With the Tour de France now relegated to one of the more obscure ITV channels, the Councils leadership were asked last week precisely what targets they had for the “heritage” programme?
They had no numbers to share.
Still the chances are that some additional tourists will find their way to York over the next 12 months.
What impression will they get?
There has always been some criticism of he view from the railway carriage window on the East Coast main line approach to the City. Weeds, weed and more weeds is the usual vista.
But what of the dedicated cyclist making their way up the Selby to York cycle track?
The closer to York you get, the worse is the neglect, the litter and the graffiti.
Obscene graffiti dominates the A64 underpass while the Tadcaster Road junction is rarely graffiti free.
Warning obscene graffiti
At the Tesco roundabout the cycle path is now blocked by overhanging bushes.
The – St Johns University sponsored – roundabout itself is weed infested and a poor advert for a City dependent on visitors to sustain its economy
Cycle lane blocked
Weeds take over Tadcaster Road roundabout.