Residents have only a few days left in which to register objections to the proposed demolition of the Carlton Tavern on Acomb Road.
In its place a three-four storey 79 bedroom care home would be built. Associated parking, cycle racks and landscaping would take up the whole of the site which currently includes extensive green space.
Details can be found by clicking this reference 17/00476/FULM
The planning decision committee meeting will take place on 14th September and 32 objections have already been recorded including two from national amenity societies (the Council for British Archaeology and the Victorian Society) as well as SAVE Britain’s Heritage and the York Civic Trust.
These statutory bodies and heritage experts highlight that the plans have not adequately considered conversion options. The Victorian building is of significant architectural merit and heritage significance within its local setting. Demolition would therefore harm the character of the area.
The CBA recommends that the developer be asked to consult a conservation architect to produce an alternative proposal incorporating the existing building (which is listed as an asset of community value and has a long history of care provision in Acomb village) and with a design more in keeping with the character of the setting.
Local campaigners are urging residents to record an objection to the demolition plan and to register to comment at the upcoming planning meeting