Cycle path still blocked/Future of MUGA

Despite promises by Highways Yorkshire, the cycle path on the A64 slip road next to Pike Hills golf course remains obstructed, The overgrowth problem was reported in June. Shortly afterwards Highways Yorkshire (who are responsible for the path up to the junction with the A1036) tweeted to say that the whole path would be routinely freed of obstructions during July.

That has proved not to be the case.

Now the issue is set to be escalated to the local MP but this really shouldn’t be necessary. A team could clear the hazardous overgrowth (thorn branches) in just a couple of hours.

We hope that the issue is not left to volunteers to tackle. If the government is serious about encouraging sustainable transport – the the very least they should do is maintain existing paths in a useable condition.

UPDATE: Highways Yorkshire have tweeted to say that the path “is due to be cleared in the very near future”

We’ve also reported overgrowth near the cemetery and at the Tesco roundabout (York Council responsibility)

MUGA Mugged

Separately we have queried with Councillors representing the Westfield ward what the future of the former Multi User Games Area (MUGA) site off Kingsway West is. It was used as a building compound for a couple of years but was subsequently abandoned.

The expectation was the the area would be leveled and grassed over. At present it is a weed infested eyesore.

The Council mowers studiously avoid cutting the area. They stick religiously to a route outside the line of the MUGA fence (which was removed last year).

If the area isn’t to be maintained as grassland then there is scope for more tree and wildflower planting. Neglect shouldn’t be an option.

Sadly there is still no news of the promised replacement games area. An all-weather surface, to replace what was lost, was due to be provided at the Thanet Road Sports Area, but progress has been glacial.

Former MUGA site off Kingsway West

Cycle paths still obstructed

Mixed news about getting local paths cleared of overgrowth

Tadcaster Road cycle path blockages
See the source image

Meanwhile the York Council is now claiming that they are not responsible for keeping the cycle track, which is located next to the slip road from the A64, clear of obstructions. The Council did actually cleared similar problems this time last year.

We will be very disappointed if this turns out to be a jurisdiction stand off between the York Council and Highway Yorkshire. The latter is responsible for maintaining the cycle path along the side of the trunk road.

Some progress on cycle path blockages

Following on from our story yesterday, there has been some progress with getting cycle paths cleared of overgrowth

Workers were out on the SUSTRANS York – Riccall path today. They had cleared vegetation blockages from about 50% of the track by mid afternoon. They hadn’t reached the path near Riccall whichsuffers the worst obstructions

Meanwhile Highways England have tweeted (left) to say that the section of cycle path next to the A64 will be cleared later this month

The York Council responded today to say that the section of cycle track on Tadcaster Road next to the golf course had been cleared. Sadly, on checking today, we found that it hadn’t been touched.

It is remans obstructed by nettles and thistles

Tadcaster Road cycle path is still obstructed.

Too many blocked cycle paths

It happens each year, but we are still waiting for improvements to maintenance standards on local cycle routes.

The media were asking earlier in the week why people are put off cycling?

One reason is poor infrastructure maintenance.

Cycle paths are particualrly vulnerable to overgrowth causing obstructions. It the growth is nettles or thorn bushes then some may simply tur back.

These are some current examples of obstructions

The cycle track between the golf club and the A1036 Tadcaster Road is now effectively blocked for many users.
The A64 cycle oath near Bilbrough is also obstructed by nettles and brambles
Even the generally well maintained SUSTRANs cycle path near Riccall is overgrown. No sign yet of the badly damaged path surface being repaired.