Independent checks reveal over 52% of care homes in York require improvement
The latest reports into the quality of elderly care being provided, in both Council and privately run homes in York, are being discussed next week. Copies of all CQC reports can be found at
York falls below the national average in having 9.5% of inspected homes rated as inadequate with a further 42.9% listed as “requiring improvement”.
Only 43% were rated as being “safe” – an assessment which covers such items as the management of medicines.
81% were however rated as “caring”.
So far only 21 (26%) of homes in the City have been inspected by the CQC
Of the two homes rated as inadequate an FOI response yesterday revealed what action the York Council had taken to resolve issues.
South Park – “An improvement plan has been created with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), City of York (CYC) Council and the home to address the issues in the CQC report. Regular monitoring visits from CYC are taking place with the home to ensure that the plan is being addressed”. (Next week’s report however comments “Unfortunately, these improvements have not been sustained of late, but the provider again has shared the plans they have in place for substantial investment in the facilities“).
Haisthorpe House – “An improvement plan was created with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), City of York (CYC) Council and the home to address the issues in the CQC report. Regular monitoring visits from CYC have taken place to monitor progress on this improvement plan and ensure suitability of placements for the residents involved. The home has now been purchased by a new operator, and CYC will continue to monitor to ensure further improvements are made and sustained under the new provider”.
The Which ( consumer magazine has recently published a report which may help users of care facilities, and their relatives, when making a choice of home.
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The Council pays for the residential care costs of over 500 elderly people at present. The amounts paid to care home owners varies:
- Residential (Ordinary) – £435.45 per week
- Residential EMI – £460.30 per week
- Nursing (Ordinary) – £549.85 per week
- Nursing EMI – £571.45 per week
- City of York Council Owned EPH – £542.99 per week
93% of customers said they were satisfied with the Council’s home care arrangements.
The Council’s report concludes saying,
“A number of the capacity and quality concerns identified of late are linked to the recruitment and retention of care staff across the city and the sector in general. Providers are facing difficulties in terms of recruiting suitable carers across home care, residential and nursing care services”.
According to another report being considered next week, York is performing relatively poorly on delays in transferring elderly people from hospital to community care. “Reablement” services also take longer to provide in York than elsewhere in the region. The full performance statistics can be viewed by clicking here