Mixed news about getting local paths cleared of overgrowth
Tadcaster Road cycle path blockages
Meanwhile the York Council is now claiming that they are not responsible for keeping the cycle track, which is located next to the slip road from the A64, clear of obstructions. The Council did actually cleared similar problems this time last year.
We will be very disappointed if this turns out to be a jurisdiction stand off between the York Council and Highway Yorkshire. The latter is responsible for maintaining the cycle path along the side of the trunk road.
It happens each year, but we are still waiting for improvements to maintenance standards on local cycle routes.
The media were asking earlier in the week why people are put off cycling?
One reason is poor infrastructure maintenance.
Cycle paths are particualrly vulnerable to overgrowth causing obstructions. It the growth is nettles or thorn bushes then some may simply tur back.
These are some current examples of obstructions
The cycle track between the golf club and the A1036 Tadcaster Road is now effectively blocked for many users. The A64 cycle oath near Bilbrough is also obstructed by nettles and bramblesEven the generally well maintained SUSTRANs cycle path near Riccall is overgrown. No sign yet of the badly damaged path surface being repaired.
Grange Lane/Parker Avenue snicket is gradually getting narrower!Trees are now blocking part of the path which links Kingsway West and Green Lane. Pedestrians are forced to walk on the grass. The trees are in the compound of the Council’s building contractor. & another Council garage forecourt area apparently missed of the weed killing list. This one on Windsor Garth
Invasive weeds were being cut back on Hob Moor yesterday. The area is fortunate in having supporters who will undertake this sort of task with the Friends of Hob Moor one of the most successful of local amenity societies
The Friends of Hob Moor organise various interpretation events.
However, there are some problems on the Moor. Hedges have become overgrown with several paths, including part of Kingsway West, being obstructed.
The cycle path link to the railway tunnel is becoming overgrown.
Little Hob Moor (adjacent to Tadcaster Road) is showing signs of neglect.
Weeds haven’t been sprayed and are now overwhelming the cycle barriersAreas around street furniture need to be sprayed or strimmed .The grass was cut yesterday 28th August)
So there is some work to be done. As this area is off the public highway (and relatively “safe”) gardening could be undertaken by – suitably equipped – volunteers. The Council does, however, need to add amenity area management to its promised weed control review agenda.