Record number of part time jobs in York

With the numbers claiming job seekers allowance in the City at a low level, the York Council has admitted that the numbers in part time employment are at record high levels.

Numbers of York residents in part time employment

Numbers of York residents in part time employment

The proportion (33%) in part time jobs is higher that either the regional (26.3%) or nation (25.3%) averages.

To a degree the figure may reflect the transient nature of the tourism sector of the York economy while many students in the City do actively seek out part time employment and shared jobs.

Nevertheless there has been a significant shift in working profiles over the last 4 years.

The numbers in employment in the City are still fewer than in 2011 (contrary to the national trend) and  it will be 2020 before pre recession employment levels in the City are seen again

Challenged at the last Council meeting about the shortage in the social care sector the former Council Leader commented that,

“there is an ageing workforce, with expertise leaving the sector and increasing demand for services, all of which is putting pressure on the delivery of quality care services.

Looking at the shortage of key workers in social care is a focus for the transformation of adult social care which includes the following proposals:

  • for recruitment and retention of key workers in York and what the council could contribute/enable; and
  • for how CYC’s Workforce strategy could be amended to support the recruitment of key workers


This work is at a relatively early stage but will be progressed by the relevant Cabinet Members”

So it looks like things may get worse before they get better in the Social Care sector with job vacancies in other areas – such as construction and retail – also increasingly difficult to fill.

York sees further fall in number of jobseekers

Figures released today (17 December) by the Office for National Statistics have shown the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) has fallen by 42.2 per cent since November 2013.

Liberal Democrats have welcomed today’s figures which means the number of claimants has fallen for the ninth consecutive month.

Figures released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that unemployment has fallen again nationally.

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In the three months to October, unemployment fell by 63,000. The rate of unemployment stands at 6 per cent, its lowest level in 6 years.

There are 30.8m people in work and 1.7m new jobs have been created since Liberal Democrats entered government.

Locally the statistics show there to be 1,232 claimants in York, a decrease of 86 from last month. The claimant count represents 0.9 per cent of the working population contrasts to the regional average which stands at 2.7 per cent. The figures are also much lower than the national average which is currently 2 per cent.

Today’s figures mean there are 901 less claimants than in November 2013.

The ONS figures also showed youth unemployment levels decrease from 495 to 245 in the past year, a fall of 50.5 per cent since November 2013.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable said:

“Today we’ve had another remarkable set of labour market figures, which show that the strong performance of the labour market has been broad based.

“This has led to an almost record share of the UK working age population being in work. In addition we are now seeing rises in average pay growth above inflation, meaning annual real wage rises for many workers.

“However there is still more to be done. Although youth unemployment has fallen in the past year, it remains too high. That is why we will continue to encourage firms to invest in the UK and equip British workers with the skills they need to compete in the jobs market.”

Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said:

“Once again, we have a new record for the number of people in work, which is great news in the run up to Christmas.

“But more than that, today’s earnings figures show that the positive effects of our economic recovery are beginning to show in people’s wage packets.

“There’s a lot more work to do to secure the recovery and to ensure that trend continues. That’s why it’s so important to stick to the balanced plan that has secured the recovery in the next few years, and not allow a lurch away from common sense with Labour or the Tories.

“We have to keep the economy on the path of strong growth, rising employment, low inflation and rising wages so that more and more of the people who have worked so hard to turn the economy around feel the benefit.”


Borrow less than Labour cut less than Tories

Good news on the jobs front for York

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York Council welcomes fall in number of residents claiming Jobseekers Allowance and benefits

City of York Council has today welcomed figures from the Office for National Statistics and the Department for Work and Pensions which show a reduction in the number of people claiming both Jobseekers Allowance and benefits in the city.

Today’s figures released by the Office for National Statistics have shown that the number of people claiming Jobseekers allowance has fallen for the eighth consecutive month.

The statistics show there to be 1,318 claimants in York, a decrease of 57 from last month.

The claimant count represents 1.0 per cent of the working population contrasts to the regional average which stands at 2.8 per cent.  York has had lower unemployment rates than the rest of the region for over 15 years now

The figures are also much lower than the national average which is currently 2.1 per cent. Today’s figures mean there are 877 less claimants than in October 2013 and that the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance has fallen by 40 per cent in the past year.

York has also seen a fall in the number of 18-24 year olds claiming Jobseekers allowance with today’s figures showing a reduction of 235 over the past year, a fall of 44.3 per cent.

Figures also released today by the Department for Work and Pensions have shown that the number of residents claiming benefits has also fallen. The statistics show the number of claimants in York as of May 2014 is 10,180, a fall of 490 since February.

The claimant count represents 7.6 per cent of the working population in York, which is lower compared to both the regional average (14.4 per cent) and the national average (12.9 per cent).

York has lower than average employment levels – official

The York Central constituency falls below the rest of the country on several measures revealed by the Office of National Statistics today.

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The proportion of the population in employment (different from the statistics on the numbers claiming Job Seekers Allowance which are normally quoted) is 70%.

This is slightly below the national average.

Other stats include:

  • 84% of residents are in “good health” well above the national average
  • It has fewer people(13%) aged over 65 than the average ranking at 531 out of a total of 632 parliamentary constituencies nationwide.
  • 14% are claiming state pension compared to nearly 19% across the UK
  • The number of business enterprises per 10,000 residents is 267 units well below the national average
  • 7.3% of the population is “non white” which is again below the national average

Click the graphic to access an information map covering the whole country.

Residents invited to city’s fifth jobs fair

City of York Council is encouraging jobseekers and residents wanting to improve their skills and qualifications to visit a jobs fair at York Railway Institute on Tuesday 30 September from 10am to 3pm. US-unemployment-jobs-fair-007

The event, which has been organised through partnerships between the council, York Learning, Job Centre Plus and Learning City York aims to bring together local employers to offer advice and the chance to speak face to face to businesses about employment opportunities in the city.

York unemployment down again

Jobs growth in UK

Jobs growth in UK

Unemployment in York fell to 1.1% in June.

This is down from 1.8% 12 months ago.

Unemployment is now less than North Yorkshire (1.2 %) Yorkshire (3.1%) and Great Britain (2.4%).

Although attention will now switch to the quality of jobs in the City – and maybe concerns about labour shortfalls in areas like care services and retail – effectively the City now has full employment.



Apprenticeships and Internships in the creative and cultural sector

City of York Council is making a final call out to creative and cultural businesses who would like to access funding to create Apprenticeships and paid internships.

City of York Council will be applying for the Creative Employment Programme funding in August on behalf on a consortium of creative and cultural organisations in York and the surrounding area.