The Council, has published a list of projects that will be funded from the Westfield ward delegated budget this year. Most other wards have announced similar lists. The Westfield list can be found by clicking here
Although covering 30 months of funding, the list does include schemes which have not yet got off the ground.
Amongst them are plans for diversionary activities in the beleaguered Chapelfields area.
Allocations include
- £6,841 funding to tackle anti-social behaviour across the ward. Out of that fund, £376 was allocated to pay for CCTV maintenance on Bramham Road between September 2017 to September 2018.
- £1500 was transferred to tackle anti-social behaviour in the Chapelfields area.
- £3,521 funding to tackle anti-social behaviour in the Chapelfields area
The Chapelfields programe is described as “a multi-agency team involving police, LAT and Public Health as well as local community groups who will seek to address anti-social behaviour through targeted diversionary activities for local children and young people. This will link to the Communities that Care programme which is being developed by the local police”. £500 has been paid for Urbie sessions (a community youth activity bus project) in a local church car park. Further visits are expected in September
Residents have written to the Council asking for an update on the progress with these projects and a similar initiative at the Kingsway West MUGA which although allocated £2000 in the budget, also does not seem to have started yet.
We wish the authorities well in their attempts to defuse the situation.
Westfield survey priorities at 18th August 2017 (excluding Foxwood)
The results of the Ward Committees ballot, which sought residents priorities on use of its delegated budget, have not been published yet.
However the results of a similar door to door survey conducted by local Councillors are available.
So far over 1540 forms have been returned.
They show strong support for five projects.
These include funding for leisure activities for younger people and security improvements.