Fears for childrens safety as service standards wobble

Thorn bush overhanging public footpath

Thorn bush overhanging public footpath

Snickets are often a source of concern to both users and neighbouring property owners.

None less so that that linking Parker Avenue to Grange Lane.

Often problems are reported there with graffiti, litter, weeds and vandalism to boundary fences.

Today we have had to report a badly overgrown rose bush which is almost blocking the footpath. The thorns are a particular hazard for young children who may be wheeled past in prams.

We hope that the Council will act quickly to have the bush cut back

Grange Lane play area

Grange Lane play area

Meanwhile the Grange Lane play area is once again the subject of litter and dog fouling. The swings have also been vandalised.

The playground really does need a fence round it to prevent access by dogs and to stop litter drift.

It should become a “poop scoop” area with proper enforcement.

Again an issue overdue for Council attention.



Hob Moor nature reserve being dug up

Farmer forced to remove cattle from nature reserveOLS and sewer connection (2)

Work is taking place on Hob Moor to install a new drain. The system will serve the new development on the former Our Lady’s school site.

It is understood that the work has forced a farmer to remove his cattle from the moor.

The development has always been unpopular with many as it was almost twice the size originally envisaged.

In addition the impact on traffic in the area is expected to be significant with many fearing that lack of parking space could cripple the estate. Already narrow roads like Ashford Place and Ascot Way are bearing the brunt of  noise and vibration. from construction traffic.

However concerns about the Hob Moor nature reserve have been ignored by the Labour dominated planning committee when the developer has come back with several requests for modifications to their plans.

We understand that concerns have been raised with English Nature

Inadequate drainage in the area was one concern which led to a significant change to the site height about a month ago