What’s on in York: Street market in Acomb tomorrow (Saturday)
Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward – Morrisons plan garden centre greehouse
The Council says that it has now fixed the problems with its planning portal which resulted in several duplicate applications being published. These applications had been determined up to 4 years ago.
We’re not so sure that all the problems have been rectified, as a number of new applications – some several weeks old -have now suddenly appeared. Some are backdated by several weeks on the validation pages.
They include a proposal for a garden centre style greenhouse at Morrisons on Front Street.
Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. Some may already have been publicised.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
3 Westfield Court Acomb York YO26 5FA
Fell Maple; reduce lateral spread of Lime over property by 3.5 – 4 meters – tree works in a Conservation Area
Ref. No: 18/01149/TCA
66 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 4PS
First floor side and rear extension
Ref. No: 18/00917/FUL
Morrisons Front Street York YO24 3BZ
Erection of detached garden centre shelter
Ref. No: 18/01030/FUL
Acomb Branch Library Front Street York YO24 3BZ
Continued use of portakabin as standby point with associated parking space for ambulance
Ref. No: 18/00938/FUL
7 Tennent Road York YO24 3HQ
Erection of single storey extension extending 3.9 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.4 metres and a total height of 3.5 metres
Ref. No: 18/00977/LHE
60 Gale Lane York YO24 3AA
Hip to gable roof extension, dormer to rear and single storey rear extension.
Ref. No: 18/00921/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site. http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/
The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received
Footpath pitches, gardens and broadband works
What’s on in York: Bingo at Foxwood Community Centre Friday 25th May 7:30pm
Last chance to get tickets for this Friday’s bingo event from the Centre is on Thursday 10 to 12 or Friday 9 to 12am
Westfield school modernisation contract let
The York Council has awarded a contract to F.Parkinson to refurbish the kitchen and dining room, replace roof coverings and replace single glazed windows at Westfield primary school
The contract is valued at £576,675.
The Council says that the decision was based on cost (60%) and quality (40%).
The tender exercise was carried out in conjunction with Commercial Procurement Consultation category. The opportunity was issued out via YorTender York Councils web portal. This scheme was approved at Cabinet Executive on 15/03/18.
Only 8 fines levied for dog fouling in York during last 3 years
The latest figures published on the Councils open data web site say that only 8 fixed penalty tickets have been issued for dog fouling since April 2015.
No penalty notices have been issued at all since June last year.
Similarly, no Community Protection Notices (see right) for dog fouling have been issued since 2015
The York Council receives around 2000 requests for action each year on cleansing issues which includes dog fouling. It no longer publishes the number of complaints it receives about full poop scoop bins but it used to be around 20 a month..
A contract was let in April for the replacement of ageing “poop scoop” bins in the City.
Several campaigns have been run to highlight the risks associated with dog fouling. These included, in some areas like Foxwood, displaying eye catching posters while in others local residents highlighted “poop” on footpaths with spray markers.
Whether the problem has got better, or worse over recent months is difficult to assess.
Issues can be traced back to 2012 when the, then Labour controlled, Council scrapped the “dog warden” service. At the same time, they reduced the number of litter and dog bins in the City.
Waiting list to rent garages – why are so many neglected?
Time for a clean up
Disappointing to see that the parking area on Bramham Road is full of detritus and weeds. Tree branches have been dumped and the boundary is obstructed by hedge growth. Doesn’t reflect well on the Councils housing department, who should inspect communal areas like this on a regular basis.
Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward
Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
29 Askham Lane York YO24 3HB
Proposal Single storey side and rear extension and conversion of garage into garden room.
Reference 18/00886/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site. http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/
- The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received