The Friends of Hob Moor are having a Summer Solstice celebration 6.00 pm Sun 21st June!
Bring food & drink to share.
Meet at bench nr Hob Moor side of tunnel
The remaining property is a 2 bedroomed house which is listed at £170,000.
14 of the 55 units being built on the site are for sale (the rest will be rented by Yorkshire Housing)
The development has been criticised, not least for it’s high density levels. Originally the site was to have had only 29 units constructed. They would have been restricted to the “footprint” of the old school building.
Completion of the development later this year can’t come soon enough for existing residents living in the area.
They blame construction traffic for damage to local roads, footpaths, verges and the Moor itself.
Residents have raised concerns about damage to Hob Moor being caused by building works on the former Our Lady’s school site.
Parts of the moor have become waterlogged while local roads and footpaths have been damaged by access traffic.
Several sets of speed humps are now dangerous for cyclists.
Parking on the access road to the site is not possible forcing vehicles onto local residential roads. In turn this has made access for domestic delivery vehicles awkward.
The York council has yet to confirm that roads and footpaths will be included in the forthcoming years resurfacing programme. In the meantime emergency repairs are required.
It appears that access to the Hob Moor cycle path has been blocked off, with a chain, in an attempt to stop a mass breakout by the cattle that graze there.
A few weeks ago the herd was found wandering the Foxwood area in the early hours of the morning.
Experts have concluded that they were able to slip through one of the cycle barriers which are designed to allow cyclists to ride through while discouraging motorcyclists.
The barriers have cattle grid on the approach but a narrow strip leading to the Kingsway West barrier may have allowed a nimble heifer to slip through the gap.
Engineers were today filling in a partly constructed tunnel next to the railings.
The Hob Moor to Tadcaster Road cycle/pedestrian route under the East Coast Railway line is now closed.
The closure is poorly signed from the Gale Lane and Windsor Garth access points onto the cycle path.
There is a diversion signed from Hob Moor Terrace but not using a route that visitors would find easy to follow.
Developers plan to tear down Our Lady’s housing site railings.
They say it will improve “permeability”
Retention of the railings was considered to be important by local residents, and supporters of the Hob Moor conservation area, as it provided some guarantee that domestic use would not creep onto the moor.
The railings will also provide good quality security for the gardens of the residents of the new homes.
The railings are relatively new and have a longer life than the proposed close boarded wooden alternative.
Details can be found by clicking here
The Council have not given a date by which residents objections must be received although they hope to determine the new planning application (using delegated powers) on 25th June.
The pedestrian and cycle tunnel under the East Coast main railway line will be closed from tomorrow for 3 weeks.
The closure – which has not been widely advertised – is in connection with major electricity supply cable work taking place in the area
The tunnel forms part of the orbital cycle route which is used by hundreds of cyclists each day.
NB. Powergrid have also given notice of a supply cut in the Foxwood Lane area on Monday 16th June from 10:00am to 2:00pm