January is traditionally the month when the detail of the Councils proposals for the new financial years budget are scrutinised by back bench Councillors. A series of reports is presented to specialist scrutiny committees and they have the chance to examine the implications of the options being considered.
Not so this year, with secrecy still surrounding Labours plans.
The current administration has already shown itself to lack any confidence in its strategy and policies. Hence the almost continual attempt to deflect attention by announcing studies, consultations, focus groups, media photo calls etc.
A final set of proposals is apparently to be presented to the ruling “Cabinet” on 14 February before a recommendation is made to Council on 23 February 2012.
While Taxpayer could not expect a formal announcement of Labours plans for next year until early February, it now looks like there will be no real opportunity for opposition parties to put forward alternatives to whatever budget the “Cabinet” comes up with.
What is already clear is that the reckless spending agreed by Labour when it took control of the authority in May is already beginning to haunt them. Appointing additional salaried Councillors to bogus “Cabinet” positions might have kept the troops content. But now we are already seeing the consequences with local improvement schemes amongst the first to be axed.
Labour’s reliance on Trades Union funding has meant 6 months delay in getting to grips with the escalating costs of providing care services in York. Every days delay means even greater cuts will be required in other services.
Consultation has been minimal. The internet based budget model has been in use for several years but it gives only a top level view of options. Gimmicks like the Fairness Commission provide a distraction n but are no substitute for detailed budget development.
A more confident Council would have involved the local community in the process.
As a result the outlook is bleak and an inexperienced Labour team will only have themselves to blame when angry Taxpayers find they are paying more for a lot less.