Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


Co op store on Beagle Ridge Drive

Co op store on Beagle Ridge Drive

Co-operative Retail Services Ltd 6 Beagle Ridge Drive York YO24 3JQ

Proposal              Condition 3 – 16/02315/FUL (Installation of new refrigeration plant in existing plant enclosure at the rear, alterations to loading bay area, reduce door threshold in rear elevation, brick up louvre, new bollards to front and rear of store, relocation of parking bays and colour changes to shopfront)

Reference           AOD/16/00406


Co-operative Retail Services Ltd 6 Beagle Ridge Drive York YO24 3JQ

Display of 2no. internally illuminated fascia signs, 1no. internally illuminated projecting sign and 7no. non illuminated wall mounted signs

Ref. No: 16/02786/ADV


150 Askham Lane York YO24 3HR

Installation of dropped kerb.

Ref. No: 16/02764/FUL


167 Gale Lane York YO24 3AG

Proposal              Two storey side extension

Reference           16/02704/FUL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

That was the week that was 26th Nov 2016

The week began with a tea dance at Acomb library

The week began with a tea dance at Acomb library

Cllr Sue Hunter (centre) visited Venturefest at teh racecourse. The annual exhibition provides a showcase for local businesses

Cllr Sue Hunter (centre) visited Venturefest at the racecourse. The annual exhibition provides a showcase for local businesses

The Polioce sustained increased patrolinhg levels in Chapelfields. Fewer compalinstr about anti social behaviour across west York have been received this week

The Police sustained increased patrolling levels in Chapelfields. Fewer complaints about anti social behaviour across west York have been received this week

Councillors were out and about reporting issues for attention. These included leaf fall in Rylatt Place

Councillors were out and about reporting issues for attention. These included leaf fall in Rylatt Place

and day burnign street lights

Day burning street light reported by Andrew Waller

Graffiti in Acomb Green

Graffiti in Acomb Green

dumping and vandalism in the Beacosnfield Street back lane

and dumping and vandalism in the Beaconsfield Street back lane

Fly tipping on Gale Lane

Fly tipping

Car parking problems on School Street were reported. A survey is being undertaken to see whether residents want a ResPark scheme to be introduced in the area.

Car parking problems on School Street were reported. A survey is being undertaken to see whether residents want a ResPark scheme to be introduced in the area.

A new bollard was provided at the junction of Tudor Road and Kingsway West.  Intended to improve road safety its precise effect is a puzzle to many

A new bollard was provided at the junction of Tudor Road and Kingsway West. Intended to improve road safety its precise effect is a puzzle to many


The week ended with today’s Acomb Market and Christmas lights switch on (4:00pm). Over £6000 was raised by voluntary donations to fund the lights