A report which considers how additional funding for the Shine programme of activities is to be spent will be considered by the Deputy Leader of City of York Council at a decision session on 3 December
Extra funding of £50,000 was agreed at the July council meeting to fund the Shine programme, which offers a range of activities including sports, arts, outdoors, libraries and play activities in York.
This year Shine has offered 474 activities linked to the school holidays.
These have included
- inclusive music projects,
- a young carer’s summer programme and
- York City Foundation football sessions in parks.
Council support is given to organisations providing activities, ensuring that they have the necessary policies and practices in place to deliver high quality activities.
The funding is predominantly used to fund activities for those children and young people who would not otherwise be able to access mainstream provision. This may be through a grants system or by commissioning providers to address an identified gap in provision.
The report outlines the planned programme of activity and assesses the strengths and future challenges of the Shine programme. As part of this it asks for a review of the wider offer for children and young people in the city, which will help shape the programme for future years.
Many will, however, be disappointed that – with only 4 months of the present financial year to run – more additional events aimed at young people have not been identified.
The Deputy Leader’s Decision Session takes place on Thursday 3 December at West Offices from 4.30pm and is open to members of the public or is available to watch later online from: www.york.gov.uk/webcasts
To find out more about the report, or to attend, click here