£129,000 recovered from fraudsters
Council officials seconded to a regional task group have had notable successes recently in dealing with scams and eCrime in the City.
A York Council report, to a meeting taking place next Monday, lists 8 cases where court action has already been taken against traders
In most cases prison sentences were handed out by the courts.
Examples of the type of fraud being committed included:
- On-line bogus recruitment and CRB checking scam
- On –line airline tickets scam.
- Council tax re banding scam.
- Second hand car dealership
- On-line business grants scam.
- Rogue builders. Aggressive selling, pressurising vulnerable consumers into paying for unnecessary work,
- Itinerant drive tarmacing gang targeting vulnerable elderly home owners.
- Kitchen retail business Misrepresentation as to the quality of the product,
Other investigations yet to come to court relate to “copycat” web sites, roofing repairs, medical bed sales & vacuum cleaner repairs.
Many of the cases involve the exploitation of elderly/vulnerable people.
Since 1st April 2014 the Council has received £129,000 from the Proceeds of Crime Act confiscation hearings relating to Scambuster cases.