York, Wigan, Staffordshire, Swindon, Portsmouth, Hertfordshire, Newham and Northumberland – are involved in getting the programme’s delivery right, so that the rest of the country can hit the ground running in September 2017.

In York, 166 providers have signed up to the pilot. This represents 72 per cent of the city’s schools, day nurseries, play groups, childminders and independent schools committing to the programme.

The 30 hour free childcare offer builds on the investment being made in childcare – rising from £5 billion to £6 billion per year by 2020. The aim is to make it easier for parents to work and earn more in the years before their children start school and will also provide a financial boost to working parents who already pay for childcare. Parents will also be able to reserve places ahead of time – before their child turns three – to ensure their working patterns are not disrupted.

Parents or providers interested in finding out more about what this offer means for them can visit:

Lesley Calvert is the manager of Funfishers pre-school and out of school club, a charitable provider based on the Fishergate Primary School site. She said: “I think the programme will be of positive benefit to working parents who have to manage childcare bills. As a setting, I’m confident that through working with other providers and the local authority within our partnership, we will make the pilot a success and enable its rollout in September 2017.”

Over 350 two-year-olds take up free childcare places in York

Over 350 two year olds in York have taken up the offer of free childcare places this term – over two thirds of those who are eligible.

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Approximately 600 two-year-olds in York – double last year’s figure – are eligible for up to 15 hours of free childcare a week at a playgroup, day nursery or with a childminder this term as part of a national initiative. A further 500 will be eligible from January.

Parents, who earn no more than £16,190 a year and receive Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credit or Income Support, could be eligible for a free childcare place for their child or children. Two-year-olds, who are looked after by the council or have a Child Protection Plan, automatically qualify for a place.

Children with special educational needs, those who have been adopted or with a residency/special guardianship order also qualify for a place.

The free places are available to children who are two years of age and whose parents fulfil the criteria. The places can be taken up the term after the child’s second birthday.

Parents can apply on line at or to find out more call the Family Information Service on 01904 554444 or text ‘’free place’ to 07624 802244.

Citywide childcare survey launches

City of York Council is asking mums, dads, carers and parents-to-be in York what they think about childcare in the city this autumn.


The council has launched a citywide consultation to find out whether there is enough high quality childcare in York, whether it’s available at the right time, in the right place and at an affordable price.

The results of the survey will be used to help shape childcare provision in the future.

Carers, parents and parents-to-be can take part in the consultation in a number of ways:

• Online at

• By calling the council’s Family Information Service on 01904 554444

• By collecting a copy of the questionnaire from the reception at West Offices

• By taking part in focus groups run at different locations around York

The consultation will run until the end of December.

For further information please contact York Family Information Service on 01904 554444 or