Hob Stones homes occupied

Families have finally been able to move into the new Hob Stones development on Windsor Garth. The development was over 18 months behind schedule. 

There is still a lot of tidying up to do and people living in nearby flats have complained about damage to grassed areas and inadequate road repairs.

These issues are being followed up by local Councillors.

The building compound area will need major remedial worki

The building compound area will need major remedial work

There has been a lot of damage to grassed areas although this one opposite the new development could provide additional car parking spaces

There has been a lot of damage to grassed areas although this one opposite the new development could provide additional car parking spaces

Some carrigeways have now been resurfaced

Some carriageways have now been resurfaced

Although we have reported a ,lot of detritus in the gutters

Although we have reported a lot of detritus in the gutters

On Hob Stones itself the new play area has not been completed.

On Hob Stones itself, the new play area has not been completed.

....but it appears that the developers have pulled back for their threat to remove the security railings from the northern boundary. The railings are still there and in need of a coat of paint. They should make life more difficult for criminals

….but it appears that the developers have pulled back from their threat to remove the security railings from the northern boundary. The railings are still there albeit in need of a coat of paint. The railings will make life more difficult for criminals

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

New health and fitness suite planned for Acomb

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


65 York Road

65 York Road

65 – 71 York Road Acomb York

Proposal              Change of use of first floor of unit 4 from office (use class B1) to health and fitness centre (use class D2)

Reference           16/02477/FUL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

The Council has also approved changes to the layout of the Hob Stones development. There now appears to be no planning impediment to the homes being occupied.

Hobstones building work

That was the week that was in pictures

Work started on resurfacing Front Street. The road will be closed again tomorrow (Sunday) to permit the completion of the work

Work started on resurfacing Front Street. The road will be closed again tomorrow (Sunday) to permit the completion of the work

Cllr Sheena Jackson has started a survey aimed at finding out what improved leisure facilities youngsters in the Foxwood area would like to see.

Cllr Sheena Jackson has started a survey aimed at finding out what improved leisure facilities youngsters in the Foxwood area would like to see.

Cllr Sheena Jackson has been meeting with the Local Police Community Support Officer to discuss anti social behaviour issues in the area

Cllr Sheena Jackson has been meeting with the Local Police Community Support Officers to discuss anti social behaviour issues in the area

& a quick litter pick by Sheena in the Tedder Road park

& a quick litter pick by Sheena in the Tedder Road park

Lack of parking space on Windsor Garth is now a major issue. No sign of much needed matrix protection

Lack of parking space on Windsor Garth is now a major issue. No sign yet of much needed matrix protection

Developers will take down a section of the railings around part of the Hob Stones devleiopemtn in teh authumn. It is beign replaced with an ugly close boarded fence (which is 4 metres high on the north side)

Developers will take down a section of the railings around part of the Hob Stones development in the autumn. It is being replaced with an (ugly) close boarded fence (which is 4 metres high on the north side)

Unfortunately the Council has not updated the notices displayed on public noticeboards in the Kingsway area. There is a lot going on so this is a missed opportunity.

Unfortunately the Council has not updated the notices displayed on public noticeboards in the Kingsway area. There is a lot going on so this is a missed opportunity.

Road works starting on Windsor Garth link road upgrade on 30th August. Plan shows that speed tables will be repaired.

Road works starting on Windsor Garth link road upgrade on 30th August. Plan shows that speed tables will be repaired.

Deep clean needed on Windsor Garth

Deep clean needed on Windsor Garth

Recurrence of litter problems on Kingsway West/Green Lane snicket

Recurrence of litter problems on Kingsway West/Green Lane snicket & kick about area

Bus stop paving on Hamilton Drive West disappearing under verge. Reported by Cllr Sue Hunter.

Bus stop paving on Hamilton Drive West disappearing under verge. Litter reported by Cllr Sue Hunter.

Damaged Gully cover Danesfort Ave

Damaged Gully cover Danesfort Ave to be re-aligned to avoid flooding

Weeds and detritus reported on Gale Lane lay-by. We've asked for road markings on the adjacent Stuart Road hamnmerhead to be repaited

Weeds and detritus reported on Gale Lane lay-by. We’ve asked for road markings on the adjacent Stuart Road hammerhead to be repainted

Cllr Andrew waller has reported an overhanging tree Thanet Road

Cllr Andrew Waller has reported an overhanging tree Thanet Road

Litter and detritus on Chesney's Field snicket

Litter and detritus on Chesney’s Field snicket

All issues have been reported via https://www.fixmystreet.com/


York Council road works web site “useless”

The York Council has been criticised for not keeping its web site up to date.

Residents wanting to check when local roads may be closed for resurfacing and repair will find that information for 2016 has not yet been updated.

York Council's road works web site

York Council’s road works web site

The web site promises that

Roadwork schemes which are planned for 2016 will be listed below, per ward, once the annual funding and plans are agreed. Where available:   clickable reference numbers show the location of the road works on a map clickable street names show further information

However 4 months into the financial year – and with resurfacing works already underway – no information has been provided.

The lack of information has been criticised by local Councillors who were investigating the mysterious appearance of a sign on Windsor Garth indicating a road closure to accommodate much needed resurfacing work.

Carriageways and footpaths in the area have been badly damaged by vehicles accessing the Hob Stones development.

A start on resurfacing work has been expected next week but this seems highly unlikely in view of the most recent planning delays

 Windsor Garth roads need repairs

Windsor Garth roads need repairs


Hob Stones planning application changes now on York Council web site

Details of the proposed changes to the Hob Stones development on Windsor Garth can now be found on the Council’s web site

The planning application can be read by clicking here

An explanation for the proposed changes from the builder can be found by clicking here

Residents have until 9th August to record any objections.

Unfortunately, the applicant appears to have attempted to drown the application in a sea of documentation much of which replicates the papers submitted 3 years ago. Hopefully the Council will reorder the papers to make it clearer just precisely what changes are being proposed.

click to access

click to access

More delays at Windsor Garth “Hob Stones” development

Hobstones building workThe media are reporting that there will be further delays before the “Hob Stones” development will be occupied. The development, located on the former Our Lady’s school site next to Hob Moor, has been branded the unluckiest development in Yorkshire.

The school closed in 2012

The high density development was subject to objections from local residents and amenity groups when it sought planning permission in 2013.

Building work started in May 2014.

Still no sign of repair to the carriageway in Windsor Garth

Still no sign of repair to the carriageway in Windsor Garth

Later the appointed building contractors went bust adding another 18 months to the development timetable.

Now it appears that some of the houses, and an access road, have not been built in the correct positions.  Although the variances are claimed to be very small it means that a retrospective planning application will be needed to regularise the situation.

This will mean a further delay of about 3 months before the homes are occupied.

The development has been heavily criticised by neighbouring residents who have lived with a “nightmare” of poorly parked vehicles, road damage and congestion caused by building trucks for the last three years.

At the time of writing no revised planning application had been submitted by the developers Yorkshire Housing to the York Council.