87% say reopen Woodlands play area

Rowntrees promise early action

Rowntrees play area

87% of residents, responding to the survey that we took in the area a few weeks ago, said that they would like to see the Woodlands play area off Bellhouse Way reopened at least during day light hours at weekends.

10% were undecided on the issue with only 3% opposing the proposal

The equipment has been unavailable for several months now because of health and safety fears.

However many residents have pointed out that young children trying to climb the 2 metre high railings, which surround the play area, are probably at greater risk

The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust has now responded to the local Residents Association promising that – following some minor works – the area will be reopened within a couple of weeks.

Elsewhere in the Woodlands estate, survey respondents were critical of the mowing arrangements for verges. They had been left uncut for so long that, after cutting, the area resembled a hayfield.

A site meeting to discuss the problem has taken place.

The Trust also plan to do some maintenance work on their shrub beds.

York selected to pilot new Adoption Register Scheme

City of York Council is today (28 July) being given the green light to allow people approved to adopt to search the national Adoption Register for the first time.

The council has been specially selected to pilot the scheme which will allow approved adopters to learn more about the children who are waiting for a loving, stable home.

From this September, they will be able to find out about their hobbies, likes and dislikes, and hear them speak and laugh in videos and pictures to help match children waiting with their new family.

Free childcare places for two-year-olds reminder

childcareParents of toddlers in York are being reminded to check out whether they’re eligible for free childcare.

From 1 September over 600 two-year-olds in York – double last year’s figure – are eligible for up to 15 hours of free childcare a week at a playgroup, day nursery or with a childminder as part of a national initiative.


Parents, who earn no more than £16,190 a year and receive Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credit or Income Support, could be eligible for a free childcare place. Two-year-olds, who are looked after by the council or have a Child Protection Plan, automatically qualify for a place.

From 1st September children with special educational needs, those who have been adopted or with a residency/special guardianship order will also qualify for a place.

The free places are available to children who are two years of age and whose parents fulfil the criteria. The places can be taken up the term after the child’s second birthday.

Parents can apply on line at www.yor-ok.org.uk/childcare or to find out more call the Family Information Service on 01904 554444 or text ‘’free place’ to 07624 802244.


Acomb play equipment labelled “dangerous”

Weeds overwhelming play equipment

Weeds overwhelming play equipment

Aerial wire broken

Aerial wire broken


Play equipment in Grange Lane, Acomb has been labelled as “dangerous” by parents due a lack of maintenance.

Earlier today two pieces of play equipment were unusable with one – a wire ride – potentially hazardous for users.

Weeds and nettles were growing up through another piece of equipment making use impractical.



The area was badly littered.

The council has been heavily criticised in the past for failing to secure the playground against dogs.

Fouling continues to be an issue.





“Reopen the playground” say Foxwood residents

Foxwood Residents Association are seeking answers as to why a playground in the area has been locked and unused for over three years.Rowntrees play area

The playground, with new equipment, is on the Woodlands Estate which is managed by Joseph Rowntree Housing.

Local residents have approached the Association to seek their support in getting answers and most importantly getting the play area used again.

Shirley Gumley, Chairman of the Foxwood Residents Association, said

” It is a great pity that this play area has been locked for so long.  There are lots of young children in the area who would appreciate a secure place to play and residents are feeling frustrated at the lack of communication from Joseph Rowntree on this issue. 

 If there is a reason why the area cannot be used then tell us rather than leaving everyone guessing

A door to door survey on the issue is currently being undertaken in the area.

York Council call for young carers to be given extra support


Liberal Democrats are calling for more support to be given to young carers in York by extending a successful national funding scheme.

The Lib Dems, along with groups such as the Carers Trust, are calling for Pupil Premium eligibility to be extended to include young carers.

The Pupil Premium is an additional allowance given to schools to support looked after children and those from low income families.

Children entitled to free school meals are eligible for the funding along with children in care, adopted children, children in hospital schools and service personnel children.

Schools in York have received £12.6 million since the Lib Dem policy was introduced in 2011.