Most of York’s “Sure Start” children’s centres face closure threat

Council officials tight lipped about results of user survey

Six of York’s nine Children Centres could close under options put forward by the Labour Council.

Council consultation leaflet click to enlarge

Council consultation leaflet click to enlarge

Current users were surveyed during August on their preferred future for the centres.

The options on offer were

  1. Three centres (The Avenues, Clifton and Hob Moor) would remain open during the whole of the year while the other 6 centres would operate with reduced opening hours
  2. Six children’s centres would remain open with Clifton, The Avenues and Hob Moor closing permanently
  3. Three centres would remain open (The Avenues, Clifton and Hob Moor) with the others closing (or being taken over by “volunteers”)
  4. All the Children’s Centres would be ruin by volunteers or hived off to local schools or the private sector

The Consultation closed on 26th August but so far Council officials have declined to reveal the results of the consultation.

Sadly this process is all too familiar to York residents with decisions being taken behind closed doors and little opportunity for the community at large to express their views.

Hob Moor Children's Centre future unclear

Hob Moor Children’s Centre future unclear

No doubt the Councils panacea for all problems – ditch services and hope that “volunteers” will take on the burden – will emerge as the favoured option.

With millions of pounds having been invested in Sure Start (which originally enjoyed Labour Government support) it is little short of tragic that the programme  is now in jeopardy.

The York Childrens Centres gained a national award for excellence only last year.

The 9 Sure Start children’s centres are (click for details):

York Schools get their teeth into York Food Festival

Over 600 children from primary schools across the city will be taking part in the York Food Festival later this month (19-29 September).

The youngsters will take part in hands-on workshops at the Guildhall and in St Sampson’s Square including herb planting with Stockbridge Technology Centre, a ‘Let’s Talk Farming’ NFU Roadshow ( and Pasta Making with the Festival team.

5,819 York children to benefit from LibDem project

Local Liberal Democrats have welcomed the news that in total 5,819 children in York will benefit from the introduction of universal Free School Meals when term begins next week.

All reception, year 1 and year 2 pupils will now get their meals paid for under the scheme, which was first announced by the Liberal Democrats in 2013.

Although some children previously qualified for school meals, some do not take them due to the stigma, and others who don’t qualify struggle to afford them.

Research and pilot schemes in places such as Durham and Wolverhampton show that introducing universal free school meals leads to positive improvements in health, attainment and social cohesion, as well as helping families with the cost of living.


York GCSE results

Exam cartoonProvisional results show that 64 per cent of young people in York achieved five or more A*-C grades including English and Maths GCSE on first entry.

Results this year are not comparable to previous years because of changes made in the performance tables which report the first entry rather than best entry results for candidates.

There have also been significant changes to the examination system in 2014, with the removal of some GCSE equivalent courses from the performance tables, reductions in coursework and the move away from modular examinations towards end of course examinations.

There was some disappointment at York High where a spokesman commented,

“In spite of the hard work of the students, the support of the families and the commitment of staff our results have dropped to 43 per cent of students gaining 5A* – C including English and Maths.

This is of course disappointing but is an inevitable consequence of an assessment based mainly on longer exams at the end of a two year course.”

Litter problems mount on York’s open spaces and playgrounds

Litter still  covers the Cornlands playground

Litter still covers the Cornlands playground

Several local playgrounds and open spaces are covering in litter.

The problems have increased since the start of the school holidays but the root cause was the councils decision to remove many litter bins 12 months ago.

We have reported the Cornlands Park, Chesney’s field, the Westfield Place field and the Grange Lane play area this week.

Grange Lane playground - Equipment repaired but litter everywhere

Grange Lane playground – Equipment repaired but litter everywhere

At Grange Lane the play equipment is now all in working order but the area has been spoiled by litter and dumping.

In our view each of these – and one or two other locations – should each have at least one litter bin.



York celebrates A-level results success

Children’s  in York today (14 August) achieved another excellent set of results in this year’s A-level examinations.

Provisional results for York school sixth forms and York College show that the very high standards of previous years have been maintained. Initial results for the city indicate that attainment is likely to be well above national levels.

York ready to serve up free school meals to infants

The percentage of pupils in York opting for a school meal is expected to rise from 40% to 63% this September with the introduction of the national initiative offering free school meals to all Key Stage 1 pupils [Reception, Year 1 and Year 2] pupils.

Nick Clegg launching the new scheme last year

Nick Clegg launching the new scheme last year

The scheme was announced by the coalition government  a year ago

City of York Council has been working with primary schools and its school meals catering providers to ensure that all the children wanting a hot school meal can get one.

Each school site has been surveyed and the necessary supplies – from cutlery to ovens and fridges – have been ordered, and trial days have been held in some schools to evaluate how best to facilitate the increased demand for school lunches. Adaptations and additional equipment have been funded through a £370,000 grant from the government.

Evidence shows that eating a good meal at lunchtime has important health and educational benefits for children.

The meals can improve their diet, promote healthy eating habits and increase concentration during afternoon lessons.

Parents with children in Key Stage 1 are encouraged to consider taking up the free school meals offer.

Shake Up the Summer at York’s Playday

Change4Life and Disney’s new campaign – 10 Minute Shake Up – is coming to York’s Playday on 9 August to encourage the city’s children to get active this summer.

York’s Playday, which is organised by Door 84 Youth Centre, is a free community event with activities and games for the family taking place between 1pm and 5pm on 9 August 2014.  The family event takes place at Door 84 on Lowther Street and on Brownlow Street, which will be closed to traffic for the afternoon.