Coronavirus York updates; 10th February 2021


Two additional fatalities have been announced by the York Hospital Trust. One occurred on Sunday and one on Monday.

In total, since 1st September, there have now been 315 COVID-19 related deaths at the York and Scarborough hospitals.

The weekly fatality rate at the York Trust hospitals continues to decline.

Test Results

TWENTY EIGHT additional positive test results announced today. Brings the cumulative total to 11,463.

Rate /100k population figure has reduced to 140.07. It remains on a trend which would see the rate go below 100 next week.


Little change today at neighbourhood level.

Highest case rate is still in New Earwick

The lowest is in South Bank/Dringhouses



5188 PCR tests were carried out in York during the week ending 5th February.

The positivity rate was 6.2% (which is marginally up on yesterdays figure).

976 Lateral Flow tests were carried out on 9th February

Police enforcement

169 FPNs issued in Force’s busiest week of the lockdown

North Yorkshire Police have issued a further 169 fixed penalty notices for breaches of the Coronavirus regulations since the 2 February 2021.

This takes the total number of FPNs issued since the third national lockdown began on 6 January 2021 to 640.

The numbers are broken down by region, gender, age and breach below.

Coronavirus York updates; 9th February 2021


One additional death has been announced by the York Hospital Trust today. It occurred yesterday

Hospital death rates continue to fall

The latest ONS figures for COVID-19 deaths’ among York residents show that there were 23 fatalities during the week ending 29th January.

This represent a reduction compared to the 30 fatalities which occurred during the previous week

Of the latest deaths, 18 occurred in hospital, three in care homes and two at home.

The figures confirm that the death toll had begun to fall by late January.

In total, 313 York residents have now lost their lives to the virus since the pandemic started over a year ago.

NB. These figures are different from those quoted by the York Hospital Trust (above) which cover a larger area.

Test results

TWENTY NINE (29) new positive test results were announced today. Brings the cumulative number of cases seen in the City up to 11,435.

The case rate /100k population has fallen to 144.34.

The highest rate was 671.39 which was recorded on 8th January 2021

If the trend continues to follow the present trajectory, then the rate should fall below the 100 case benchmark early next week.

The lowest rate seen in the City, after the end of Lockdown 2, was 57.9 on 8th December 2020.


There has been a big fall in case numbers in Haxby which no longer has above average infection rates

The neighbourhood with the lowest case rate is now South Bank and Dringhouses


In the last 7 days (Mon-Sun) 12,000 patients have been vaccinated at Askham Bar site.

The over 70’s programme is now almost complete.


5246 PCR tests were carried out during the week ending 4th February 2-21.

6.1% of the test were positive, which represents an improvement on previous figures

1416 lateral flow tests were carried out on 8th February.

COVID-19 outbreak management meeting

City of York Outbreak Management Advisory Board meeting taking place on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 5.30 pm

The meeting will be webcast

Background papers can be viewed by clicking the links highlighted in blue below

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 210 KB


Current Situation in York pdf icon PDF 432 KB


Update on the Covid-19 Vaccination pdf icon PDF 320 KB


Presentation: Test and Trace


Presentation: Impact of the Lockdown on the Economy


Communications and Engagement Update pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Update from Sub-Group: Universities and Higher Education Establishments pdf icon PDF 404 KB


Verbal Update: Outbreak Management Peer Challenge 2021


Items for Next Agenda


Dates of Future Meetings


Any Other Business

Coronavirus York updates; 8th February 2021


FOUR additional hospital deaths have been announced. One occurred last Thursday and three on Saturday

Test Results

TWENTY FIVE new positive test results announced today. That is the lowest figure for a single day seen this year.

The cumulative total is now 11,406.

The rate /100k population is now 152.41. That is the lowest infection rate seen since 20th December 2020.

The infection rate in York continues to fall more quickly than in other areas.


Only four neighbourhoods in York now have above average infection rates


The York Hospital Trust now has 153 confirmed and suspected Covid-19 inpatients.

That compares with 173 on Friday and 242 on Tuesday January 26.

The Trust said it had 13 patients in intensive care, down by one on Friday.

1,813 patients had been discharged since the start of the pandemic to their usual place of residence or were no longer being treated as Covid-19.


In York most over 70’s have now been vaccinated.

Officials have appealed to any who haven’t, to book an appointment this week

Appeal for over 70’s to book a jab now

The authorities are now saying that they’ve almost completed vaccinating everyone in the 1-4 priority groups, set out by the JCVI. The Government’s target is to vaccinate everyone in the first four priority groups by February 15.

They are now urging anyone who is over 70-years-old or who is registered as Shielding (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) who has NOT yet been for their vaccine, to book an appointment.

People can do this themselves now, using the online link. They don’t have to wait for an invitation. All the information of how to book is on this website –


5279 PCR test were cerried out in Yokr during the weekending 3rd February

Of these, 6.4% had positive results. The positivity rate continues to fall

1537 lateral flow tests were carried out on 7th February

Coronavirus York updates; 7th February 2021


One hospital death announced today. The fatality occurred on Thursday.

The death rate continues to reduce.

Test Results

THIRTY SIX (36) additional positive test results announced today. Brings cumulative total to 11,381

The rate /100k population has fallen to 164,76. That is the lowest rate recorded since 20th December 2020.

The rate of reduction in cases in the City is now mirroring the drop seen between 17th November and 8th December. Later in December – when restrictions had been relaxed – case numbers started to increase again.

Infection rates are falling at all levels now


The most encouraging set of figures that we have seen this year.

Only 7 areas have above average infection levels with most of them showing steady reductions in case numbers.


5310 people had PCR tests in York during the week ending 2nd February

They had a positivity rate of 6.9%.

The positivity rate continues to fall

On 6th February, 574 people undertook lateral flow tests.


Record high number of vaccinations completed yesterday

Coronavirus York updates; 6th February 2021


SEVEN additional hospital deaths have been announced. Four occurred on Thursday and three yesterday.


5325 PCR tests were carried out in the City during the week ending 1st February.

The positivity rate was 7.4%. This is the lowest figure recorded in the City since 22nd December

1060 lateral flow test were conducted on 5th February

You will be able to book a test from the evening of Sunday 7th February at and selecting the option that you were asked to attend by your local council.

Test results

THIRTY NINE additional positive test results were announced today. Brings cumulative total to 11,345.

After yesterdays blip, the infection rate /100k population figure has started to fall again. At 173.31 it is the lowest rate seen in the City since 21st December 2020.

Following current trends, the rate should fall below 150 early next week.

The rate in York continues to fall more quickly than elsewhere in the region and country. A

fter a short period of stability, the rate in North Yorkshire has also now resumed its downward trajectory.


Fourteen neighbourhoods now have average, or below average, infection rates.

The lowest rate can now be found in the Dunnington/Elvington/Wheldrake area


Coronavirus York updates, 5th February 2021


TWO more hospital deaths have been announced. Both occurred on Wednesday.

There have now been 500 COVID-19 related deaths at the York and Scarborough hospitals since 1st September 2020

Test results

There were FIFTY FIVE (55) additional positive test results announced today. That brings the cumulative total up to 11,306.

As forecast, the latest (31/1/21) validated rate /100k population figure has increased to 184.7 (up from 179 yesterday).

However, this figure is expected to reduce to under 170 at the beginning of next week.

Infection rates have tended to stabilise at all levels today.


The spike in cases (mentioned above) means that some neighbourhoods have climbed into a higher category today.

Hopefully that trend will be reversed tomorrow.


During the 7 days ending on 31st January 2021, 5398 people in York were given PCR tests.

Of these, 7.9% were positive. That is an increase of 0.1% over yesterday.

1311 lateral flow tests were also carried out in the City on 4th February 2021


National and regional


There are now 173 COVID-19 patients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust. 14 are in intensive care.

York Council commentary

The York Council has updated its open data COVID-19 commentary. It is reproduced below for convenience

People with Covid Symptoms

• NHS Pathways/111 triages – as at 1.2.21 there had been 149 total covid triages in the CYC area in the last 7 days. The peak number of triages was 653 in the 7 day period to 20.9.20.

• As at 3.2.21, the Covid Symptom App estimates 399.5 per 100,000 in York with symptomatic covid (responses from a sample of 4,708 people). The peak rate was 1,282.6 on 7.1.21.

Diagnosed cases

• As at 4.2.21 York has had 11,251 cases since the start of the pandemic, a rate of 5,341.9 per 100,000 of population. The cumulative rate in York is below the national (6,056.2) and regional (5,938.4) averages.

• The PHE ‘Exceedance’ rating compares the no. of new cases over a 14 day period with the previous 6 weeks and provides a RAG rating to indicate if the previously observed trend in the no. of new cases is worsening. The latest rating for York (1.2.21) is Green.

• The provisional rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 27.1.21 to 2.2.21 in York is 156.7 (using data published on on 4.2.21).

• The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 24.1.21 to 30.1.21 was 178.5. The national and regional averages at this date were 260.6 and 202.8 respectively (using data published on on 4.2.21).

• York is currently ranked 17th out of 149 Upper Tier Local Authorities (UTLAs) with a rank of 1 indicating the lowest 7 day rate.

• For the 7 day period 29.1.21, 7 wards in York (Acomb, Westfield, Rawcliffe & Clifton Without, Strensall, Holgate, Dringhouses and Woodthorpe and Copmanthorpe) have seen a statistically significant fall in rates compared with the 7 day period 16.1.21 to 22.1.21. For the remaining wards there has been no statistically significant change in rates. No wards have seen a significant increase in rates in this period.

• The rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 24.1.21 to 30.1.21 for people aged 60+ in York was 175.5. The national and regional averages were 207.5 and 159.4 respectively.

• As at 1.2.21, the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 PCR tests only) was 7.3%. The national and regional averages are 9.6% and 8.2% respectively.

• As at 1.2.21 the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 Lateral Flow Tests only) was 0.52%. The national and regional averages are 0.4% and 0.3% respectively.

• As at 2.2.21, the latest 14 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 1 and 2 PCR tests combined) was 8.3%. The national and regional averages were 10.7% and 8.7% respectively. The breakdown for York over the last 14 days is a 7.9% positivity rate for Pillar 1 tests and an 8.4% positivity rate for Pillar 2 PCR tests. Source PHE

• As at 3.2.21 York University reported 40 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 331 on the 19.10.20.

• As at 1.2.21 York St. John reported 9 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 82 on the 8.10.20.

Contact Tracing

• Since 28.5.20 a total of 10,309 laboratory confirmed CYC Covid cases have been uploaded into the NHS Test and Trace system and 9,277 of the cases have been completed (90%). 24,347 ‘contacts’ have been identified and 18,172 of these have been completed (74.6%). Source: PHE Report.

• Local Tracing of Cases: Between 22.10.20 and 29.1.21, 842 ‘actionable’ positive COVID-19 CYC cases have been referred to the local contact tracing service. 809 of the referrals (96.1%) have been actioned and 33 are still ‘in progress. Of the referrals actioned, 538 (66.5%) were successful and 271 (33.5%) were unable to be reached via phone or home visit, but guidance leaflets were posted where possible.

Cases in Residential Settings / Schools

• As at 4.2.21 there were 6 care homes in the CYC area with confirmed Covid-19 infection (at least 1 case of either a staff member or resident).

• The latest ‘outbreak’ (2+ cases) in a residential care setting in York was reported by PHE on 4.2.21 (1 home).

• In the 7 days up to 31.1.21 there were 28 children of primary and secondary school age who tested positive. NB Currently the majority of York children are not in the school setting.

COVID Bed Occupancy in York Hospital

• As at 3.2.21 there were 119 confirmed Covid-19 patients in General and Acute beds. The previous figure on 2.2.21 was 125

• As at 3.2.21 there were 10 confirmed Covid-19 patients and 0 suspected Covid-19 patient in the Intensive Treatment Unit. The previous figures on 2.2.21 were 8 and 0 respectively.

• As at 3.2.21 there had been 0 patients admitted with suspected Covid-19 and 5 with confirmed Covid-19 in the previous 24 hours.

• As at 3.2.21 there had been 16 confirmed patients discharged with COVID-19 in last 24 hours.

Covid Patients (CYC Residents) discharged from York Hospital

• Between 25.1.21 and 31.1.21, 57 CYC residents were discharged from York hospital after needing NHS care for symptoms linked to covid-19 infection.

R Number

• The ‘R’ value (the number of people that one infected person will pass on a virus to, on average) for the North East and Yorkshire area on 29.1.21 was estimated to be in the range 0.8 to 1.1. The previous estimate was (0.8 to 1.1) on 22.1.21.


• As at 3.2.21 37,673 CYC residents have received the first dose and 1,034 had received both doses.


The two sources about deaths from Covid-19 at LA level are ONS data and local registrar data. They are derived from the same source (civil registration data). ONS data is more comprehensive as it includes deaths of York residents which have occurred and been registered outside York. Local registrar data is useful as it enables a breakdown by age and gender. The most recently available data is summarised below:

• ONS weekly data: In the most recent week (16.1.20 to 22.1.20) 30 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (19 in hospital, 3 at home or in a hospice and 8 in a care home).

• ONS Cumulative data: Since the start of the pandemic, for deaths occurring up to 22nd January 2020 and registered up to 30th January 2021, 293 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (165 in hospital, 105 in care homes, 16 at home and 7 in a hospice). The number of deaths per 100,000 of population in York is 139.1 which is lower than the national average of 171.7

• Local Registrar data (Cumulative): Since the start of the pandemic (using data for deaths occurring up to 27.1.21), a cumulative total of 299 deaths of CYC residents where COVID-19 was mentioned (confirmed or suspected) on the death certificate, have been registered. The average age of the people who died was 82.4, with an age range of 44-104. The age profile of those dying in York is older than the national average. 147 of the 299 were male (49.2%), less than the national average (54.7%). 99 people (33.1%) died in nursing /care homes; (the national average is 22.9%). In addition 24 people (8.03%) who normally resided in nursing/care homes in the CYC area, died in hospital.

Coronavirus York updates; 4th February 2021


There have been four more hospital deaths announced. Two occurred yesterday and two on Tuesday. The fatality total at the York and Scarborough hospitals, since 1st September, has now reached 298.

There is however some better news as the death rate now seems to be declining.

Test results

THIRTY SIX (36) additional positive test results have been announced today. They bring the cumulative total to 11,251

The rate /100k population figure has fallen to 178.53. That is the lowest figure recorded since 21st December 2020

The rate is however, expected to rise again when tomorrows figures are released before falling again over the weekend.

York has an infection rate below the regional and national averages. It is still slightly higher than the overall rate in North Yorkshire but, on current trends, will go below the county rate some time next week.


Good news today as the City no longer has any neighbourhoods with a very high level of cases (over 400). The number of cases in Haxby has dropped from 23 to 17.

In addition – for the first time since 21st December, we have a neighbourhood (the City Centre) with a case rate of less than 50

Things may change again tomorrow when we are expecting a spike in cases, but hopefully next week more neighbourhoods will fall below the 200 case rate threshold.


National and regional


According to latest government figures, there are 175 COVID-19 patients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust.

This represents a substantial reduction on last weeks figure which was above 200.

Twelve are in intensive care


5407 PCR test were completed during the week ending 30th January in the City. 7.8% of the tests were positive. The positivity rate continues to fall

1725 lateral flow test were completed yesterday (3rd)

Police enforcement

North Yorkshire Police have issued a further 143 FPNs for breaches of the Coronavirus regulations since the 26 January 2021.

This takes the total number of FPNs issued since the third national lockdown began on 6 January 2021 to 471.

The numbers are broken down by region, gender, age and breach below.

The total number of notices issued in York since 6th January 2021 has been 114. Most were for unlawful indoor gatherings.

…..but crime levels generally reducing

Annual crime statistics have been published today by the Office of National Statistics. Crime in England and Wales – Office for National Statistics (

Covering the 12-month period to year ending September 2020, the figures show recorded crime has decreased by 9 % percent in North Yorkshire.

Deputy Chief Constable Phil Cain, said:

“Not withstanding that for the past ten months, the global pandemic has supressed some areas of crime, such a burglary and theft, the overall figures for North Yorkshire are encouraging.

“The decrease in overall crime is also down to some significant pro-active work by a number of teams across the force.

“We believe Stalking and Harassment offences have continued to rise due to the fact victims have increased confidence in reporting it. The increase can also be attributed to the requirement to record multiple crimes where stalking and/or harassment has occurred, rather than simply one crime per incident.

“With drugs offences, the rise reflects our pro-active approach to dealing with drugs issues such as County Lines. This issue causes a disproportionate amount of harm to local communities and increases the fear of crime – this is why county lines continues to remain a priority. My thanks go to the public for providing the community intelligence which enables this pro-active work to be carried out. This intelligence is key to us achieving these results.

“Post-lockdown in the summer of 2020, we experienced a significant rise in public order offences at some of our beauty spots.  We responded to this with an increase in enforcement in those areas.

“The landscape of policing will endure change as we respond to the pandemic, however we will continue to place victims at the centre of everything we do.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank our committed workforce who do their very best every day to keep our communities safe. Equally I want to thank the public of North Yorkshire and the City of York for their support during this incredibly challenging time for us all.”

Coronavirus York updates; 3rd February 2021


FIVE additional deaths were announced by the York Hospital Trust today. Three occurred on Monday and two yesterday.

Test results

THIRTY SEVEN (37) additional positive test results were announced today. Brings the cumulative total to 11,215

The rate /100k population figure has now fallen to 185.18.

case numbers in York are now down to 390 (7 day moving average). They continue to reduce at a faster rate than elsewhere in the region.


Six neighbourhoods now have significantly lower than average infection rates (below the 100 cases rate benchmark). The 6 include Woodthorpe/Acomb Park area which, 4 weeks ago, had the highest rate in the City.


National & Regional

Nimbuscare say that they vaccinated over 1700 people each day on Monday and Tuesday at the Askham Bar site.

Today (Wednesday) over 1800 have been vaccinated so far.

NB. Some patients are getting same day appointment options having received their “call up” Email in the morning. Very impressive process.


During the week ending 29th January 2021 (latest figures), 5363 PCR tests were completed in York.

Of these, 8.2% were positive.

This was a further reduction on the previous days figure (8.7%)

987 lateral flow tests were also completed on 2nd February

York Stadium testing site

The York Stadium Leisure Complex is the latest facility in York to offer symptom-free testing,

as thousands of people who live and work in York continue to do their bit by getting tested regularly to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

Following an agreement between City of York Council and Better York, residents will be able to get tested at the new York Leisure Centre, part of our fantastic new facilities at York Stadium Leisure Complex at Huntington, Monks Cross, from Monday 8 February.

You can book a rapid test if:

  • you live or work in York, and are unable to work from home during the lockdown, and come into contact with other people during the course of your work (including working in early years settings, essential retail and construction)
  • you’re aged 18 or over, and you come into contact with lots of other people as part of your work in any essential sector
  • you’re aged 18 or over, and you work with, live with, or support those most at risk from coronavirus
  • you’re a pupil of a secondary school in York, and your school has advised you to be tested
  • you’re an eligible staff member, postgraduate researcher or student at university in York

It joins York St John University and the University of York in offering residents, workers, students and staff who are eligible. Since starting testing on 14 December, we have done over 20,000 tests.

Councillor Keith Aspden, Leader of City of York Council said:

“I am pleased that the council is teaming up with Better York to offer another location for residents and people working in the city to get a symptom-free test.

“This is yet another example of how we are working to expand testing capacity in the and how we are coming together to fight the spread of the virus. 

“From the very beginning of the project, it was our ambition that the York Stadium Leisure Complex would become an asset of real value to local communities and this new symptom-free testing offer shows how these fantastic facilities are being put to good use for the benefit of local people.

“We will continue to work with partners across the city to improve access to symptom-free testing, exploring how we meet the different needs of people who live and work in the city. Thousands are doing it every week and we hope more do in the coming weeks, as part of our efforts to stop the spread of the virus.”

Sharon Stoltz, Director of Public Health at City of York Council said:

1 in 3 cases of Coronavirus have no symptoms so it is vital cases are found early to help stop the spread of Coronavirus.

“Whilst cases have fallen in recent weeks rates in York are still higher than we’d like. The early identification of cases and subsequent self-isolation if the test is positive is really making a difference in our fight against Coronavirus.

“We are hugely grateful to those who are regularly getting tested to play their part in the fight against Coronavirus.

“Symptom-free testing can help protect your work colleagues, neighbours, friends and family. We are constantly increasing capacity so would urge anyone who is eligible to get a test.”

Paul Bickle, Better’s Partnership Manager for York said:

“The York Leisure Centre provides an ideal location for Covid-19 testing, offering easy access, plenty of parking and sufficient space to ensure social distancing at all times. 

“The concept behind the stadium project was always that it would be a resource for all the community and it is fantastic to be able to play a small part in the city’s efforts to battle the ongoing pandemic.”

If you are eligible please book at

If you have coronavirus symptoms or you’re self-isolating, instead visit: or call 119

Coronavirus York updates; 2nd February 2021


EIGHT additional deaths announced by the York Hospital Trust today.

One occurred on 29th January, five on Sunday 31st January, and two yesterday (1st February).

The cumulative total number of fatalities since the 1st September has now risen to 289.

Separately the ONS has published updated figures today which record the number of York residents who have died from COVID-19.

These figures are different from those published by the York Hospital Trust which covers a larger area than just the City.

During the week ending 22nd January – the most recent period available – thirty York residents died.

That is an increase from the previous week when twenty five local fatalities were recorded

Of the fatalities, 19 died in hospital, 8 in care homes, 2 at home and 1 at a hospice.

The cumulative local death toll has now reached 89 since the beginning of September.

The York Hospital Trust reported total casualties of 37 during the same week (w/e 22/1/21).

The care home toll is lower than was seen in the spring. The NHS confirmed yesterday that all York care home residents had now been offered a vaccination

Test numbers

The latest figures reveal that 5,371 PCR tests were carried out on the seven days ending on 28th January.

8.7% of these provided to be positive.

That represents a further reduction in positivity levels.

1,508 lateral flow tests were carried out on 1st February

Test results

FORTY TWO (42) additional positive test results have been announced today. It brings the cumulative total to 11,178.

The rate /100k population figure is now 198.0. This is first time that the rate has fallen below 200 since 23rd December.

Despite a forecast uptick when the figures for the 31st January are added in, the infection rate is otherwise trending to fall steadily and may go below 150 during the next weekend

York continues to have an infection rate below both the regional and national averages.

The North Yorkshire rate has leveled off.


There has been a small increase in case numbers in some neighbourhoods.

This includes a 7 case increase in Haxby which remains – by some distance – the area with the highest infection rate in the City.

The lowest rate can now be found in the City centre.


The York Hospital Trust currently has 191 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 inpatients. That is a reduction on the figure seen last week.

It has 11 COVID-19 patients in intensive care.

1,731 patients have been discharged to their usual place of residence or are no longer being treated for Covid-19.



Nationwide over 10 million people have now been vaccinated.

Yesterday 350,348 received their first dose with 2,587 receiving the second dose. This represented a small increase on the numbers inoculated on the previous day


No new figures have ben issued. However the Askham Bar site has remained open today despite the poor weather. It has been averaging around 2000 injections per day.

Coronavirus York updates; 31st January 2021.


FIVE additional hospital deaths announced today. One occurred on Wednesday, three on Thursday and one on Friday.

That brings the cumulative total of COVID-19 fatalities at the York Hospital Trust to 277 since 1st September 2020

Test Results

FORTY TWO additional positive test results announced today. Brings the cumulative case total to 11,089.

Rate /100k population has fallen to 213.19, Now trending to fall below 200 when Tuesday’s figures are confirmed.

Based on the trend followed by the second wave of infections (between 28th November and 8th December 2020), we can expect the, 7 day rolling case number, average to fall below 17.0 before the middle of February.

Currently it stands at 64.14.

The trick this time will be to ensure that the fall in cases is sustained!

The York infection rate (213.2) has now fallen below the regional (Yorkshire) rate (217.0)


Infection rates are continuing to fall in all but one neighbourhood

70% fall in cases since peak on 8th January

The comparison below shows how much progress has been made over the last 3 weeks. There has been a fall in case numbers in EVERY neighbourhood in York.



A record number of 598,389 first dose vaccinations were performed nationwide yesterday. 10.621 second doses were administered.

In total 8,977,329 vaccinations have now been competed. 491.053 second doses have been administered.
