Behind closed doors York Council decision rules out new parking curbs near Gale Lane/Front Street junction
Dozens of traffic and parking decisions affecting whole City taken at secret session
The Council has published a report reviewing parking arrangements near the Gale Lane/Front Street junction.
The report follows complaints about obstructions being caused to traffic generally, and bus services in particular, by vehicles parking on the carriageway and adjacent footpaths. Some of the problems were apparently being caused by delivery vans visiting the Gale Farm surgery.
The request for action were turned down at a secret meeting with the reports only being published publicly after decisions had already been taken.
Sadly this continues the practice of preventing residents from making representations, before decisions are taken, started in 2011. Despite public claims from the Council Leadership about their commitment to open government, this practise has still not been changed.
There is really no reason why agendas and reports can’t be published at least a week before a meeting takes place. This would give affected residents an opportunity to write to the Council giving their views, if they chose to.
Changes to traffic arrangements in every ward in the City were considered by the same meeting (and not pre publicised).
Click the links below for details
What’s on: Chatterbox cafe tomorrow (Thursday)
Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards
Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
Location: 19 Newlands Drive York YO26 5PQ
Proposal: Hip to gable roof extensions to front and back and dormer window to side
Ref No: 15/02421/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Paul Hunter Contact: Mr SIMON HORNE Consultation Expiry Date: 30 November 2015 Case Officer: Elizabeth Potter Expected Decision Level: DEL
Location: 226 Beckfield Lane York YO26 5QS
Proposal: Single storey side extension
Ref No: 15/02493/FUL
Applicant: Mrs Valerie Hyatt Contact: Stephen Saunders Consultation Expiry Date: 30 November 2015 Case Officer: Sandra Duffill Expected Decision Level: DEL
Location: 275 Chapelfields Road York YO26 5AE
Proposal: Single storey rear extension (amended scheme)
Ref No: 15/02482/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Dave Paine Contact Mr Andy Sykes Consultation Expiry Date 30 November 2015 Case Officer: Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.
The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received
Gateway Centre 13th November 10am-1pm
Severus Social Club, Milner Street, 30th November 1pm-3pm
Property Marking and an opportunity to raise issues with the local policing team.
York Police have invested in the top-of-the-range “dot peen” property marking machines, and are offering the service free to York residents.
Every year, police recover hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of stolen property from the hands of criminals, but all too often there is no way of identifying its rightful owners. Being able to trace the ownership of the property not only helps people get the property back, but it can also provide evidence that is vital in securing convictions.
Dot peen marking involves using a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to indent an object with dots to create a visible, permanent unique number. The unique number will be entered onto the national Immobilise property register database, vastly increasing the chances that it will be reunited with its owner if it is lost or stolen.
The new machines in York can mark at a speed of two characters per second, to an accuracy of 0.006mm, and can be used on everything from steel and aluminium to plastic.
They have been funded by North Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, and Safer York Partnership.
While other methods of property marking, such as UV marker pens or forensically-coded liquid, can also be very effective in reuniting property with its rightful owners, the visual deterrent of a permanently marked serial number alone could be enough to deter would-be thieves.
Dot peen marking is suitable for everything from bikes and garden tools to PlayStations and laptop computers (however mobile phones are likely to be too delicate)
York Council urged to tackle long term complaints
Where next with flashing speed signs?
The Council says it is reviewing the use of Vehicle Activated Signs.
These signs, which typically flash the prevailing speed limit to approaching vehicles, were introduced in York about 10 years ago.
They are now seen across the country with many now using a system which alerts drivers to their actual speed.
Sadly the Council has not maintained the signs in York and several have not been working for many months.
Those that are faulty include the sign on Wetherby Road on the outbound carriageway. This was a problem location with the blind bend making it potentially hazardous for drivers reversing into their driveways.
A report to a meeting next week identifies £50,000 which will be used to repair the faulty signs. The signs have had some success as anyone, who watches vehicles approaching an illuminated sign, will often see brake lights being applied by speeding drivers.
We think that a trial, where the actual speed of the vehicle is displayed, should be implemented in the City.
There is also now a “smart” sign available which records the actual speed of passing vehicles (but not the identity) which would give traffic engineers valuable information about behaviours but without the need to set up special equipment.
Another concern is the suggestion that the signs may only be used where an accident has been reported in the previous three years.
Whereas accident locations should get priority for signs and camera enforcement, we believe that sites where a significant proportion of vehicles exceed the 30 mph limit, would also justify maintenance of the signs.
The report proposes action to reduce speeding at 16 sites. Most involve low cost lane marking changes. A complete list of detailed proposals for all locations can be viewed by clicking here
A list of sites to be reassessed – which includes Green Lane and Askham Lane – can be viewed by clicking here
There are three roads – including Moor Lane in Woodthorpe and two roads in Copmanthorpe – which have acknowledged speeding issues which have still to be addressed
Wetherby Road
At Wetherby Road officials propose the introduction of cycle lanes.
They don’t claim that there are large numbers of cyclists using this section of the highway (a new off road route for cyclists linking Rufforth was opened recently) but they claim that lanes – and the removal of central markings – would prompt drivers to be more cautious.
We have our doubts about that.
As a minimum, we would like to see the area added to the rota of visits by the Police speed camera van.
The faulty speed warning sign also needs to be repaired quickly.
Christmas Market at Foxwood Community Centre
Ward Committee grant application form published
The Council has recently published a grant application form for use by local voluntary Groups seeking help from a Ward Committee.
In some wards, decisions on allocations have apparently already been made but with little evidence that proper consultation was undertaken or that there was transparency in the decision process.
In LibDem represented areas like Westfield, the funding available to the Ward Committees is expected to be spent on tangible improvements to the local environment.
Suggestions already received from residents include:
- improving vehicle parking ,
- enhancing public spaces,
- providing (and servicing)
- additional litter, poop scoop & salt bins, plus
- more public seating,
- street lights,
- hard landscaping/paving &
- better play equipment
We are still awaiting details of how the funds, announced in July (see below), will be allocated at a local level.
In wards like Westfield around £52,000 is available to spend before 31st March 2015
The Westfield Lib Dem team has been pressing council officers to have the road resurfaced at the Cornlands Road/Gale Lane roundabout.
This is now happening on 9th November.
There has been some delay to the timescale that the team had been first told about, and we are investigating what has gone one in this case.
However, the issue, which had also been raised by the local Cornlands and Lowfields Residents Association looks like coming to a conclusion, and the surface made safe for car users, and in particular cyclists.
On the day of the road repairs traffic will be diverted along Gale Lane and Askham Lane.