Transforming the city of York

Transforming the city of York: archaeological evidence from the Norman Conquest to the local plan

 Date: Sat 11 Oct

Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Venue: Guildhall

Cost: £15


Spend a day at Council Chamber in The Guildhall listening to papers from the many gifted archaeologists who work in the City, to gain an insight in to work recently carried out.

 The York Archaeological Trust are holding their annual book fair in the Guildhall on the same day

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

Date: Sun 6 July

Time: Sunday morning in the skies above York

The Lancaster bomber, Hurricane and Spitfire escorts from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight have been allocated to overfly ‘Boulevard St. Leonard’s to mark the 70th Anniversary of the French Squadron’s formation at RAF Elvington.

Organised by the Yorkshire Air Museum you can find out more information at    more

Tour de France – weekend events list published as concerns increase about poor City image.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Full litter bins and detritus on river banks

Full litter bins and detritus on river banks

Concerns are increasing about the appearance of the City in the immediate lead up to the Tour de France start.

It seems the Council has taken its eye off the ball, not just in its preparations for tomorrows Huntington Stadium “Grand Departy” not to mention the Poppleton Park and Ride embarrassment, but also visitors are arriving in the City to be greeted with  public service standards which in some locations are boarding on the squalid..

Graffiti next to the railway station
Graffiti next to the railway station

Residents are, however, being encouraged to prepare for a “full and diverse cultural weekend” to celebrate the Tour de France as events as activities for the whole family take place across the city from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 July.

Highlights include:

Friday 4 – Sunday 6 July

· York Curiouser explores the city centre through contemporary art interventions in colour, texture and word

· Boulevard St Leonard’s will have themed pavement cafés, French decoration and music. Plus, Maintenant (Now) is a sound installation of 100 sounds of Paris and 100 sounds of York – Now! Both are commissioned by Yorkshire Air Museum and York Theatre Royal. and

· 60 stunning 15-feet long mediaeval-style banners created by 50 community groups and hung from the city walls from the Lendal Bridge archway to Bishophill via Micklegate bar

· Sonnet Walks involve a collection of costumed characters performing Shakespeare sonnets and speeches around the city centre.