Cornlands Estates – residents rally behind “tidy up” campaign
The campaign to have the Thoresby, St Stephens, Cornlands and Tennent Road estate given a “make over” has gained substantial support from residents.
The main areas for improvement so far identified include:
1. Repairs to verges and protective posts (or selective bitmacing)
2. Verge trimming
3. More car parking.
4. Weed removal.
5. Repairs to gates and fencing.
6. Snicket and other resurfacing
7. Gulley cleaning
8. A major spring clean of communal areas, garages, snickets, forecourts including painting street furniture, replacing notices etc etc.
9. Trees/hedges cutting back from paths and boundaries.
Housing is the one area where there haven’t been any cuts.
Over £13 million is held by the Council in reserves(!)
Yet this decline happens?
Residents seek extra car parking space in Westfield.
Drivers living in the Kingsway West, Windsor Garth and St Stephen’s Road areas have started a campaign aimed at persuading the Council to restart its car park provision programme.
The programme, which provided dropped kerbs/verge crossovers and parking lay bys, was a victim of Labours cuts to ward committee budgets in 2011.
Although some work has continued using tenants estate improvement budget funds, provision has fallen behind demand.
Some spaces intended for residents use on Ascot Way are being monopolised by visitors.
Now additional pressure is being felt by on street parking spaces as the Council moves to redevelop garage areas while parking restrictions, on the link access to the new development on the Our Lady’s school site, seem inevitable.
In the meantime some drivers are parking on grass verges causing considerable damage and disfiguring the neighbourhood.
Residents sign petition asking for salt bins and de-icing to be retained in the St Stephens Road/Cornlands Road area
49 residents have signed a petition asking the Council to think again about reducing ice clearance activities in the Cornlands Road area.
Residents are particularly concerned about the Councils proposal to stop de-icing St Stephens Road – which is a bus route.
The Council is set to agree to continue to salt the bus route in Hollybank which has a similar frequency service.
The petition has been sent to the Council for consideration at its “decision” meeting which is taking place on Wednesday.
The Council proposed cuts would leave the area without a salt bin. The bin near the shops on Cornlands Road was heavily used during the last bad winter weather which occurred in 2010.
Residents may attend and speak on the proposals at the meeting which is taking place at West Offices on Toft Green on Wednesday starting at 4:00pm click here for details
You must register to speak before the meeting. The deadline for registering is 5pm on Tuesday 8th October 2013. Telephone – (01904) 552062 Laura Bootland.
Written representations must be made by 5pm on Monday 7th October 2013. They should be E-mailed to