Coronavirus York updates; 1st February 2021


SIX additional hospital deaths have been announced today.

They bring the cumulative total number of fatalities at the York and Scarborough hospitals up to 283 since the start of the second wave of infections.

Test Results

FORTY SEVEN (47) additional positive test results announced today. Brings the cumulative case total to 11,136.

Rate /100k population has now reduced to 205.12. Trending to fall below the 200 case benchmark tomorrow.

The case rate in York continues to reduce more quickly than is being seen in other parts of the country


There are now three neighbourhoods with a case rate of below 100. They are Dunnington/Elvington/Wheldrake (6 cases), the City Centre (12 cases) and Poppleton/Rufforth/Askhams (5 cases).

Haxby remains the only area with a rate over 400 (400.4 with 23 cases).



Nationwide 9,296,367 people have now received their first vaccinations. 494,209 have also received the second dose.

319,038 people were vaccinated yesterday 31st January (first dose) . This was lower than the rate achieved during the previous three days.

3156 people received the second dose.


According to a post by Nimbuscare on social media

“Over 12,000 patients received their Covid vaccinations at the York’s National and Local Vaccination Centre between the 25th and 31st January.

In the over 80s group Humber, Coast and Vale (which includes the York area) had vaccinated 68% by 17th January and 87% by the 24th January.”


Number of tests

5,431 PCR (laboratory) tests were conducted in York during the week ending 27th January (the latest figure available).

Of these, 9% provided to be positive .

That is the lowest positivity rate found since 24th December 2020.

In addition, 1526 lateral flow tests were completed on 31st January. That brings the total number of such tests to 35,270.


A TEMPORARY Covid testing site will be set up next week in Haxby which has seen high infection rates in recent times.

The testing will be held by appointment only at the Ethel Ward Playing Fields in Calf Close, Haxby, from Monday until Sunday February 6, from 9am to 3pm.

Tests can be booked by going to or by phoning 119 and selecting the option that you were asked to attend by your local council.

The facility is similar to the one operating on the Thanet Road rugby club car park tomorrow.

It also was set up when virus infection rates in Woodthorpe and Westfield were very high.

York Council staff absence

A York Council committee will be considering the levels of sick absence at the authority. next week.

A report says,

“At the start of the pandemic staff absence increased significantly with a
number of staff not available to work. This was directly linked to coronavirus where staff were displaying symptoms and self isolating and
unable to work from home. The sickness absence rates across the council follows the national and local infection rate patterns, as can be seen, with a slight peak in wave 2 October time and then wave three being end of December into January 2021.

There is some confidence though that whilst rates have increased since
end of December, they are not near the level we experienced in March /
April. There are staff that are self isolating but are able to work fully from home and therefore those will not appear in the figures, also those staff who have tested positive for covid but are well enough to continue to work from home”.

Around 900 staff working in the social care sector are being vaccinated.


The same meeting will hear that there are pressures on some schools. All York schools are still open catering for the children of some critical workers.

The meeting will be told that the number of teaching staff absent since January 5th has fluctuated but has been between 95- 85, with the numbers absent due to being Covid positive being under 10 individual cases on any given date.

“The staffing levels in individual schools have not so far reached a
level where schools have been unable to deliver on site provision or
their remote learning offer”.

The impact on schools varies according to their size, staffing structure
and the physical space within their buildings.

In particular, small primary schools are finding it more difficult to manage high numbers of children on site and to manage the remote learning offer.

During the first week in January, a small number of parents contacted the Council’s education team to highlight problems with accessing school places, each case was worked through and solutions found.

The meeting takes place next Monday

Coronavirus York updates; 31st January 2021.


FIVE additional hospital deaths announced today. One occurred on Wednesday, three on Thursday and one on Friday.

That brings the cumulative total of COVID-19 fatalities at the York Hospital Trust to 277 since 1st September 2020

Test Results

FORTY TWO additional positive test results announced today. Brings the cumulative case total to 11,089.

Rate /100k population has fallen to 213.19, Now trending to fall below 200 when Tuesday’s figures are confirmed.

Based on the trend followed by the second wave of infections (between 28th November and 8th December 2020), we can expect the, 7 day rolling case number, average to fall below 17.0 before the middle of February.

Currently it stands at 64.14.

The trick this time will be to ensure that the fall in cases is sustained!

The York infection rate (213.2) has now fallen below the regional (Yorkshire) rate (217.0)


Infection rates are continuing to fall in all but one neighbourhood

70% fall in cases since peak on 8th January

The comparison below shows how much progress has been made over the last 3 weeks. There has been a fall in case numbers in EVERY neighbourhood in York.



A record number of 598,389 first dose vaccinations were performed nationwide yesterday. 10.621 second doses were administered.

In total 8,977,329 vaccinations have now been competed. 491.053 second doses have been administered.


Coronavirus York updates; 30th January 2021


THREE more hospital deaths announced today.

There may be early indications emerging which suggest that the rate of increase in the number of deaths at the York and Scarborough hospitals is beginning to slow.

Test Results

FIFTY SIX (56) new positive test results announced today. Brings cumulative total number of cases in the City to 11,047.

The rate /100k population figure has fallen to 233.13. The figure is trending to fall below 200 early next week.

The infection rate in York is trending to go below the regional average within the next couple of days


Excellent news across the City.

For the first time since 28th December 2020, we have a neighbourhood with a case rate of below 100. The honour goes to Poppleton, Rufforth & the Askhams where there are now only 7 infections recorded.

Only Haxby now has a rate (marginally) above 400 and, like elsewhere, case numbers there are falling quickly

click to access source date



8.4 million people in the UK have now been vaccinated.


No local figures have been published


The York Hospital Trust is currently treating 201 suspected Covid-19 inpatients Trust-wide. That is a lower figure than earlier in the week.

It has 13 patients in intensive care.

A total of 1,679 Covid-19 patients had been discharged, or are no longer being treated for the disease, 18 more than the previous day.

Coronavirus York updates; 29th January 2021


THREE additional hospital deaths have been announced. One occurred on Tuesday and two on Wednesday.

Test results

SEVENTY TWO additional positive test results announced today. That brings the cumulative total number of cases in the City to 10,991

It seems that the rate of decline in infection levels may now be slowing. This feature was also seen in the middle of November when the post second wave decline in numbers markedly slowed.

Three weeks later it bottomed out at, a seven day average of, 17.4 (57.93 rate /100k population figure).

The infection rate now stands at 256.40 – down from the 269.22 seen yesterday

The rate in York is below the national average and on current trends will go below the regional average early next week. The number of cases in North Yorkshire is falling at a similar rate to York


Five neighbourhoods with a case rate lower than 200.

Dunnington is now falling quickly towards the 100 case benchmark.



According to one York GP practice, they are updating the local vaccination figures on their web site and social media channels. That would be a step in the right direction as communications on the progress being made each day, on vaccinating the four priority groups, is difficult to find.

& from Nimbuscare

Transmission Stats

Council commentary updates

The York Council has updated the following commentary on the pandemic on the open data web site. (NB. Sadly the Council is still referring to MSOA neighbourhoods as “wards”. The boundaries of the MSOAs are very different from ward boundaries).

People with Covid Symptoms

• NHS Pathways/111 triages – as at 25.1.21 there had been 225 total covid triages in the CYC area in the last 7 days. The peak number of triages was 653 in the 7 day period to 20.9.20.

• As at 27.1.21, the Covid Symptom App estimates 545.7 per 100,000 in York with symptomatic covid (responses from a sample of 4,789 people). The peak rate was 1,282.6 on 7.1.21.

Diagnosed cases

• As at 28.1.21 York has had 10,919 cases since the start of the pandemic, a rate of 5,184.3 per 100,000 of population. The cumulative rate in York is below the national (5,817.3 and regional (5,752) averages.

• The PHE ‘Exceedance’ rating compares the no. of new cases over a 14 day period with the previous 6 weeks and provides a RAG rating to indicate if the previously observed trend in the no. of new cases is worsening. The latest rating for York (25.1.21) is Green.

• The provisional rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 20.1.21 to 26.1.21 in York is 208.9 (using data published on on 28.1.21).

• The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 17.1.21 to 23.1.21 was 269.2. The national and regional averages at this date were 373.2 and 242.3 respectively (using data published on on 28.1.21).

• York is currently ranked 35th out of 149 Upper Tier Local Authorities (UTLAs) with a rank of 1 indicating the lowest 7 day rate.

• For the 7 day period 22.1.21, 9 wards in York (Acomb, Westfield, Rawcliffe & Clifton Without, Strensall, Haxby & Wiggington, Clifton, Osbaldwick & Derwent, Heworth and Guildhall) have seen a statistically significant fall in rates compared with the 7 day period 9.1.21 to 15.1.21. For the remaining wards there has been no statistically significant change in rates. No wards have seen a significant increase in rates.

• The rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 17.1.21 to 23.1.21 for people aged 60+ in York was 232. The national and regional averages were 294.5 and 190.4 respectively.

• As at 25.1.21, the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 PCR tests only) was 9.61%. The national and regional averages are 11.9% and 9.1% respectively.

• As at 25.1.21 the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 Lateral Flow Tests only) was 0.54%. The national and regional averages are 0.7% and 0.4% respectively.

• As at 25.1.21, the latest 14 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 1 and 2 PCR tests combined) was 11.3%. The national and regional averages were 13.2% and 9.8% respectively. The breakdown for York over the last 14 days is a 9.5% positivity rate for Pillar 1 tests and a 11.8% positivity rate for Pillar 2 PCR tests. Source PHE

• As at 28.1.21 York University reported 29 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 331 on the 19.10.20.

• As at 25.1.21 York St. John reported 4 individuals within the University community who were currently self-isolating because they have had a positive COVID-19 test. The peak number was 82 on the 8.10.20.

Contact Tracing

• Since 28.5.20 a total of 9,953 laboratory confirmed CYC Covid cases have been uploaded into the NHS Test and Trace system and 8,940 of the cases have been completed (89.8%). 23,683 ‘contacts’ have been identified and 17,540 of these have been completed (74.1%). Source: PHE Report.

• Local Tracing of Cases: Between 22.10.20 and 22.1.21, 804 ‘actionable’ positive COVID-19 CYC cases have been referred to the local contact tracing service. 775 of the referrals (96.4%) have been actioned and 29 are still ‘in progress. Of the referrals actioned, 519 (67%) were successful and 256 (33%) were unable to be reached via phone or home visit, but guidance leaflets were posted where possible.

Cases in Residential Settings / Schools

• As at 27.1.21 there were 13 care homes in the CYC area with confirmed Covid-19 infection (at least 1 case of either a staff member or resident).

• The latest ‘outbreak’ (2+ cases) in a residential care setting in York was reported by PHE on 28.1.21 (1 home).

• In the 7 days up to 24.1.21 there were 30 children of primary and secondary school age who tested positive (across 19 different schools). NB Currently the majority of York children are not in the school setting.

COVID Bed Occupancy in York Hospital

• As at 26.1.21 there were 156 confirmed Covid-19 patients in General and Acute beds. The previous figure on 25.1.21 was 148

• As at 26.1.21 there were 7 confirmed Covid-19 patients and 0 suspected Covid-19 patient in the Intensive Treatment Unit. The previous figures on 25.1.21 were 8 and 0 respectively.

• As at 26.1.21 there had been 0 patients admitted with suspected Covid-19 and 4 with confirmed Covid-19 in the previous 24 hours.

• As at 26.1.21 there had been 10 confirmed patients discharged with COVID-19 in last 24 hours

Covid Patients (CYC Residents) discharged from York Hospital

• Between 18.1.21 and 24.1.21, 56 CYC residents were discharged from York hospital after needing NHS care for symptoms linked to covid-19 infection.

R Number

• The ‘R’ value (the number of people that one infected person will pass on a virus to, on average) for the North East and Yorkshire area on 22.1.21 was estimated to be in the range 0.8 to 1.1. The previous estimate was (1.1 to 1.3) on 15.1.21.


• As at 26.1.21 26,294 CYC residents have received the first dose and 1,017 had received both doses. 10,281 people over 80 have received the first dose. This represents 90.7% of the estimated number of people aged over 80 in York (11,334 people). 708 people aged 65+ who live in care homes have received the first dose.

• In England between 8.12.20 and 27.1.20, 6,918,853 vaccinations had been administered (6,473,752 first dose and 445,101 second dose).


The two sources about deaths from Covid-19 at LA level are ONS data and local registrar data. They are derived from the same source (civil registration data). ONS data is more comprehensive as it includes deaths of York residents which have occurred and been registered outside York. Local registrar data is useful as it enables a breakdown by age and gender. The most recently available data is summarised below:

• ONS weekly data: In the most recent week (9.1.20 to 15.1.20) 25 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (18 in hospital, 1 at home and 6 in a care home).

• ONS Cumulative data: Since the start of the pandemic, for deaths occurring up to 15th January 2020 and registered up to 23rd January 2021, 263 Covid-19 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (146 in hospital, 97 in care homes, 14 at home and 6 in a hospice). The number of deaths per 100,000 of population in York is 124.9 which is lower than the national average of 157.6.

• Local Registrar data (Cumulative): Since the start of the pandemic (using data for deaths occurring up to 20.1.21), a cumulative total of 273 deaths of CYC residents where COVID-19 was mentioned (confirmed or suspected) on the death certificate, have been registered. The average age of the people who died was 82.6, with an age range of 44-104. The age profile of those dying in York is older than the national average. 133 of the 273 were male (48.7%), less than the national average (54.9%). 95 people (34.8%) died in nursing /care homes; (the national average is 24%). In addition 22 people (8.06%) who normally resided in nursing/care homes in the CYC area, died in hospital.

Coronavirus York updates; 28th January 2021


An additional seven deaths have been announced by the York Hospital Trust today. Three occurred yesterday and four on Tuesday.

It means that 68 people have lost their lives to COVID-19 at the York and Scarborough hospitals over the last two weeks.

Test results

SIXTY THREE (63) additional positive test results were announced today. Brings the cumulative case total in the City to 10,918

The case rate /100k population has reduced to 269.22

Infection rates are continuing to fall at all levels across the country.


Only three neighbourhoods now have very high infection rates (Haxby, New Earswick and Westfield).

Woodthorpe/Acomb Park has dropped below the 400 case rate benchmark for the first time since 22nd December 2020.

Four areas are now below the 200 case rate benchmark (Dunnington, the City centre, Huntington and Poppleton/Rufforth/Askhams).

It is likely that one of those neighbourhoods will become the first to fall below 100, and be marked as “green” (below average), since 28th December when Heslington recorded a 93.8 case rate.

Huntington has fallen from having 45 cases to just 10 during the last eleven days


Nationally 282,812 people received a first dose of vaccine yesterday. That brought the cumulative total to 7,447,199.

2,142 people received the second dose bringing the cumulative total to 476,298

Vaccination numbers have been lower this week


According to government figures, there were 215 COVID-19 patients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust on Tuesday 26th January

The were 11 patients in intensive care

Fixed Penalty Notices for COVID offences

The Police have issued 19 fixed penalty notices in York over the last week to people who have been found breaking COVID restrictions.

Most were for unlawful indoor gatherings.

The breakdown across the county is;

North Yorkshire Police say that they have issued a further 87 FPNs for breaches of the Coronavirus regulations since the 19 January 2021.

This takes the total number of FPNs issued since the third national lockdown began on 6 January 2021 to 328 . NYP have issued 2216 COVID notices  in total since March 2020.

Virus in the community

Coronavirus York updates; 27th January 2021


Four more deaths announced by York Hospital Trust. Three occurred on Monday and one yesterday

Test results

SEVENTY SEVEN additional positive test results were announced today. This is higher than has been seen in recent days, but is in line with the post weekend correction that we see during most weeks.

It is possible though that the rate of reduction in case numbers may now slow and may more closely follow the pattern seen as wave two declined in November (see graph below).

The trend downward in case numbers should be sustained at least while lockdown restrictions are in place.

The government have indicated today that they do not expect to see schools reopening to all pupils before March.

The rate /100k population figure is now 286.31. This is the lowest figure seen in the City since 26th December 2020.

Cases figures in York

Infection rates in York have been falling more quickly than in other parts of the country. There is an expectation that the rate will fall below the regional average before next week.

It is already below the national average.


Three neighbourhoods are now below the 200 case threshold.

Infection rate trend is now generally downwards in every neighbourhood


York Hospital Trust has reached a new peak in Covid patients .

242 Covid inpatients were being treated by the hospital trust on Tuesday.

That’s 111 more patients than the peak of 131 seen in May 2020

The Trust also said it had 10 patients in intensive care, compared with 11 on Monday.

It had discharged a total of 1,604 Covid patients to their usual place of residence, or who were no longer being treated as Covid-19, up from 1,589 a day earlier.


Nationally yesterday 311,060 received their first dose of vaccine. Brings cumulative total to 7,164,387.

1710 received their second dose bringing the second dose total to 47,415

Latest published vaccination figures for the Askham Bar sites

  • Saturday – 2258
  • Sunday – 1620
  • Monday – 1300+

Yesterday the York Hospital Trust delivered its 14,000th vaccine – the trust is vaccinating frontline healthcare staff and social care workers across York and Scarborough

There have been 107,752 vaccinations in North Yorkshire and York since the programme started in December. Including hospital doses, that is a grand total of 126,163 #coronavirus vaccine doses given.

Vaccination appointment process

We appreciate there are some people who are struggling to arrange transport to the Vaccination Centre for their appointment. The following may be of help:

  • York Wheels offer transport for a small charge – 01904 630080
  • The Home from Hospital service based at York Hospital offer transport to vaccination appointments and volunteers can also help with online booking – call 01904 726191 open 7 days a week 8am til 7pm
  • The Ambulance Wish Foundaiton in York is offering free transport for anyone in a wheelchair to the site in their wheelchair friendly vehicles – (01904) 530053

Contact tracing

Image may contain: 1 person, hat, text that says "NHS You have the potential to save a life Register to donate blood plasma today Be the difference"
click to access details

Coronavirus York updates; 26th January 2021


SEVEN additional deaths’ announced by the York Hospital Trust. Two occurred on Sunday and five yesterday. The cumulative death toll, at the York and Scarborough hospitals, recorded since 1st September, has now reached 255.

The latest ONS figures, indicating the number of COVID fatalities among York residents, have been published. They cover the week ending 15th January 2021.

They paint a grim picture with 18 residents losing their lives in hospital and a further 6 in care homes. One fatality occurred at home bringing the weekly total to 25.

That is the second highest weekly toll since the start of the pandemic. (29 lost their lives during the week commencing 1st May 2020).

The figures differ from those published by the York Hospital Trust which covers a larger area than the City.

Test results

FORTY ONE additional positive test results announced today. That is the lowest single day figure recorded since December. Brings the cumulative total number of cases to 10,779

The rate /100k population has now fallen to 305.78. The trend suggests that case numbers could be below 200 by the weekend.

The 7 day rolling average number of cases is now below 100. At 92.0 it is the lowest figure seen since 27th December 2020.

While case numbers in York and North Yorkshire continue to reduce steadily, progress is slower across England as a whole. The Yorkshire regional figures seem to have stabilised


Testing numbers

There has been some speculation that the recent fall in positive test results can partly be explained by lower testing numbers. Essentially commentators suggested that poor weather had deterred many from getting a test.

That doesn’t appear to be the case in York where overall test numbers remain stable.

They are significantly higher than was seen at the peak of the second wave. That occurred on 16th October when a positivity rate of 15.8% was recorded (6180 PCR tests were undertaken during that week)

The third wave high occurred on 3rd January 2021 when 6843 PCR tests produced a 18.2 % positivity rate

The latest figures (20th January) saw 6399 PCR tests completed with a positivity rate of 12.2%.

In addition, an average of 934 “lateral flow” tests are being completed EACH DAY in the City.

The Council is asking residents to book a test if they are “symptom free”

The main defect with the system in York at present, is a lack of feedback on the numbers of positive results that have been recorded at the individual testing sites.

Such information might support – or otherwise – the claim being made at a national level that many of those being given positive test results, subsequently fail to follow isolation procedures.


There are currently 223 confirmed and suspected Covid-19 inpatients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust. That compares with 222 last Friday.

It also had 11 patients in intensive care, compared with 13 on Friday.

More than 50 Covid patients were discharged from York and Scarborough hospitals over the weekend

York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said yesterday it had discharged a total of 1,589 Covid-19 patients to their usual place of residence or who were no longer being treated as having the illness, compared with 1,536 last Friday.


278,757 first doses, together with 1968 second doses, were administered yesterday. In total across the UK, 6,853,327 people have now had their first dose and 472,446 their second dose.

Coronavirus York updates; 25th January 2021


FIVE additional deaths announced by the York Hospital Trust. Three occurred on Saturday and two yesterday. The cumulative number of fatalities at the York and Scarborough hospitals since 1st September is now 248.

Test results

SIXTY SIX additional positive test results were announced today, bringing the cumulative total to 10,738.

The rate /100k population has now fallen to 331.42.

If the current trend continues then the rate should fall below 250 before the end of the week.

The 7 day rolling case rate (99.7) has fallen below 100 for the first time since 28th December 2020.

Infection rates in York continue to reduce more quickly than is being seen at regional or national level


The number of cases has reduced by 49 compared to yesterdays report.

Westfield now has the highest number of cases. Although it has show a reduction on each of the last 13 consecutive days the trend down has been slower than elsewhere in the City.

Similarly after a sustained reduction in Woodthorpe, case numbers there have now stabilised at around 45.

Only seven of the City’s 22 neighbourhoods now have an infection rate of over 400.


Nationally only 222,249 doses were administered yesterday. That is the lowest figure for several days.

The cumulative total number of doses administered is now 6,573,570 (first) plus 470,478 (second)

York Covid Vaccination update statement 24/1/2021

The new National Vaccination Centre (NVC) opened on the Askham Bar site on Monday 18th January. This is an additional vaccinating facility to add to the original PCN vaccinating facility and now doubles the sites vaccinating capacity.

Both facilities were operating this weekend, and a record 4,000+ people were given their first Covid vaccination over the two day period!

Both facilities are operated by Nimbuscare, which is a collaboration of all the GP practices in York.

Along with those vaccinated at York Hospital, the number of people given first doses of a Covid vaccination in York now stands at over 35,000.

This is a fantastic effort by all those involved – GP practice staff, community pharmacy teams, Army medics, local dentists, Nimbuscare, Eboracum Security and many local volunteers.

Citywide Health – York’s Independent Pharmacy Group provides full pharmacy support at Askham Bar. This includes vaccine dilution training, competency sign off and monitoring. Our pharmacists are also responsible for vaccine receipt, storage, site distribution and record keeping, and have been vaccinating many patients.

Almost all over 80s in York have now been given their first vaccination, whilst practice nursing teams are close to completing all the city’s nursing homes, and are making good progress with those that are housebound.

Priority groups 3 (75-79yo) & 4 (70-74yo) are currently being invited to Askham Bar, and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding) will receive their invitation very shortly – please wait for your invitation and do not call your GP surgery as they are currently extremely busy.

Latest regional progress figures


No new data has been published.

The last NHS stats published (19/1/21) indicated that 205 beds at t HE York Trust Hospitals were occupied by COVID patients.

Coronavirus York updates; 24th January 2021


Two additional deaths announced by the York Hospital Trust. One occurred on Friday and one yesterday

Test results

FIFTY THREE positive test results announced today. That is the lowest single day figure since before Christmas. Weekend figures tend to be lower so there may be a correction later in the week.

The cumulative total is now 10,672

Rate /100k population has fallen to 354,69. The current trend would see the rate fall below 300 on Tuesday.

Infection rates in York and North Yorkshire continue to fall more sharply than either the regional or national trends.


Infection rates are continuing to fall in all areas (with the sole exception of New Earswick)


6,353,321 people in the UK have now received their first dose of a vaccine. 491,970 were inoculated yesterday (a daily high)

Good to see the Priory Medical Group using social media to keep their patients’ up to date.

and Nimbuscare

Coronavirus York updates; 23rd January 2021


Two additional deaths were announced by the York Hospital Trust today. One occurred on Thursday and the other yesterday. The cumulative total since the 1st September now stands at 241 fatalities.

Test Results

SEVENTY SEVEN (77) new positive test results were announced today bringing the cumulative total to 10,619

The rate /100k population is down below 400 to 375.58. This is the lowest rate recorded in the City since 28th December.

Following the current trend, the rate will reduce below 300 early next week.

The York rate continues to be below the national rate. The infection rate is also now reducing quicker than is being seen elsewhere in the region


Mostly good news as the number of cases in the City falls from 860 to 791.

The are now no neighbourhoods above the 800 case rate benchmark.

Two areas (South Bank/Dringhouses and the City Centre) are now below the 200 case rate benchmark.


There are currently 222 COVID patients being cared for by the York Hospital Trust. !3 patients are in intensive care.

The Trust has discharged 1536 COVID patients since the start of the pandemic.


Nationally 5,861, 351 first doses have been administered. 468,617 second doses have also been administered.

478,248 first doses were administered yesterday – the highest daily total so far.

No local vaccination figures have been published today. (see next story)

Plea for more information on local vaccination progress

According to senior sources within the York Council, the Authority is once again fuming over the lack of information being provided by central government on the response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Askham Bar vaccination site

A few months ago, the Council was highly critical when central government initially refused to share information about the progress being made with “test and trace” processes. It subsequently became clear that the process being used was ineffective with many contacts not being traced through the centralised system.

 Eventually the government relented and gave local Councils access to the data. This brought about an immediate improvement in contact successes, with locally based staff hand delivering notifications where telephone contact proved to be impossible.

Now a similar dispute has arisen over the availability of vaccination data.

Originally the government had promised that progress at a local level would be reported each day on its web site Vaccinations | Coronavirus in the UK (

But two weeks into the major part of the roll out of the jabs programme,  only national figures are being published. Even the promised regional performance figures have been removed from the site although these can be found via an NHS web page. Statistics » COVID-19 Vaccinations (

No information is routinely being published at either local health trust or local authority level.

Some information was published by the Council yesterday giving the total number of jabs delivered by 18th January. “17,341 CYC residents had received the first dose”.  There was no indication of the source of the 4 day old claimed figure

We understand that the York Council’s position is

…fully agree that more data being shared both regionally and locally on vaccine progress would be useful. This continues to be a significant frustration for local councils and public health teams across the country. Despite commitments made by Ministers last week to grant access to localised vaccination data for local public health team use, the data to which York’s team has access to is very limited. This is making it harder for the public health team to assist logistically with the rollout and give residents a clearer understanding of the situation locally”.

The senior source goes on to say,

“We have made such representations with colleagues in the Department for Health, NHS and the CCG. Earlier today I once again wrote to the Health Secretary outlining the urgency of providing access to granular vaccination data; broken down by region, local authority, age and priority group. I am waiting to hear back on if and when further data might be able to be shared.

I, along with colleagues and partners, will keep making the case for accessibility of both vaccination distribution as well as supply data to aid in the NHS programme and ensure we are on track to protect our residents and return back to normal when it is safe to do so”.

The Council Leader is quoted in The Press as saying,

It would be helpful if the Government gave more vaccination data; broken down by region, local authority, age and priority group”.

We are fully behind the Council in its quest from more openness.

We hope that local MPs add their voices to the calls.