A fire has broken out at the former Our Lady’s school building on Windsor Garth.
The building has been empty for over a year and was due to be demolished this week.
A fire has broken out at the former Our Lady’s school building on Windsor Garth.
The building has been empty for over a year and was due to be demolished this week.
After only a few days work on site, residents are already raising concerns about the timing and scale of work being undertaken on the development at the former Our Lady’s school site.
Most concerns related to the removal of mature trees during the nesting season. It appears though that the trees removed so far are in line with the permission granted by the Planning Committee for the scheme, although confirmation of that – and any impact on bats which are known to roost in the area – is awaited.
Some work was apparently taking place on Saturday afternoon. Working hours were restricted by the planning permission.
Another issue raised was the width of the access road from Windsor Garth which is currently narrower than is normally required for access to new developments (5 metres).
Former Council Leader Andrew Waller has written to senior officials at the York Council raising concerns.
The former school buildings are due to be demolished over the next few weeks.
Builders have moved onto the Our Lady’s school site and have started to fell trees.
The Our Lady’s school buildings will be demolished within the next 3 weeks.
Work has already started to provide an electricity power supply to the new housing development.
The whole scheme, which involves the erection of 55 new homes, is expected to take about 12 months to complete.
The building contractors have said that all site traffic will follow the Kingsway West/Ascot Way/ Ashford Place/Windsor Garth bus route to access the site.
Residents remain concerned about the poor state of the roads on the route, and in particular the rapidly deteriorating road humps, although whether it would be worth completing permanent repairs before the heavy traffic moves on, is open to question.
Industrial action by NUS members is expected to close several schools in York on Wednesday.
Several others – including Westfield and Hob Moor primaries- will provide reduced services.
The full list can be accessed by clicking here.
The application has been updated to reduce the number of properties by one, incorporate a small play area and retain the existing railings around part of the site. These changes were notified to interested parties on 4th December.
However the Council is reducing its S106 requirements to reflect the on site “open space” provision but – without explanation – also scraps the payment of a commuted sum in lieu of the provision of school places. It seems most unlikely that the forecast demand – and supply of – school places has changed significantly since the original plan was considered in October.
Para 4.6 of the report says, “It is intended to retain the existing peripheral boundary fence suitably modified and colour coated to lessen its visual impact”.
This is welcome although the plan submitted by the applicants suggests that the railings will be removed for a section to the north of the site. There would seem to be no reason why this section should also not continue to enjoy the protection of the railings.
We feel that it is important that a condition be added requiring that all plant, wishing to access the site, must utilise existing (bitmaced) links and that no vehicles be permitted to use Hob Moor for this purpose.
Any access from Hob Moor would result in extensive damage which would take years to rectify.
Outstanding issues
• The density remains high. It is inappropriate to compare it to the surrounding area which is largely flats (and which are inevitably relatively high density)
• No adequate arrangements have been made to address the reduction of “on street” parking spaces for the link road (adjacent to Kempton Close). Alternative off street parking spaces should be provided for displaced vehicles.
• The playground is welcome. However it should be surrounded by railings, to prevent dog fouling, and be made capable of being secured at night (by residents) should it become a source of anti social behaviour.
• The developer should do more to reduce the running costs of the homes. Energy conservation – and micro generation features -are increasingly important for those with limited incomes.
Yorkshire Housing have submitted revised proposals for the development of the Our Ladys site following the deferral of their application at the last planning committee meeting.
They can be viewed on the “Planning on Line” web site under reference 13/02892/FULM
The plans involve the retention of most of the perimeter railings although in one key section on the northern boundary (where security and landscape appearance are sensitive issues) they propose to remove them. The new fencing is described as being at “a lower level”
No justification for removing the railings from this section is included in the papers.
This raises the concern that the developers hope to move plant onto the site via Hob Moor itself. This could result in damage which would take decades to repair.
The existing, and supplemented, shrubs and trees along the boundary would be protected by a post and rail fence.
The new proposals result in the loss of one housing unit meaning that 55 are now likely to be built on the site. This is still a lot more than the 29 units which were included in the draft Local Plan when it was published in April.
The appearance of the homes is little changed.
A small play ground aimed at young children, plus an area of Public Open Space, is now included towards the north west of the development.
There have been changes to the road layout
However no changes to the “sustainability” of the development are proposed.
The architect has written to the Council to say that “My client has carried out exhaustive viability appraisals on the site; however, the jump to Code level 4 on this development cannot be achieved.
As you are aware the site was purchased on the open market in competition with Private developers who would be delivering the minimum Affordable housing across the site at Code 3.
We are policy compliant at code 3 and offering a much improved level of affordable housing with the required 10% renewables”.
Have a higher “sustainability” rating would mean that the homes were cheaper to run.