Work on the Wetherby Road roundabout is almost completed with no further road closures expected.
It has been revealed that the costs of managing the night time closure of the junction were over £39,000.
The Council recently also awarded a contract for the supply of clay for the project. The contract for the clay was valued at £50,000 (!)
Provision of a street lighting “passively safety scheme” at the junction cost £220,000.
These sums can be compared to the potential cost of a few thousand pounds to lop trees on Wetherby Road which are currently obstructing vehicle and pedestrian movements. The Council says that it does not have the budget to compete necessary tree work or reinstate the speed warning sign which has been missing for over 12 months.
Some landscaping work is expected to take place in 2019 at the Wetherby Road/A1237 junction before contractors move on to upgrade the next roundabout.