More gloom for those on waiting list for homes in York

Hopes that the number of affordable homes provided in York during the 2012/13 financial year would show an increase over previous years have been dashed.

Latest figures, provided by the Labour Council’s spokesperson on Thursday, confirm an outturn of 120 additional affordable homes for the year.

This is the lowest number for 6 years.

Next year things are set to get even worse. The outturn could be as few as 90 units.

Under the last Labour Government Council house building reached a, post second world war, low.

Under the last Labour Government Council house building reached a, post second world war, low.

Of these, only 33 are contributions from section 106 agreements (where a builder is required by the terms of a planning permission to provide a proportion of a development for low cost purchase or rent).

Meanwhile both Housing Associations and the private sector seem to be cutting the number of homes that they intend to build on sites which already have planning permission

The Rowntree development at Derwenthorpe (Osbaldwick) will now have 51 units less than was originally intended.

At Germany Beck (Fulford) the latest “reserved matters” planning application is for 655 dwellings. The original planning consent was for 720 dwellings.

Both decisions are likely impact on the number of affordable units which will be provided at each site.

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See also Housing completions still falling

Waiting list continues to grow

New homes fail to materialise