Double yellow lines coming to a street near you?

The Foxwood Residents Association say on their Facebook site that they have responded to a notice placed on a lamppost which advertised plans for double yellow lines on Askham Croft.

They uncovered some maps (below) which give residents more details of what is planned in the Westfield Ward.

It may be that these plans are relatively uncontroversial.

However, it appears that dozens of other changes to parking restrictions affecting the whole City have also been tabled. We doubt whether local communities will read the lamppost notices in their areas and so may be unaware that they only have until the middle of May to register any observations.

We think that, as a minimum, the Council should alert residents to the proposals using their social media channels.

They should also publish a plain English version together with a map on their web site.

Click the graphic below to download a (not very user friendly) list.

Disappointing response to road safety concerns in west York

The Council will consider many requests for road safety improvements at a meeting taking place on 14th September.

In the Westfield area, 7 requests for changes to parking restrictions have been made by residents.

Only 2 are recommended for approval. They involve providing double yellow lines to protect the entrance to Lown Hill while double yellow lines on part of Beaconsfield Street will be removed.

Locations where officials are suggesting that no action be taken are;

Foxwood Lane/Bellhouse Way junction

  • Foxwood Lane/Bellhouse way junction (on street car parking causing sight line problems)
  • Cranfield Place (where parking is obstructing access to driveways)
  • Askham Lane/Vesper Drive (parking on verge causing sight line problems and verge damage – all properties in the area have off street parking space)
  • Morrell Court/Walker Drive (parking causing safety problems)

We think that the Council, needs to find a way of addressing some of these issues.

On Cranfield Place, there is Adequate off-street parking available to the rear of the Community centre

At the Foxwood Lane/Bellhouse Way junction there is room on the verge to provide a parking layby. This would take parked vehicles back from the junction.

Residents can attend the meeting and make representations in favour of, or in opposition to, any proposal.

Parking to be banned on Holgate Park Drive

The York Council is advertising its intention to ban parking on Holgate Park Drive. The road provides an access to a development site which is required by Network Rail.

Currently heavy lorries are unable to use the road because of obstructions caused by commuter parking.

Parking for workers at nearby offices is inadequate and it is unclear what the knock on effects may be of additional restrictions.

An order is being advertised and any objections to the plan will be discussed in the spring.


Heslington Lane parking plans approved

Plans to tackle parking ‘chaos’ on Heslington Lane were formally approved tonight following a long-running campaign by Liberal Democrat Councillor Keith Aspden.

 Problems have occurred after parking opposite Fulford Golf Club means cars and bikes are having to manoeuvre around a line of vehicles into oncoming traffic. Residents say the situation has been putting people in danger. Cllr Aspden organised a petition on the issue earlier this year which was eventually signed by nearly 600 people.

His campaign led council officers to bring forward proposals to install double-yellow lines along parts of Heslington Lane and Broadway. The plan was backed by residents during a consultation over the summer and was formally approved tonight by the Executive Member for Transport and Planning.

The University of York is earmarked to fund the proposals which will cost £2,000-£3,000 and work is expected to begin in the coming weeks.

Changes to Heslington Road parking restrictions – cycle lane to be removed

click for larger map

click for larger map

A length of no waiting restriction with a limited waiting parking bay on Heslington Road is to be provided in the vicinity of St Lawrence’s Primary School.

The changes follows problems with parents parking in restricted areas near the school.

The Council wishes to encourage them to use a new limited waiting parking bay.

This will mean that the cycle lane will also be removed.