Coronavirus York updates; 21st July 2021

Hospital patients and deaths

Two additional deaths reported today by the York Hospital Trust. One occurred on Monday and the other yesterday. They bring the total number of local fatalities up to 601

Test results

127 positive test results announced today. Bring the cumulative total up to 16,535.

An additional 64 cases have been found in the City. This brings the total up to 1065

The rate /100K population is now 505.68. That is the highest recorded during the current wave. It is expected to remain at around that level tomorrow before stabilising at just below 500 for the remainder of the week.

Infection rates in York are currently below the County, Regional and National averages



594 vaccinations were completed yesterday.


  • 8672 PCR tests were completed during the week ending 16th July 2021
  • Of these, 12.5% were positive. That s higher than the 11.8% positivity rate found during the previous period.
  • In addition 2131 “lateral flow” tests were undertaken on 20th July.

Action taken

We’ve reported several issues in the Westfield area.

These include;

  • A black bag dumped at the entrance to Chesneys Field (which is insecure and being user by Travellers to access their camp site)
  • Broken glass on the Gale Lane footpath
  • Litter under the Chesneys Field play equipment
  • The council bus shelters on Foxwood Lane (which are filthy)
  • A full litter bin on Cornlands Road
  • Weed growth on the public footpath at the junction of Cornlands Road and Askham Lane