York Arts Academy Christmas Concert and Open Day

Students, tutors and organisers from the council’s arts academy for young people are issuing an open invitation to come and get in a festive frame of mind listening to their work at the annual Christmas Concert, and to find out more about the academy at its Open Day.


York Arts Academy’s Christmas Concert will take place on Saturday 7 December at the University of York’s Central Hall. Performances will take place at 11am, 2pm and 7pm and feature around 250 instrumentalists and singers from the academy’s ensembles who will be joined by pupils from Huntington Primary School.

The groups taking part in this festival of seasonal music are:

· 11am – First strings, Huntington Primary School, Folkestra, String Orchestra, Junior Guitar Circle,

· 2pm – Umbu Drummers, Brass and Wind Ensemble, Young Voices, Improvisation Group, Intermediate Band

· 7pm – Concert Band, Chamber Choir, Senior Guitar Circle, Minster Minstrels, Big Band, String Quartet, Symphony Orchestra.


British Sugar plans now online – no mention of “large supermarket”

Plans, and “options”, for the redevelopment of the British Sugar site off Boroughbridge Road are now “on line” (click)

click to visit web site and complete survey

click to visit web site and complete survey

The web site claims that;

Redevelopment of the former industrial site can deliver around 1000 new high quality homes, new public open spaces and a community hub which could incorporate a new community hall, sports hall, nursery and primary school.

That is pretty much as expected.

The principle of residential development had enjoyed broad support across the Council.

The main concerns relate to transport issues and the nature, location and scale of any commercial and retail developments.

The consultation concentrates mainly on the location of open space and transport corridors.

It says absolutely nothing about the location and size of any “large supermarket” which Council leaders claimed a couple of weeks ago was an important feature of the scheme.

A small local store to meet the needs of the residents living on the development would be essential.

Another superstore would, however, raise all sorts of transport issues.

The most obvious community facilities (shops) don’t figure on the list of options for the “community hub” listed on the web site.

Nor is there any commercial development which could provide jobs within walking distance of people’s homes. Thus, an opportunity to establish a sustainable community, has been lost.

There are no traffic generation figures listed and the phasing of the development – and community facilities – is also very vague.

There is a final chance to see the plans at an exhibition which is taking place today Saturday 30 November at the former Manor School site, Low Poppleton Lane, York, YO26 6BB between 11am and 4pm.

Site tours will also be offered to those attending the event.

It’s a shame that the developers didn’t provide an “on line” Q & A section on their web site

Christmas lights switch on tomorrow

The festive season officially lights up in York with the First Day of Christmas, a celebration in St Helen’s Square to mark the start of the city’s season of goodwill, involving The Lord Mayor and special guests the York and Dishforth Military Wives Choir.

Christmas lights

The St Helen’s Square tree is the focal point in a chain of lights across the city. It will be switched on by the Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of York Cllr Julie Gunnell at a ceremony on Thursday 14 November which completes the festoon of lights across the city.

The event starts at 6.30pm to the tune of favourite Christmas songs from the choir, followed by the official switch on at 6.45pm.


Raising the Curtain On… Richard III

A unique insight into the play, the history and the myth of Richard III, combined with an opportunity to see the matinee production of the play.

Date  Sat, 23 Nov  2013  10:30 to 17:30  Cost £85.00    Book now

What is fact and what is fiction in Shakespeare’s famous play? Come and find out more about this infamous “son of York”, and get to grips with the text. Led by Juliet Forster, previously Associate Practitioner at the RSC, and historian Chris Green, participants will learn about the play Richard III, its writing and what sources Shakespeare drew on to create this legendary character.

The day includes some active exploration of the verse, a tour of the set and a ticket to watch the matinee performance of the play. The day will conclude with Q&A after the show. – See more here

Adult Ed Courses for Xmas

By popular demand…Two further dates for courses in our Christmas series.

We have a one day workshop for Willow Weaving and another for Stained Glass. See below for details or visit our website at www.yortime.org.uk

Note:  courses fill up fast so please enrol as soon as possible as we won’t be able to put on more of these courses until the new year.

Stained Glass – Christmas Stars



Sat, 14th Dec 10:00 to 15:00
Create your own beautiful and unique stained glass Christmas Star decoration.


Willow Weaving – Christmas Decorations



Sat, 14th Dec 10:00 to 15:00
Make Christmas decorations using willow & other materials, learn about their preparation and uses and make some lovely Christmas decorations.

Illuminating York makes comeback


This year’s Illuminating York event is proving to be popular with residents and visitors alike.

After a slow start (probably the result of the bad publicity following last years poor show) ticket sales are increasing.

This despite the increase in prices with children being discouraged from attending the paid for events at Cliffords Tower and in the Museum Gardens.

The Councils budget for the event is understood to be £175,000 with the Arts Council contributing £73,000 of this.

Budget click to enlarge

Budget click to enlarge

Free events like the illuminated A4 locos at the railway Museum are very popular.

Until 2011, the costs of the event were all covered by sponsorship. The new Labour Council introduced admission charges although the total costs of staging the event remained broadly the same.

The event continues tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday)

Ticket details can be found here.