Consultation starts on licensing smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation

Following approval by the council’s executive, the council is starting a consultation on extending licensing to a further 2,000, smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

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Views on this are being sought from tenants, landlords and partner organisations. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) are shared homes, and include houses and flat shares, student homes and bedsits.

A 10-week consultation is starting on a new licensing scheme to improve the quality of some of York’s less well-managed privately-rented homes.

Extending licensing arrangements for HMOs with three or four occupants would ensure a safer, better-managed and even more professionally run private rented sector. This work would focus on Hull Road, Guildhall, Clifton, Fishergate, Heworth, Micklegate, Osbaldwick & Derwent; and Fulford & Heslington wards.  Landlords would benefit from a level playing field, and be offered additional training in property management which would improve the quality and value of the property and encourage tenants to stay longer.

The consultation will run from 16 April to 27 June 2021 at

Consultation on improving standards in private rented homes in York

Support for a new licensing scheme to further improve the quality and energy efficiency of some of York’s privately-rented homes could lead to a 10-week consultation.

The current Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licencing scheme has raised standards in over 1,000 HMOs which are subject to the national HMO scheme.

A targeted additional HMO licensing scheme which focusses on the wards where there is the most evidence of poorer housing conditions and issues with poorer management, would aim to raise standards in another 2,000 HMOs.  Landlords would benefit from a level playing field, including being trained in property management which would also improve the quality and value of the property and encourage tenants to stay longer.

Introducing an additional licensing scheme for Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) with three or four occupants, must be preceded by a consultation. This would target the wards of Hull Road, Guildhall, Clifton, Fishergate, Heworth, Micklegate, Osbaldwick and Derwent; and Fulford and Heslington where the most HMOs are in the city.

New licensing scheme for homes in multiple occupation

A new law to improve the heath and safety and management of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) is coming into force on 1 October 2018. The council is offering landlords one-to-one sessions.

Landlords can call 01904 552300 Monday to Friday from 9am – 12noon to talk to officers about the new licensing requirements and how to apply.

Smaller properties must now be licensed as HMOs. All properties occupied by five or more people in two or more separate households will need licenses, irrespective of the number of storeys.

Alongside ongoing work with landlords, City of York Council has been developing a new online HMO application process to make it simpler and faster for landlords to apply for new licences and to renew existing ones. Visit

The new law also requires that bedrooms must be a minimum size and have a maximum number of occupants to prevent overcrowding.

As the collective tenants of these properties can generate more waste than others, adequate storage space for waste must be included in a property.

Landlords are being given up to 18 months grace to comply with the new bedroom requirements and to address any overcrowding.

To manage these new licensing requirements and standards, the council is proposing a different approach to inspections.

Inspections will be triggered by information provided by landlords and will be prioritised around known risk factors including the history of landlords and higher-risk properties. Where landlords fail to comply, civil penalty fines up to £30,000 can be imposed or unlimited fines if prosecuted

To register for regular updates about the new laws, including information about free presentations please visit

The online application process for both new and existing licences for house in multiple occupation is now live at