Former York police station, occupying a prime site, is being used for storage

The Ministry of Justice has revealed that it is not planning to sell or lease the former Police station on Lower Friargate in York.

In a response to a Freedom of Information request the Ministry confirmed that the Magistrates Court had taken over the whole of the building complex after the Police moved out in April 2014.

The building is now being used for “storage”.

It is linked to the adjacent Magistrates Court building and any redevelopment would require substantial remodeling to ensure that the Court remained secure.

York police station being used for "storage"

York police station being used for “storage”

It had been hoped that at least part of the site might be incorporated into a comprehensive redevelopment. It would have provided an opportunity to supplement the 14 homes now scheduled to be built on the adjacent former Fire Station site.

The Ministry claims that the gloomy buildings are not “boarded up” but as the photo above shows their appearance reflects poorly on the nearby Conservation area.

The Ministry claims not to be able to separate the annual running costs of the building from those of the adjacent (Listed) Magistrates Court.

The building is managed by the Courts and Tribunals Service which, for over a decade, has fallen outside the local government influence. The service is responsible to a government Minister – currently Shailesh Vara MP.