Touch Rugby League World Cup tournament at Energise on Sunday 24 November

City of York Council is encouraging residents to enter a brand new touch rugby competition ahead of the Rugby League World Cup which starts this week.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

City of York Council, in partnership with Energise and York City Knights, will host a Touch Rugby League World Cup tournament at Energise on Sunday 24 November, just one week before the World Cup final, and is inviting teams of six to sign up and take part.

Entries to the six-a-side competition cost just £12 and allows for a maximum of two substitutes.

Registration closes on Monday 18 November. To register, teams should contact Dean Sharp from City of York Council’s Sport and Active Leisure Team on 01904 553377 or by emailing

Unwrapping the Chocolate City – Discovering the Chocolate Makers 19th Oct 2013

This hands-on workshop takes a journey through York’s confectionery industry as it developed from a Medieval trading city to become the home of the world’s most famous chocolate bars.
Location: The Mansion House

Time: 11:00 – 13:00

Cost: £17.50 Adult, £12 Child

Learn how to make the products that made York the Chocolate City and join us for a journey through York’s confectionery industry as it developed from a Medieval trading city to become the home of the world’s most famous chocolate bars.

Road and path de-icing cuts – crunch meeting on 21st October.

The Council’s review committee will meet on Monday 21st October to look again at Labour Councillor Levene’s plans to cut de-icing activities.

Revised gritting proposals click to see larger map

Revised gritting proposals click to see larger map

He decided last week to scrap most salt bins in the City and remove many roads from the routine gritting schedules.

This is a major issue which potentially affects the safety of all York residents.

The meeting will take place at West Offices starting at 5:00pm

A copy of the agenda and supporting papers can be found by clicking here

Damaged salt bin Cornlands Road

Damaged salt bin Cornlands Road

Residents may also attend and speak at the meeting. To do so you must register to speak before the meeting by contacting Jill Pickering on York 552061 (E-mail :

The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Friday 18 October 2013.

The telephone numbers and Email addresses of the members of the committee are reproduced below. Residents can contact them to make representations

Councillor John Galvin Chair (Conservative) 01904 704829 Email:

Councillor Sandy Fraser (Labour) 01904 651443 Email:

Councillor David Horton (Labour) 01904 777274 Email:

Councillor Lynn Jeffries (LibDem) 01904 551088 Email:

Councillor Ken King (Labour) 01904 783024 Email:

Councillor Neil McIlveen (Labour) 01904 623062 Email:

Councillor Ruth Potter (Labour) Phone: 01904 438634. Mobile: 07947 539725 Email:

Councillor Carol Runciman (LibDem) 01904 764356 Email:

Councillor Chris Steward (Conservative) 01904 638810 Bus. email:

York Youth Council Recruitment Drive

York Youth Council is a fantastic opportunity for all young people aged 11-18, providing a real chance for young people to have their voices on heard on issues that are important to them.

Over the last year, YYC have successfully campaigned to extend the YoZone Card from 16 to 18, allowing students to travel cheaply. They also worked hard to secure an all York Ticket so that all young people can travel on any bus in York, all day, for just £1.60.


Roger McGough to appear at York Literature Festival 2014

One of the UK’s most famous and respected poets, Roger McGough, has been confirmed as one of the headline acts at York Literature Festival 2014, supported this year by City of York Council. McGough will perform at Joseph Rowntree Theatre on Friday 28 March 2014 at 7.30pm.

Roger McGough

Roger McGough

McGough is well known as a champion of poetry, and is the current presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Poetry Please. He was one of the Mersey Poets, alongside Brian Patten and Adrian Henri. As a member of pop group The Scaffold, he penned the lyrics for number one hit Lily The Pink in 1968. He also contributed to the script for The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine film. His work has appeared in over 50 books, and has included writing for children and autobiography. He is an honorary fellow of Liverpool John Moores University, fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and President of the Poetry Society. McGough was made an OBE in 1997 and a CBE in 2004.

Heritage Lottery Fund support for Mansion House restoration

Mansion House Christmas

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) will help to improve access, displays and conservation at the Mansion House.

The project aims to give the historic building a more secure future in terms of its financial stability, getting more people involved in learning at the 18th century town house, and making it easier for more people to visit.

Development funding of £75,500 has been awarded

Small Changes, Big Savings – Acomb Explore money event on Monday 14th October,

People across York are being invited to boost their financial know-how in a series of events designed to help people make savings, get more out of the internet and make the banks work better for them.

A series of seven Small Changes, Big Savings sessions are being held at different venues across the city during York’s Housing Week, from 14-18 October, which is looking at ways to overcome poverty.

The ‘Small Changes, Big Savings’ events held across the city will be at:

• •Acomb Explore on Monday 14 October, 9:30-11:30am

•Bell Farm Social Hall on Tuesday 15 October, 10am-12 noon when we’ll be launching our anti loan shark charter

• •Clements Hall on 15 October 1:30-3:30pm;

• •Sanderson Court on Wednesday 16 October, 9:30-11:30am

• •Foxwood Community Centre on Thursday 17 October, 9:30-11am

• •Tang Hall on 17 October, 2-4pm

• •Burton Stone Community Centre, on Friday 18 October, 1-3pm.


Places and spaces to Inspire in York this winter

A Mary Poppins view of York from the top of the Mansion House and a residence fit for an Archbishop are two of the many hidden and unusual venues waiting to be discovered by participants on the new Inspire programme of workshops, lectures and events.

The collection which includes a Masterclass in rooftop photography in the city centre and a Contemporary Floral Displays workshop at Bishopthorpe Palace, make use of some of the special places which York and its surroundings have to offer. The venues are all hand picked to inspire creativity, promote learning or better understand the subject matter of the sessions.

The Autumn / Winter Inspire listings include other new and exciting venues, such as the Yorkshire Arboretum at Castle Howard where a watercolour painting workshop will take place outdoors with the Artist in Residence. York Medical Society in Stonegate, whose rooms are set within a beautiful Grade 2 listed building dating back to about 1590, is the venue for a new Discover Mindfulness workshop and other interesting Inspire venues include the Victorian kitchens of the Mansion House, Middlethorpe Hall and the Theatre Royal.

Each workshop, lecture and event is delivered by enthusiastic and qualified coaches or instructors who are specialists in their own field. Many have experience in working with schools, universities, private businesses, charities and other local organisations to share their expertise and experience.

Booking is now open for a range of courses and more will be added throughout the season.

Anyone interested in finding out more should visit, email or call 01904 552806