York Councils “new” litter policy

The Council is to introduce what they describe as a “new” policy on litter. Details click here

Litter and rubbish in little Green Lane garage area

Litter and rubbish in little Green Lane garage area

In reality most of the policy is little different from that which was implemented over a decade ago.

Mechanisation has increased the areas that can be swept – particularly in the City centre – but in sub-urban areas litter has been a growing problem since bins were removed a couple of years ago.

The “policy” makes no mention of dog fouling – again a problem that has been on the increase since the Dog Wardens were cut. More joint use litter/poop scoop bins are, however, promised.

Other essential street level posts have been cut leaving York’s front line dangerously undermanned.

The effective, and much missed, Street Environment Officers have now gone to be replaced by an,  improbably named, “Smarter York Officer”.

Once again the emphasis is on forcing residents to undertake work previously done by the Council.

Cornlands Road snicket covered in detritus and litter

Cornlands Road snicket covered in detritus and litter

“Spring cleans” are promised but not in areas like the Cornlands estate where standards are now very poor.

The “cabinet” member taking decisions (the irredeemably inept “leftie” Levene) apparently hasn’t asked for any statistics to be included in the plan.

Residents will want to be sure that their taxes are being spent wisely.

They expect to see performance measures, clear targets and a real on the ground improvement plan.

Sadly   that is not part of the agenda for York’s Labour Council.

LibDems taking action in Lowfields area

Damaged verges. W're asking he Council to s[end some of its £13 million housing profit on verge cross overs and/or lay bys

Damaged verges. We’re asking the Council to spend some of its £13 million housing profit on verge cross overs and/or lay bys

Litter drift on Lowfields amenity area reported. The fence-line of the Acomb Car park has accumulated large amounts of litter over the last 3 months.

Litter drift on Lowfields amenity area reported. The fence-line of the Acomb Car park has accumulated large amounts of litter over the last 3 months.

The Council should ensure that garage areas are kept clear of rubbish and weeds. Too many of them never get any maintenance attention despite high rent levels.

The Council should ensure that garage areas are kept clear of rubbish and weeds. Too many of them never get any maintenance attention despite high rent levels.

The Council is being asked to intervene following fears expressed by some residents about the safety of large trees in the area. Large branches fell off during recent high winds.

The Council is being asked to intervene following fears expressed by some residents about the safety of large trees in the area. Large branches fell off during recent high winds.

Another blow to York Pride

Any hopes that the Labour Council would finally get on top of public service standards in the City have been dealt a fatal blow over the last few weeks.

The number of complaints about street level service problems are escalating.

The Council’s on line “report it” system is proving to be more and more unreliable.

The Council has admitted that between 3rd September 2012 and 1st July 2013, they received 727 complaints.

Of these 402 were found to be justified.

Meanwhile, in little over an hour, the following problems were reported in parts of the Westfield ward.

Dumping and litter on Tithe Close snicket reported on 23rd August. Partly blamed on cancelation of skip programme in the Cornlands area

Dumping and litter on Tithe Close snicket reported on 23rd August. Partly blamed on cancelation of skip programme in the Cornlands area

Weeds growing through footpath in St Stephens Square

Weeds growing through footpath in St Stephens Square

Weed growth on Otterwood Lane. Reported 23rd August 2013

Weed growth on Otterwood Lane. Reported 23rd August 2013