What’s on: Willow weaving at the Castle

Sat 21 Nov : 10.00am – 3.00pm

Castle MuseumAn introduction to willow weaving and how you can use this versatile material.

Create your own willow Christmas decorations – angels, Christmas trees and stars to impress family and friends this Christmas.

£35.00 per person, plus £5 for materials on the day , includes museum admission.

To book please visit www.yortime.org.uk, call 01904 552806 or e-mail york.learning@york.gov.uk.  

This activity is part of the Adult Learning Programme at York Museums Trust

What’s on: The city as archive – Francis Drake’s Eboracum

Wed 18 Nov : 7.00pm – 8.00pm

CityPublished in 1736, Francis Drake’s Eboracum offers an unprecedented record of the history of an English city outside of London.

This lecture will explore the effects of such a publication in the 18th century, how it represented the living city as an already-archived object, and how it shaped the perceptions of York in the mid-eighteenth century.

Open to all. Tickets can be purchased from any Explore Library, by phoning 01904 552800 or from www.feelinginspired.co.uk


What’s on: Explore Your Archives at York Explore

Memory web:

Memory Web

Sat 14 Nov : 10.00am – 3.00pm – drop in to help weave a memory web with Mary Passeri. Suitable for all ages, no need to book.


Archi’ve Curated

Archive CuratedSun 15 Nov : 11.00am – 3.00pm – Drop in and find out more about our amazing collections and then help us create an online exhibition.

Suitable for ages 11-16, no need to book.

A very fishy story and play

Story And Play (2)Mon 16 Nov : 10.00am – 10.45am –

our usual story and play session but with a very fishy theme. Enjoy a story and decorate a fish to swim on our Ouse map.

Suitable for under 5s and their carers. No need to book.

Paper Doll storytime

Story TimeTue 17 Nov : 10.0am – 11.00am –

hear the story of the Paper Dolls, remember all the fun things you liked to so, and make your own paper dolls.

Suitable for under 5s and their carers. No need to book.

Reading the past – teen reading group

Teen Reading GroupTue 17 Nov : 4.30pm – 5.30pm –

criminal histories, local legends, wartime letters – they’re all here in our archives – great if you are interested in reading or history!

Suitable for 12 – 16 years. No need to book.

Chatterbooks : stories, crafts and strange things from the past

ChatterbooksThu 19 Nov : 4.00pm – 5.00pm – have fun with our storyteller for a special story time and craft session .

Suitable for ages 6 plus. no need to book.

Archive Explorer

Archive ExplorerSat 21 and Sun 22 : 11.00am – 3.00pm both days

Pick up a copy of our archive trail and see if you can complete the archive challenge.

Suitable for ages 8 plus. No need to book.


These events are all part of the national Explore Your Archives 2015 for a full programme of events across the country  click here. www.exploreyourarchive.org

What’s on: Golf without woolly gloves

Mon 16 Nov for 5 weeks : Burnholme Community Hub 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Golf Poster PicAs a result of popular demand the City of York Council is running another indoor golf programme over the coming winter months.
The upcoming programme is down to the great uptake and success of past projects and provides individuals the opportunity to improve their swing technique without being exposed to those harsh winter elements.

The sessions are designed to provide new or old adult golfers the improvement in their game that so many golfers crave.
The sessions will have an expert tuition from a club professional to support you in developing your golf skills.

The lessons commence on Monday 16th November 7-8pm.

The programme will last for five weeks, at each session you will receive an hour expert tuition from a club professional and will be able to use equipment at no extra cost.

The programme will cost £25 for the 5 sessions; there are limited spaces so please contact us as fast as you can.

To book on or for further information contact Matthew Orme, City of York Council Matthew.Orme@york.gov.uk or call 01904 553377.

What’s on: Personalise your laptop

Fri 6 Nov for 5 weeks

Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Venue: Acomb Explore Library
Cost: Full fee £55 but concessions available

Personalise Your Laptop  Windows 7 8 And 10Learn how to get to grips with your laptop and adjust settings that will help you to use it to the full!

How to make sure it is secure using the Internet, understand how to use folders and where to put files and change the way your mouse works.

The course covers Windows 7, 8 and 10

Great for those who are wanting to know more about their laptop.

You must bring your own laptop, fully charged and a notepad and pen for taking notes.

Click here to book.


Thu 5 Nov – Sun 8 Nov

ASFF-EEFF-207x 140-Half -PageASFF returns to York for its fifth year, running 5 – 8 November across 15 venues spanning some of the city’s most historic and iconic locations.

The festival showcases 300 films in 11 genres:  advertising, animation, artists’ film, comedy, dance, documentary, drama, experimental, fashion, music video and thriller.

There will also be a family friendly programme.

For those looking to expand their knowledge of film, there are over 20 masterclasses with leading organisations in the industry, such as Channel 4, Association of Camera Operators (Star Wars, Gravity and James Bond) and Oscar and BAFTA Award Winning VFX giant Framestore (Guardians of the Galaxy and Jupiter Ascending).

What’s on: Coffeehouse, debate, discussion, controversy and coffee.

Wed 4 Nov : 6.30pm – 7.30pm York Explore Library

Oct -Dec _CoffeehouseCoffeehouse : Debate, Discussion, Controversy, Coffee: Read All About It: Political journals, scandal sheets and the beginnings of journalism

This autumn’s talks take their inspiration from the 18th century origins of the Coffeehouse and look at the history of everyday things and the way this can inform our ideas and attitudes.

The autumn series is facilitated by Dr Kaley Kramer of York St John  University.

Suggested donation £3.50 or £2.50 with a York Card (includes a hot drink from York Explore’s Cafe)

Please book via www.feelinginspired.co.uk or in person at any Explore Library Adults 16+