Friends of Hob Moor building a “bug hotel” this morning

Bug Hotel building Saturday 8 April 10am. Everyone welcome and a great event for children. Bring gardening gloves for protection. Meet amongst the trees on the south side of the Hob Stone estate facing Lidl.

The FOHM group have also issues a newsletter which reports,

  • Cattle on the Moor The cattle this year will come on to the Moor at the end of March/early April and could be as many as 100. They will be Belgian Blues, quite distinctive with a bluish tinge. There will also be Limousin, a French breed usually red (but can be black); a mixture of heifers and bullocks. Their age will be about 6 to 8 months old. Both breeds are very placid, but they will be nosey as they like to know what’s going on on their patch!
  • West Bank Park Summer Fair Please note the fair this year is a few weeks later than usual, being held this year on Sunday 9 July, 1 to 4pm. This is our main event of the year and we want to encourage members to come and say hello to the dedicated team that will be minding our stand that day.

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York social workers praised


A peer review of adult safeguarding has praised City of York Council’s ‘amazing’ front line staff, highlighting their ‘can do attitude’ and motivation in providing quality services for residents and making safeguarding personal.

The review, which took place between 23 and 25 January, was requested by the council to assess how York might improve the outcomes for people accessing social care services, in particular how the council and partners promote safeguarding.

The specific scope of the work was to receive:

  • An external view of direction of travel and progress made to transform adult social care in York
  • Recognition of the journey towards implementation of making safeguarding personal and scope for improvement
  • Confirmation and challenge of the self assessment and how York might:
    • Further improve health and well being outcomes for individuals
    • Promote the future sustainability of the health and social care system

As well as praising council staff the report features positive feedback on partnership arrangements, mentioning that the safeguarding board was well represented with ‘extremely committed partners’ adding that they were ‘envious’ of many of the partnerships in place.  (more…)