Latest planning application for the Acomb Ward

Boyes Acomb store should be open next week

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Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference

Location:       95 Beckfield Lane York YO26 5PW

Proposal:       Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension

Ref No: 15/00684/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Alan Hartley Consultation Expiry Date:       11 May 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

Boyes Acomb opening date ……as Conlans Bistro announces spring menu

Boyes store to open in 17th April

Boyes store to open in 24th April

Boyes new store on Front Street Acomb is scheduled to open on 24th April. It will bring a further boost to the shopping area and – coupled with the plan to being storage space in the adjacent building back into use as apartments – will reduce the amount of vacant floor-space on the street.

Across the street popular Bistro Conlans has launched a new menu and special offers for customers using the restaurant on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. They are advertising weekly “specials” on Twitter @ConlansAcomb

Conlans launch new spring menu. click to enlarge

Conlans launch new spring menu. click to enlarge

Latest Planning applications Acomb and Westfield area

Changes to Carr Infant school, Civil Service sports ground application for 271 homes plus 24 hour opening for “drive through” take away at A59/A1237 junction?

Acomb Co Op travel shop set to become “take away”, house in Hamilton Drive to be let on “rooms” basis while Boyes seek permission for signs at new Front Street store

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference



Location:       35 Ouseburn Avenue York YO26 5NL

Proposal:       Erection of a pitched roof to existing flat roof side projection

Ref No: 14/02814/FUL

Applicant:      Mr K Ireson     Contact:        Mr Jon Steel    Consultation Expiry Date:       2 February 2015Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       10 Muirfield Way York YO26 5QW

Proposal:       Single storey rear extension

Ref No: 14/02870/FUL

Applicant:      Mr & Mrs Prudames       Contact:        Mr David Moverley       Consultation Expiry Date:       2 February 2015Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       Carr Infant School Ostman Road York YO26 5QA

Proposal:       Erection of two-storey school building (use class D1) with associated hard surfaced play and circulation areas and demolition of existing school building

Ref No: 14/02927/FULM

Applicant:      Mr Paul Beattie  Contact:        Paul Owen      Consultation Expiry Date:       11 February 2015 Case Officer:   Erik Matthews   Expected Decision Level:        COMM


Location:       9 Rosedale Avenue York YO26 5LG

Proposal:       Single storey side and rear extensions

Ref No: 15/00015/FUL

Applicant:      Mrs Barbara Reagan      Contact:        Mr John Dougal  Consultation Expiry Date:       9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Sandra Duffill  Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       Wills And Ellis Garage Boroughbridge Road York YO26 6QD

Proposal:       Variation of condition 6 of permitted application 14/01943/FUL to allow 24 hour opening of restaurant and alter hours of deliveries

Ref No: 14/02877/FUL    (Rural West Ward)

Applicant:      Skelwith Group  Contact Mr Jeremy Williams      Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Erik Matthews   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       Former Civil Service Club Boroughbridge Road York YO26 6BZ

Proposal:       Residential development of 271 dwellings with associated access, public open space, landscaping and infrastructure

Ref No: 14/02979/FULM   (Rural West ward)

Applicant:      Miller Homes Ltd      Contact Mr Jason Tait   Consultation Expiry Date        11 February 2015 Case Officer:   Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision Level COMP



Location:       26 Wenham Road York YO24 3GH

Proposal:       Two storey side extension

Ref No: 14/02872/FUL

Applicant:      Mr John Andrews Contact Mr Josh Mann    Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       237 Hamilton Drive West York YO24 4PL

Proposal:       Change of use from a dwelling (use class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (use class C4)

Ref No: 14/02900/FUL

Applicant:      Mr & Mrs Scammell       Contact Mr Jake Clay    Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   David Johnson   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       Co-Op Travel 47 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN

Proposal:       Installation of ventilation and extract system and alterations to shopfront

Ref No: 14/02950/FUL

Applicant:      DPSK Ltd        Contact Mr Jonathan Rainey      Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       Co-Op Travel 47 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN

Proposal:       Change of use from retail unit (use class A1) to takeaway (use class A5), and single storey rear extension

Ref No: 14/02955/FUL

Applicant:      DPSK Ltd        Contact Mr Jonathan Rainey      Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       15 Front Street York YO24 3BW

Proposal:       Display of externally illuminated  fascia signs and externally illuminated hoarding signs

Ref No: 14/02965/ADV

Applicant:      W Boyes & Co Ltd        Contact R Peter Belt & Associates       Consultation Expiry Date        9 February 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

  1. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Latest Planning applications – Community Stadium, Boyes, British Sugar

Quick links to full detailed applications

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference



Location:       British Sugar Corporation Ltd Plantation Drive York YO26 6XF

British Sugar site

British Sugar site

Proposal:       Outline application for the development of the site comprising up to 1,100 residential units, community uses (D1/D2) and new public open space with details of access (to include new access points at Millfield Lane and Boroughbridge Road and a new link road, crossing the Former Manor School Site) and demolition of the Former Manor School buildings

Ref No: 14/02789/OUTM

Applicant:      British Sugar   Contact:        Mr Neil Jones   Consultation Expiry Date:       14 January 2015 Case Officer:   Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision Level:        COMP


Location:       British Sugar Corporation Ltd Plantation Drive York YO26 6XF

Proposal:       Construction of development platform, engineering works and remediation and reclamation of site

Ref No: 14/02798/FULM

Applicant:      British Sugar   Contact:        Mr Neil Jones   Consultation Expiry Date:       14 January 2015 Case Officer:   Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision Level:        COMP



Acomb Alive representqaives Adndrew Waller and Sue Hunter outside the Front Street shop which will be converted for use by Boyes

Acomb Alive representatives Cllr Andrew Waller and Sue Hunter outside the Front Street shop which will be converted for use by Boyes

Location:       11 Front Street York YO24 3BW

Proposal:       Internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion of 4no. retail units to 1no. retail unit

Ref No: 14/02840/FUL

Applicant:      W Boyes & Co Ltd        Contact R Peter Belt    Consultation Expiry Date        12 January 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Community Stadium

Community Stadium Nov 2014

In addition the planning application for the new Community Stadium at Huntington has also now been published

Location:       Huntington Stadium Jockey Lane Huntington York YO32 9JS

Proposal:       Erection of 8,000 seat Community Stadium, leisure centre, multi-screen cinema, retail units, outdoor football pitches, community facilities and other ancillary uses, together with associated vehicular access, car parking, public realm, and hard and soft landscaping following demolition of existing structures

Ref No: 14/02933/FULM

Applicant:      Wrenbridge Sport York Limited And GLL   Contact Mr Daniel Brown Consultation Expiry Date        21 January 2015 Case Officer:   Kevin O’Connell Expected Decision Level COMP

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Boyes to take over empty superdrug store in Acomb

Boyes have announced they are moving into Acomb, taking over the former Superdrug building which has been vacant for a number of years.

11-15 Front Street

11-15 Front Street

Sue Hunter, who is Chair of the local trader’s group Acomb Alive! established to help local businesses work together, develop the area and support one another, added: “The position of the building close to both Morrison’s and the junctions of Green Lane and Front Street has long cast a blight on the good work we are all doing in the area, particularly the events staged by the smaller, independent traders.

“Having this shop open and doing business again will provide a boost for Acomb in terms of both confidence and footfall. We are all looking forward to working with Boyes and involving them in the activities we are developing for Acomb for the year ahead”.

Andrew Boyes, Director of the Company said: “We are delighted to be moving into Acomb and becoming part of the business community. We have known Acomb well for many years and have made a long-term investment in the building and the area. Boyes is here to stay and we are very much looking forward to becoming a key brand and offering excellent service to local people while attracting additional trade to the area.”

Boyes are planning to renovate their new store over the coming months and are expecting to open their new Acomb premises in Spring 2015.