The team’s latest report is reproduced below
The York West Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) have recently been involved within a number of successful warrants in the Westfield ward to combat theft and drugs. Your continued assistance in providing information to the Police in relation to illegal drug use and stolen property is vital to this continued work.
• Many reported burglaries involve no forced entry, i.e. the burglar gains access via an open window or door. It is obviously important to ensure that all windows/doors are secured when leaving the premises unattended. Opportunist burglars will often take advantage of doors and windows left open by the householder.
The Westfield Safer Neighbourhood Team continues to work hard to reduce Anti Social and Nuisance Behaviour in your area. Anti social behaviour can come in many forms from noise nuisance and Neighbour issues to more serious cases of anti social behaviour such as harassment and drug dealing. Members of your Safer Neighbourhood Team are dedicated to reducing such behaviour.
Anti social behaviour can be detrimental to your quality of life and to those whose live in your community –if you are suffering from any type of Nuisance / Anti social behaviour please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team who will continue to work together with yourselves and other agencies to combat this behaviour.
What are we doing?
Westfield Safer Neighbourhood Team have engaged in various operations to combat community issues raised by those within our ward over the past few months and will continue to do so. Such operations include;
Operation Image – Aimed at targeting those that ride bikes without lights during hours of darkness and those that choose to cycle without care or consideration for their safety or that of other road (and pavement) users.
Operation Spoke – Aimed at security marking as many cycles in York as possible. Op Spoke is currently run throughout the City of York and will continue to do so. For times, dates and locations of Op Spoke in your area please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team or e-mail us, snayorkwest@northyorkshire.pnn.po
‘Come join us’
Westfield Safer Neighbourhood Team continue to hold police surgeries / dropins, where you can come along and meet and speak to your local team.
Forthcoming surgeries for 2012 will be published on the North Yorkshire Police website at;
Your Westfield Safer Neighbourhood Team
York West Inspector – Inspector Neil Drummond
York West Problem Solving Sergeant – Iain Sirrell
Westfield Ward Beat Managers – PC Colin Park – PC Mark Antonelli
Westfield Ward PCSOs;
Laura Nunnen – Gale Lane, Cornlands Road, St Stephens Rd.
Stacey Taylor & Ben Hutchinson – Foxwood
Chris Simpson – Chapelfields
Grace Holohan – Front Street, Green Lane.
Louise Scott – Kingsway West